• activate /ˈæktɪveɪt/ (v): kích hoạt
• algorithm /ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (n): thuật toán
• artificial intelligence /ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪɡəns/ (n.phr): trí tuệ nhân tạo
• automated /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ (a): tự động
• call for /kɔːl fɔː(r)/ (v): kêu gọi
• cyber-attack /ˈsaɪbərətæk/ (n): tấn công mạng
• exterminate /ɪkˈstɜːmɪneɪt/ (v): tiêu diệt
• faraway /ˈfɑːrəweɪ/ (a): xa xôi
• hacker /ˈhækə(r)/ (n): tin tặc
• implant /ɪmˈplɑːnt/ (v): cấy ghép
• incredible /ɪnˈkredəbl/ (a): đáng kinh ngạc
• intervention /ˌɪntəˈvenʃn/ (n): sự can thiệp
• malfunction /ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn/ (n): sự trục trặc
• navigation /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn/ (n): sự đi lại trên biển hoặc trên không
• overpopulation /ˌəʊvəˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ (n): sự quá tải dân số
• resurrect /ˌrezəˈrekt/ (v): làm sống lại, phục hồi
• unbelievable /ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl/ (a): khó tin



     Thể sai khiến được dùng khi chủ ngữ muốn sắp xếp người khác làm điều gì đó thay cho họ nghĩa là chủ ngữ yêu cầu, sai bảo, nhờ vả hay trả tiền cho người khác làm việc đó.

1. The active causatives (Thể sai khiến chủ động)

Chúng ta dùng thể sai khiến chủ động khi muốn đề cập đến người thực hiện hành động

Form: S + have + somebody + bare-infinitive .../ S + get + somebody + to -infinitive ...


- I have my brother repair my bike. (Tôi nhờ anh trai sửa xe đạp cho mình.)

- I get the kids to carry the boxes. (Tôi nhờ bọn trẻ mang mấy cái hộp.)

2. The passive causatives (Thể sai khiến bị động)

Chúng ta dùng thể sai khiến bị động khi không muốn hoặc không cần đề cập đến người thực hiện hành động.

Form: S + have + something + past participle ... /S + get + something + past participle...

E.g: He had/ got his hair cut.

Ngoài ra, cấu trúc "have something done" còn được dùng để nói về điều gì đó xấu hay không tốt đẹp đã xảy ra cho người nào đó.

E.g: I had my bag stolen on the bus last week. ~ My bag was stolen on the bus last week.

3.  Một số cấu trúc câu sai khiến khác

a. make/ force

Form: S + make + O (person) + bare -infinitive.../S + force + O (person) + to infinitive...

E.g: My mother makes me go to bed early. (Mẹ tôi bắt tôi đi ngủ sớm.)

b. let/ permit/ allow

Form: S + let + O (person) + bare-infinitive.../ S + permit/allow + O (person) + to infinitive...

E.g: She lets her children play soccer here. (Cô ấy để cho/cho phép các con đá bóng ở đây.)

c. help

Lưu ý: Nếu tân ngữ sau help là một đại từ chung chung thì ta có thể bỏ cả tân ngữ lẫn to mà chỉ dùng mỗi V (bare)

E.g: This policy will help (people to) get access to healthcare more easily.



Bài 1: Use the verbs in brackets with the correct form of "have" to make a causative sentence.

1. Your foot is very swollen. You should _______. (x-ray)

2. The roof of the house is leaking. We need to _______. (mend)

3. I need this article. I am going to _______. (copy)

4. Daisy did not like the colour of her hair so she decided _______. (dye)

5. It is a small house. We are going to _______. (enlarge)


Bài 2: Change the sentences into the structure "have + something + past participle" or "get + something + past participle".

1. I washed my car. (have)


2. I cut my hair, (get)


3. I typed the documents, (have)


4. I fixed my washing machine, (get)


5. I cut my grass, (have)


6. I painted my bedroom, (get)


7. I repaired my fridge, (have)


8. I tidied my garden, (get)


9. I edited the article, (have)


10. I cleaned the carpets, (get)



Bài 3: Choose the best answer.

1. The teacher made me _______ the whole passaae.

A. repeat                       B. repeated                   C. to repeat                   D. repeating

2. We're _______ our car repaired.                                                         

A. having                      B. has                            C. have                          D. had

3. Let me just _______ this and then I'll come.

A. to finish                    B. finishing                   C. finish                        D. finished

4. Lisa had her bag _______ last night                                                   

A. stealing                     B. to steal                      C. steal                          D. stolen

5. The police won't let him _______ the country.                                  

A. leave                         B. to leave                     C. left                            D. leaving

6. I will _______ her do my homework.                                                 

A. get                            B. to get                        C. have                          D. to have

7. Students are made _______ with the rules of the school.                   

A. complying                B. complied                  C. to comply                 D. comply

8. I'll never get all this work _______.

A. to finish                    B. finished                    C. finish                        D. finishing

9. I must get my hair _______.

A. to cut                        B. cut                            C. cutting                      D. cutted

10. He got his sister _______ him with his homework

A. to help                      B. helped                      C. helping                     D. help

Bài 4: Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. I'm going to have Michael _______ (look) into my laptop to see what is wrong.

2. Her father will not let the girl _______ (marry) with that poor guy.

3. I made my cousin _______ (call) her and apologize.

4. I really must get a plumber _______ (fix) the central heating.

5. They ought to have someone _______ (replace) the broken windows.

6. The instructor made her students _______ (write) an essay about their hometown.

7. The boss had his secretary _______ (call) Ms. Mai.

8. He may have the car _______ (sell).

9. I had already got my hair _______ (cut).

10. I'll get Tim _______ (do) it when he comes home.

11. The students were made _______ (come) earlier.

12. I got my mother _______ (do) it.



Bài 5: Replace the underlined phrase with the structure "have something done".

1. I didn't recognize Mary. The hairdresser's dyed her hair.

2. My room gets too hot when the sun shines so I'm getting someone to fit blinds on the windows.

3. Lisa broke her leg some weeks ago but she's much better now. In fact, the doctors will be taking the plaster off tomorrow.

4. Since Mark made a lot of money, he's not content with this small house, so an architects designed him a big new house.

5. I heard that Mrs. Brown didn't trust her husband so she hired a detective to follow him.


Bài 6: Complete the sentences using the correct form of "have something done" and the words in brackets.

1. We usually _______ (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.

2. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she _______ (it / make) by a designer in Italy.

3. _______ (you / ever/ anything / steal) from your house?

4. He didn't fix his car himself, he _______ (it / fix) at the garage.

5. Your hair is too long. You need _______ (it / cut).

6. I'm going to do my food shopping online and I _______ (the food / deliver) to my house.

7. If you can't see properly, you should _______ (your eyes / test).

8.  Are they going to paint the kitchen themselves, or _______ (it / paint)?


Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1. Camera footage shows that illegal goods _______ into the warehouse last week.

A. are being smuggled  B. smuggled                  C. are smuggled            D. were smuggled

2. Millions of tons of coal _______ every day to produce energy.

A. are burning               B. are burnt                   C. burnt                         D. will burn

3. According to studies, single women often lack satisfactory life Insurance coverage and 64 percent of American women _______ life insurance at all.

A. aren't carried            B. don't carry                C. weren't carried          D. didn't carry

4. The taste of the coffee _______ by how and where the coffee bean is grown.

A. should have affected                                     B. has to be affected

C. can be affected                                              D. could affect

5. Many teachers agree that one's language skills _______ by listening to others.

A. could have improved                                     B. can improve

C. used to improved                                           D. can be improved

6. The board _______ to consider a range of options by many, including Microsoft raising its offer in an attempt to break the stalemate between the companies.

A. was expected           B. is expecting              C. will expect                D. has expected

7. New methods of dating ancient footprints show that the first Americans _______ there at least 25,000 years earlier than thought.

A. must be settled                                              B. should be settled

C. can settle                                                        D. may have settled

8. The CSU team today _______ an updated forecast that predicts eight hurricanes – four of them with winds exceeding 110 miles.

A. has released              B. may be released       C. had released             D. is released

9. There are many factors behind the sharp increase in the oil price, which _______ most of the time.

A. had been overlooked                                     B. have been overlooked

C. are overlooking                                              D. will overlook

10. The hundreds of millions of people who live on the border of poverty _______ with the threat of starvation now.

A. are faced                  B. had faced                 C. had bee faced           D. faced

11. When I _______ him two weeks ago, he told me that he had returned from the South of France.

A. met                           B. have met                   C. will be met               D. may be met

12. As education, culture and the level of income _______ better, needs also expand and reach new dimensions.

A. got                            B. get                            C. getting                      D. to get

13. When he heard the accusations against him, the man _______ that he himself was the actual victim of the crime.

A. alleged                     B. was alleged              C. has alleged               D. will be alleged

14. As I have put on weight recently, I have to get the tailor _______ my suit before my graduation ceremony.

A. fix                            B. fixed                         C. to fixing                    D. to fix

15. The best thing that you can do to extend the life of your car is to have your car _______ on a routine basis.

A. to service                  B. to be serviced           C. service                      D. serviced


Bài 8: Use "have something done" to rewrite the sentences.

1. He gets people to make all his shoes in Italy.

He __________ in Italy.

2. Harry asked someone to translate the article for him.

Harry __________.

3. Did the dressmaker shorten the skirt for her?

 Did she __________?

4. The doctor is testing my son’s eyes at the moment

My son __________

5. He will ask someone at the garage to repaint his car.

He  __________.

6. You can ask someone to collect your mail.

You __________.

7. We got some people to build our garage last year.

We  __________.

8. Philip isn't here - someone is cutting his hair for him.

Philip isn't here – he __________.

9. I am going to ask them to write a copy of the contract.

I __________

10. How long has this butcher been delivering meat for you?

How long __________ you __________meat delivered?


Bài 1: Use the verbs in brackets with the correct form of "have" to make a causative sentence.

1. You should have it x-rayed.

2. We need to have it mended.

3. I am going to have it copied.

4. ...so she decided to have it dyed.

5. We are going to have it enlarged.


Bài 2: Change the sentences into the structure "have + something + past participle" or "get + something + past participle".

1. I had my car washed.

2. I got my haircut.

3. I had the documents typed.

4. I had my washing machine fixed.

5. I had my grass cut.

6. I got my bedroom painted.

7. I had my fridge repaired.

8. I got my garden tidied.

9. I had the article edited.

10. I got the carpets cleaned.


Bài 3: Choose the best answer.

1. A

6. C

2. A

7. C

3. C

8. B

4. D

9. B

5. A

10. A

Bài 4: Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. look

7. call

2. marry

8. sold

3. call

9. cut

4. to fix

10. to do

5. replace

11. to come

6. write

12. to do


Bài 5: Replace the underlined phrase with the structure "have something done".

1. Mary has had her hair dyed.

2. I'm having blinds fitted on the windows.

3. Lisa will have the plaster taken off tomorrow./ Lisa will be having the plaster taken off tomorrow.

4. Mark had a big new house designed.                    

5. Mrs. Brown had her husband followed.                


Bài 6: Complete the sentences using the correct form of "have something done" and the words in brackets.

1. have the bedrooms redecorated

2. is having it made

3. Have you ever had anything stolen

4. had it fixed

5. to have it cut

6. am going to have the food delivered

7. have your eyes tested

 8. are they going to have it painted


Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1. D

6. A

11. A

2. B

7. D

12. B

3. B

8. A

13. A

4. C

9. B

14. D

5. D

10. A

15. D


Bài 8: Use "have something done" to rewrite the sentences.

1. He has all his shoes made in Italy.

2. Harry had the article translated.

3. Did she have the skirt shortened?

4. My son is having his eyes tested.

5. He will have his car repainted.

6. You can have your mail collected.

7. We had our garage built last year.

8. Philip isn't here - he is having his hair cut.

9. I am going to have a copy of the contract written.

10. How long have you been having meat delivered?

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