• biodiversity /ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti/ (n): đa dạng sinh học 

• conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ (n): sự bảo tồn 

  conservation status /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn ˈsteɪtəs/: tình trạng bảo tồn 

• endangered species /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/: chủng loài có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng 

• evolution /ˌiːvəˈluːʃn/ (n): sự tiến hóa 

• extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ (a): tuyệt chủng 

  extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/ (n): sự tuyệt chủng 

• habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/ (n): môi trường sống 

• poach /pəʊtʃ/ (v): săn trộm 

• rhino / rhinoceros /raɪˈnɒsərəs/ (n): hà mã 

• sea turtle /siː ˈtɜːtl/ (n): con rùa biển 

• survive /səˈvaɪv/ (v): sống sót 

  survival /səˈvaɪvl/ (n): sự sống sót 

• trade /treɪd/ (n): mua bán 

• vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ (a): dễ bị tổn thương, dễ gặp nguy hiểm 




1. Form (Cấu trúc)

Affirmative (Khẳng định)

Negative (Phủ định)

Interrogative (Nghi vấn)

S + will + have + PP ...

S + will + not + have + PP...

Will + S + have + PP...?

He will have finished his homework before his mother comes home.

He won't have finished his homework before his mother comes home.

Will he have finished his homework before his mother comes home?

2. Use (Cách dùng)

- Thì tương lai hoàn thành dùng để diễn tả 1 hành động sẽ được hoàn tất trước 1 thời điểm nào đó trong tương lai (be finished by a certain time in the future)


We will have finished this house by the end of this year.

(Chúng tôi sẽ hoàn thành ngôi nhà này trước khi hết năm nay.)

Do you think you will have finished the report by next Monday?

I will have done the housework before you come here.

Lưu ý:

- By = not later than a particular time

- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc thì hiện tại đơn được sử dụng để diễn tả sự hoàn tất của hành động sau một số liên từ thời gian như: as soon as (ngay khi), after, before, when; không dùng thì tương lai hoàn thành trong trường hợp này.

E.g: When I finish/ have finished my homework, I will play soccer with you.



Bài 1: Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.

1. When you arrive I _______ the job. (start)

2. They _______ dinner by the time we get there, (have)

3. A few centuries from now wars, I hope, _______ a thing of the past, (become)

4. "Different" species _______ by 2050, scientists claim, (evolve)

5. You _______ a lot of your work by the end of this month, (do)

6. By November all the leaves _______. (fall)

7. If he doesn't hurry, they _______ before he comes, (leave)

8. I am sure that tomorrow you _______ all these rules, (forget)

9. Be quick! The child _______ before you rescue it. (drown)

10. She _______ old before she learns the use of prepositions, (grow)

11.  The airman _______ more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month, (fly)

12. If you ring me up after nine o'clock, I _______ to the doctor, (speak)

13. We _______ twenty miles more before we cross the frontier, (travel)

14. Next year we _______ together for ten years, (be)

15. lam sure they _______ the new road before April, (complete)


Bài 2: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1. Don't worry. By the time you arrive I _______ up the whole house, (will tidy/ will have tidied)

2. By this time next year I hope that I _______ a good job. (will find/ will have found)

3. Do you you know that Sarah _______ on holiday next month? (will have gone/ will go)

4. The atmosphere in the city is amazing. I think I _______ for Christmas, (will have stayed/ will stay)

5. You want to spend ten years in Europe. By that time you _______ every major city then. (will have visited/will visit)

6. There _______ some changes when the new management takes over, (will be/ will have been)

7. By the time the new policy comes into effect I'm sure there _______ some changes made, (will have been/ will be)

8. I think that before I graduate I _______ a few exams, (will have taken/will take)



     So sánh kép diễn tả mối tương quan nguyên nhân - hệ quả: nửa đầu thể hiện nguyên nhân, nửa sau thể hiện kết quả.

1. Tính từ/ Trạng từ

Form: The + comparative adj/ adv + S + V, the + comparative adj/ adv + S + V


The harder you are, the better your results are. (Bạn càng chăm chỉ thì kết quả càng tốt)

The more she eats, the fatter she becomes. (Cô ta ăn càng nhiều thì càng béo.)

2. Danh từ

Form: The more/ less + (N) + S + V, the more/ less + (N) S + V


The more you give, the more you will receive. (Bạn càng cho đi thì bạn sẽ càng nhận được nhiều.)

The more money she makes, the less free time she has.

(Cô ấy càng kiếm được nhiều tiền thì càng có ít thời gian rảnh.)

Note: Không dùng thì tiếp diễn trong so sánh kép.



Bài 3: Complete the sentences with the words from the box.








1. The _______ you worry about it, the less you'll sleep.

2. The _______ you work, the more mistakes you'll make.

3. The _______ we start, the sooner we'll finish.

4. The _______ you work, the more chance you have of promotion.

5. The _______ it is, the harder it is to get out of bed in the morning.

6. The _______ you stay, the harder it will be to leave.


Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. _______, the more serious the problems become.

A. The less it is rain                    B. The more raining it is             C. The more it rains

2. The older he gets, _______ friends he has.

A. the less                                    B. the more                                  C. the fewer

3. The more you pay, _______ the quality is.

A. the better                                B. the more good                        C. the better

4.  _______ mistakes you make, the better your mark is.

A. The more                                B. The fewer                               C. The less

5. The more I work, _______ time I spend with my family.

A. the fewer                                B. the less                                    C. the more

6. _______ (Have you been reading /Have you read) any of Alan Bennett's work?

A. the worse                                B. the more                                  C. the fewer

7.  _______ candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.

A. The less                                  B. The fewer                               C. The more

8.  _______ you drive, the more petrol the car uses.

A. The less                                  B. The faster                               C. The more fast

9.  _______ she got, the nicer her children became to her.

A. The more old                          B. The more older                       C. The older

10.  _______ I waited, the more furious I got.

A. The longer                              B. The fewer                               C. The better


Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words below.

















1. The _______ you study for these exams, the _______ you will do.

2. My neighbour is driving me mad! It seems that the _______ it is at night, the _______ she plays her music!

3. He spent a year in Hue City and loves spicy food. The _______ the food is, the _______ he likes it.

5. Of course you can come to the party. The _______ the _______.

6. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The _______ she knows about it, the _______.

7. He has four large dogs to protect his house. The _______ the dog, the _______ he feels.

8. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. The _______ he becomes, the _______ he is.

9. You must drive slower in built up areas. The _______ you drive in the city, the _______ it is that you will have an accident.


Bài 6: Rewrite the sentences using double comparatives.

1. The food I like best is spicy food.

 _______ the food is, _______ Hike it.

2. I like the lessons more if there are few students.

 _______ students there are, _______ I like the lessons.

3. If I read a lot, I learn a lot.

 _______ I read, _______.

4. If I speak well, I’ll have more opportunities.

 _______ I speak, _______ opportunities I'll have.

5. If I walk for a long time, I can get further.

 _______ I walk, _______ I can get.

6. Older people become wiser.

 _______ people are, _______.

7. If you save more money, you can buy a new car soon.

 _______ you save, _______ you can buy a car.

8. If you give a lot you will receive more.

 _______, _______ you will receive.

9. If I work a lot, I have little time.

 _______ I work, _______ I have.

10. If there's a lot of unemployment, the situation gets worse.

 _______ there is, _______ gets.


Bài 7: Use double comparatives to complete the following sentences.

1. It is hot. I feel miserable.

The _____________________

2. He is old. He is bad-temper.

The _____________________

3. She worked hard, so she felt very bad.

The _____________________

4. As this road gets busier, it becomes more and more dangerous.

The _____________________

5. When you get near to the Equator, the temperature becomes high.

The _____________________

6. If you make much money, you spend much.

The _____________________     

7. If you work hard, you will get good results.

The _____________________     

8. You learn with him much. You will know him well.

The _____________________     

9. They use much wood pulp, so they cut many trees.

The _____________________

10. She eats a lot, so she becomes fat.

The _____________________     



Bài 8: Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences.

1. Efforts are (A) done in the hope (B) of preserving all (C) species and maintaining (D) the ecological balance.

2. Sea (A) turtles have lived in the (B) world's oceans (C) for more than 100 (D) millions years.

3. Many animal (A) species are becoming (B) endangered or even (C) extinction due to (D) habitat destruction.

4. Many nations (A) protect endangered species (B) by forbidding hunting, (C) to restrict land development (D) and creating preserves.

5. Over forty (A) percents of the(B) world's species are (C) estimated to be at (D) risk of extinction.


Bài 9: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect or future continuous).

1. _______ (you / retire) by the time you're 60?

2. This time next year, I_______ (study) Maths at university.

3. Hurry up! The film_______ (start) soon.

4. There won't be anyone in the office. Everyone_______ (go) home.

5. Susan_______ (not work) at 8 o'clock next week. She'll be on holiday!

6. I'm only halfway through my homework. I_______ (not finish) it before the teacher arrives.

7. Do you think that Mike_______ (fix) the car by tomorrow?

8. Don't phone me before 8 o'clock, we_______ (have) dinner.


Bài 10: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect or future simple).


Nam: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the office?

Hoa: Don't worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) _______ up the living room and (finish) _______ washing the dishes. Everything will be OK when your parents arrive.

Nam: I hope so. They (arrive) _______ around 6 o'clock.


Huy: I just have two courses before I graduate from university. By this time next year, I (graduate) _______, and I will already be looking for a job.

Hung: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?

Huy: Not really. I am going to a career counselor and get some advice on how to find a good job.

Hung: That's a good idea.

Huy: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete, not only) _______ business courses, but I (work, also) _______ in the real world.


Mai: How long have you been in Ha Long Bay?

Lan: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.

Mai: How long do you plan on staying?

Lan: I love Ha Long Bay, so I am going to stay here for an extended period of time. When Igo back home, I (be) _______ here for more than one month.

Mai: Wow, that's quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) _______ just about everything there is to see in Ha Long by then.


Susan: I can't believe how late we are! By the time we get here to have dinner, everyone (finish, already) _______ eating.

Tim: It's your own fault. You took way too long in the bathroom.

Susan: I couldn't get my hair to look right.

Tim: Who cares? By the time we get there, everyone (left) _______. Nobody (see, even) _______ your hair.


Bài 11: Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1. Bill's tablet is very similar to his son's tablet.

Bill's tablet is nearly the same _______ his son's tablet.

2. A smartphone is Sarah's favourite possession.

Sarah likes her smartphone more _______ any of her other possessions.

3. Gmail accounts are generally better than other email services.

Other email services are generally not as _______ gmail accounts.

4. The Italian restaurant is cheaper than the Greek restaurant.

I The Italian restaurant costs _______ than the Greek restaurant.

5. He prefers playing soccer to playing rugby.

He likes playing soccer _______ playing rugby.

6. No other cathedral is as old as Chartre in France.

Chartre is _______ any other cathedral in France.

7. I like working with other people more than on my own.

I _______ working with other people to working on my own.

8. She found English easier to learn than she had expected.

It wasn't _______ to learn English as she had expected.

9. Skiing is not as interesting as skateboarding.

Skiing is _______ interesting than skateboarding.

10. Table tennis is Nick's favourite sport.

Nick likes table tennis _______ any other sport.


Bài 1: Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.

1. will have started

6. will have fallen

11. will have flown

2. will have had

7. will have left

12. will have spoken

3. will have become

8. will have forgotten

13. will have travelled

4. will have evolved

9. will have drowned

14. will have been

5. will have done

10. will have grown

15. will have completed


Bài 2: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1. will have tidied

5. will have visited

2. will have found

6. will be

3. will go

7. will have been

4. will stay

8. will have taken


Bài 3: Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. more

6. harder

2. faster

7. colder

3. sooner

8. longer


Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. C. The more it rains

6. B. the more

2. C. the fewer

7. C. The more

3. A. the better

8. B. The faster

4. B. The fewer

9. C. The older

5. B. the less

10. A. The longer


Bài 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words below.

1. harder-better

3. later- louder

4. hotter- more

5. more -merrier

6. less- better

7. bigger- safer

8. richer- happier

9. faster- more probable

Bài 6: Rewrite the sentences using double comparatives.

1. The spicier... the more

2. The fewer... the more

3. The more... the more I learn

4. The better... the more

5. The longer... the further

6. The older... the wiser they become

7. The more money... the sooner

8. The more you give... the more

9. The more... the less time

10. The more unemployment... the worse the situation


Bài 7: Use double comparatives to complete the following sentences.

1. The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

2. The older he got, the more bad-temper he became.

3. The harder she worked, the worse she felt.

4. The busier this road gets, the more dangerous it becomes.

5. The nearer you get to the equator, the higher the temperature becomes.

6. The more money you make, the more you spend.

7. The harder you work, the better results you will get.

8. The more I learn with him, the better you will know him.

9. The more wood pulp they use, the more trees they cut.

10. The more she eats, the fatter she becomes.


Bài 8: Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences.

1. A (done  made)

     - make efforts: nỗ lực

2. D (millions  million)

3. C (extinction  extinct)

4. C (to restrict  restricting)

5. A (percents  percent)


Bài 9: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect or future continuous).

1. Will you have retired

5. won't be working

2. will be studying

6. won't have finished

3. will be starting

7. will have fixed

4. will have gone

8. will be having


Bài 10: Put the verbs into the correct form (future perfect or future simple).

1. will have picked - will have finished - will arrive

2. will have graduated- will not only have completed- will also have worked

3. will have been- will definitely have seen

4. will have already finished - will have left - will even see


Bài 11: Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1. as

6. older than

2. than

7. prefer

3. good as

8. as difficult

4. less

9. less

5. more than

10. more than

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