• academic /ˌækəˈdemɪk/(a): học thuật, giỏi các môn học thuật
• administrator /ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə(r)/ (n): nhân viên hành chính
• align /əˈlaɪn/ (v): tuân theo, phù hợp
• applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ (n): người nộp đơn xin việc
• apply /əˈplaɪ/ (v): nộp đơn, đệ trình
• apprentice /əˈprentɪs/ (n): thực tập sinh, người học việc
• approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/ (a): dễ gần, dễ tiếp cận
• articulate /ɑːˈtɪkjuleɪt/ (a): hoạt ngôn, nói năng lưu loát
• barista /bəˈriːstə/ (n): nhân viên làm việc trong quán cà phê
• candidate /ˈkændɪdət/ (n): ứng viên đã qua vòng sơ tuyển
• cluttered /ˈklʌtəd/ (a): lộn xộn, trông rối mắt
• compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənət/ (a): thông cảm, cảm thông
• colleague /ˈkɒliːɡ/ (n): đồng nghiệp
• covering letter /ˌkʌvərɪŋ ˈletə(r)/: thư xin việc
• dealership /ˈdiːləʃɪp/ (n): doanh nghiệp, kinh doanh
• demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ (v): thể hiện
• entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ (n): nhà doanh nghiệp, người khởi nghiệp
• potential/pəˈtenʃl/ (a): tiềm năng
• prioritise /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ (v): sắp xếp công việc hợp lý, ưu tiên việc quan trọng trước
• probation /prəˈbeɪʃn/ (n): sự thử việc, thời gian thử việc
• qualification /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ (n): trình độ chuyên môn bằng cấp
• recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ (v): tuyển dụng
• relevant /ˈreləvənt/ (a): thích hợp, phù hợp
• shortlist /ˈʃɔːtlɪst/ (v): sơ tuyển
• specialise /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ (v): chuyên về lĩnh vực nào đó
• tailor /ˈteɪlə(r)/ (v): điều chỉnh cho phù hợp
• trailer /ˈtreɪlə(r)/ (n): xe móc, xe kéo
• tuition /tjuˈɪʃn/ (n): học phí
• unique /juˈniːk/ (a): đặc biệt, khác biệt, độc nhất
• well-spoken /ˌwel ˈspəʊkən/ (a): nói hay, nói với lời lẽ trau chuốt




Một số động từ như "say, tell, think, ask" là các động từ tường thuật phổ biến nhất, nhưng ta cũng có thể sử dụng một số động từ tường thuật khác để tóm tắt thông tin hay bày tỏ tình cảm.


Would you like me to buy a new TV set?"  Mr Huy offered to buy a new TV set.

Sau đây là một số cấu trúc thường dùng:

1. Verb + that clause

E.g: He agreed that it was a bad idea.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: admit, agree, claim, exclaim, explain, deny, say, warn

2. Verb + somebody + that clause

E.g: Mr. John warned everyone that investing more money in that filed was a bad idea.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: advise, persuade, tell, warn

3.  Verb + to infinitive

E.g: Mrs. Brown promised to come there early.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: agree, demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, claim

4. Verb + somebody + to infinitive

E.g: She encouraged her daughter to take part in the contest.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: advise, ask, allow, beg, command, convince, encourage, forbid, instruct, invite, order, permit, persuade, remind, urge, tell, want, warn

5. Verb + -ing

E.g: He suggested going out for dinner.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: advise, admit, deny, mention, propose, recommend, suggest

6. Verb + preposition + -ing

E.g: My employee apologized for being late.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: apologize (+for), admit (+to), boast (+ about), insist (+on)

7. Verb + somebody + preposition + -ing

E.g: He warned the students about copying in the exam.

Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc này là: accuse (+of), blame (+for), congratulate (+on), thank (+for), warn (+about/ against)



Bài 1: Match the two halves of the sentences.

1. He told everyone that

A. everyone for coming.

2. Mrs. Brown promised to

B. building a new park would be expensive.

3. Mr. David proposed

C. on reaching a final decision at the meeting.

4. The chairperson insisted

D. find the solution to this problem.

5. The chairperson thanked

E. asking for more prices from different builders.


Bài 2: Choose the best answer.

1. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.

A. not behaving            B. not to behave            C. did not behave          D. not behave

2. He said that he _______ collect it for me after work.                         

A. would                       B. did                            C. will                           D. had

3. She asked me where I _______.                                                         

A. have studied            B. study                        C. am studying             D. studied

4. The woman wanted to avoid _______ on security cameras.               

A. to see                        B. being seen                C. seeing                       D. to be seen

5. Jack asked me _______ in English.                                                    

A. what does this word mean                             B. what that word means

C. what did this word mean                               D. what that word meant

6. The waiter asked her _______                       tea or coffee.                

A. whether she liked                                           B. that she liked           

C. if she likes                                                      D. whether she like      

7. My friend asked me who _______ the piano in the sitting room.

A. was playing              B. plays                         C. is playing                  D. has played

8. The father ordered his children _______ laughing.                            

A. would stop               B. to stop                      C. stop                          D. stopped

9. He said he _______ at home.                                                              

A. is staying                  B. has stayed                C. was staying               D. will stay

10. He says that he _______ the laws of the country.                             

A. knew                        B. is knowing                C. knows                       D. had known


Bài 3: Complete the sentences using Reported speech.

1.  Kate: "Don't play football in the garden!"

     Kate told me ______________________.

2.  Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!"

     The teacher reminded me ______________________.

3.  Mike: "Don't shout at Tim!"

     Mike told me ______________________.

4.  Hoa: "Don't talk to your neighbour!"

     Hoa told me ______________________.

5.  Daniel: "Don't open the door!"

     Daniel told me ______________________.

6.  Mark: "Don't sing that song!"

     Mark reminded me ______________________.

7.  Jane: "Don't watch the new film!"

     Jane advised me ______________________.

8.  "Don't ring Richard on Sunday!"

     David told me ______________________.

9.  Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!"

     Lisa advised me ______________________.

10. James: "Don't eat so much junk food!"

     James reminded me ______________________.

Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. My mum insisted _______ me the money.

A. on lending                              B. to lend                                    C. lending

2. She recommended _______ the first flight home.

A. taking                                     B. on taking                                C. to take

3. I could finally persuade Megan _______ it.

A. not to do                                 B. to not do                                 C. not doing

4. He warned _______ careful.

A. us to be                                   B. being                                       C. tobe

5. The doctor asked _______ drinking coffee.

A. to me that I stop                     B. to me to stop                           C. me to stop

6. I told _______ come with us.

A. they to                                    B. that they                                 C. them to

7. They offered _______ me home.                                               

A. to take                                    B. taking                                     C. metaking

8. I encouraged mv boss _______ the proiect.

A. not to leave                             B. to not leave                             C. not leaving

9. He _______ that he was involved in the accident.

A. insisted                                   B. told                                         C. denied

10. He _______ of stealing the book.                                            

A. admitted                                 B. accused me                             C. denied


Bài 5: Choose the correct answer in brackets.

1. They were surprised when we _______ (announced/told) that we'd quit our jobs to start our own company.

2. The teenagers admitted _______ (to start/starting) the fire, but said it was an accident.

3. You always promise _______ (you arrive /to arrive) on time, but you never do.

4. I advised Susan _______ (that she should/ should that she) speak to her parents before making a decision.

5. The other students quickly got tired of Mary boasting _______ (of passing/to pass) her exams.

6. Mike was one of the first people to congratulate _______ (on me getting /me on getting) engaged.

7. My doctor has recommended that I _______ (to do/do) more exercise.

8. Will you remind me _______ (to pay/paying) the gas bill before the end of the month?


Bài 6: Use the verbs from the box to rewrite the following sentences.














1. "I didn't do it" he said.


2. "Have lunch with me," Mary said


3. "Why don't you buy the blue shirt?" said Hung.


4. "I promise I'll take you to the zoo," said Linda.


5. "I hope Ann will phone tonight," he said.


6. "Please, don't tell anyone!" he said.


7. "I won't come to her party," he said.


8. "You should do morning exercise,"she said.


9. "We really must go with you,"they said.


10. "Don't forget to do the homework, Tom," his mother said.


11. "If you wear my skirt again, I'll pinch you very hard," said Susan.


12. "Don't fly kites near electric overhead cables," my mother said.




Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1.  He _______ me to stop buying so much stuff online.

A. convinced                                   B. said                                              C. recommend

2. I don't blame you _______ to move to another house. I don't like this house either.

A. to want                                        B. that you want                              C. for wanting

3. I suggest _______ the police right now.

A. you to call                                   B. you call                                        C. to call

4. She _______ us not to drink that water.

A. informed                                     B. insisted                                        C. warned

5. She _______ anything to do with what happened.

A. said not to have                           B. denied having                              C. insisted not having

6. "I wish I had been there with you." She _______ there with me.

A. regretted not being                      B. denied being                                C. announced that she wasn't

7. They _______ me not to talk to you any more.

A. suggested                                    B. said                                              C. advised

8. "I won't lend you any more money." He _______ to lend me any more money.

A. admitted                                     B. informed                                     C. refused

9. She _______ me to invite Jim to the party.

A. said                                             B. suggested                                    C. reminded

10. They _______ me if I didn't tell them where you were.

A. promised they kill                       B. threatened to kill                         C. warned to kill


Bài 8: Change the sentences into reported speech using one of the reporting verbs from the box in past simple and any other necessary words.












1. "I will help you, I promise."

 John _______________ me.

2. "Shall we go to the concert?"

 Emily _______________ to the concert.

3. "I didn't break the window"

 Mark _______________ the window.

4. "I wish I hadn't got married"

 Mai _______________ married.

5. "I'll kill you!"

 He _______________ me.

6. "You should go to the doctor."

 She _______________ to the doctor.

7. "I won't help you."

 He _______________ me.

8. "I'm sorry that I was late."

 He _______________ late.

9. "Jack, remember to set the alarm before you leave."

Tom _______________ the alarm before he left.

10. "I broke the window."

 Richard _______________ the window.


Bài 9: Complete the sentences in reported speech, using these reporting verbs: admit, advise, complain, congratulate, order, promise, remind, suggest, threaten, warn

1. "Yes, it was me who took your umbrella"

 He ______________________.  

2. "Well done. You've passed the exam with flying colors."

 He ______________________.  

3. "Do these exercises!"

 He ______________________.  

4. "I'll send you all the letters."

 He ______________________.  

5. "I think you should visit her."

 He ______________________.

6. "Don't forget to give your mother these flowers."

 He ______________________.

7. "I'll call the police if you don't leave immediately."

 He ______________________.

8. "Why don't we go camping?"

 He ______________________.

9. "Children! You mustn't touch the socket. It's dangerous."

 He ______________________.

10. Why do I have to do the cleaning? It's unfair!"

 He ______________________.  

Bài 10: Choose the best answer to complete the letter.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about a television set that I bought in your shop last week. When I asked the shop assistant why (1) _______ the only set on sale, she (2) _______ me that it (3) _______ used for demonstrations on the shop floor. I also asked her (4) _______ it was in good working order and she assured me that it (5) _______ perfectly. She also promised (6) _______ I could return the set within ten days for any reason and receive a full refund.

Unfortunately, when I took the TV home, I discovered that the sound and picture quality were poor. I called the shop and asked someone (7) _______ me through the manager. The manager explained (8) _______ I could not get a refund as the television was a sale item. He (9) _______ to have the television repaired but said that the repairs (10) _______ at my expense.

Moreover, I would like to add that the shop assistant who sold me the television (11) _______ promising me a refund if there was a problem with the TV set.

The manager suggested (12) _______ Head Office, so I am writing to you. I would like a full

refund on the television as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,                                


1. A. was this                B. it was                        C. this had been            D. it had been

2. A. said                      B. says                          C. told                           D. told to

3. A. is                          B. is being                     C. has been                   D. had been

4. A. if                          B. why                          C. how                          D. that

5. A. works                   B. is working                C. worked                     D. would be working

6. A. me that                 B. me if                         C. if                               D. to me

7. A. put                        B. to put                        C. putting                      D. that 1 put

8. A. me                        B. me that                     C. that                           D. me how

9. A. said                      B. told                           C. informed                  D. offered

10. A. are                      B. were                         C. has been                   D. would be

11. A. denied                B. refused                     C. informed                  D. decided

12. A. to contact           B. me to contact           C. that contacting         D. that I should contact


Bài 1: Match the two halves of the sentences.

1. B

2. D

3. E

4. C

5. A


Bài 2: Choose the best answer.

1. B (Bà mẹ bảo con trai không được cư xử bất lịch sự.)

2. A (Anh ấy nói rằng anh ấy sẽ nhặt nó cho tôi sau giờ tan làm.)

3. D (Cô ấy hỏi tôi học ở đâu.)

4. B (Người phụ nữ muốn tránh bị nhìn thấy ở camera an ninh.)

5. D (Jack hỏi tôi từ này nghĩa là gì.)

6. A (Nam phục vụ hỏi cô ấy thích uống trà hay cà phê.)

7. A (Bạn tôi hỏi tôi ai đang đánh piano trong phòng khách.)

8. B (Ông bố đã ra lệnh cho các con ngừng cười.)

9. C (Anh ấy nói anh ấy đang ở nhà.)

10. C (Vì động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại đơn "He says" nên chúng ta vẫn giữ nguyên "thì" của động từ "know")


Bài 3: Complete the sentences using Reported speech.

1. Kate told me not to play football in the garden.

2. The teacher reminded me not to forget my homework.

3. Mike told me not to shout at Tim.

4. Hoa told me not to talk to my neighbour.

5. Daniel told me not to open the door.

6. Mark reminded me not to sing that song.

7. Jane advised me not to watch the new film.

8. David told me not to ring Richard on Sunday.

9. Lisa advised me not to fly via Paris.

10. James reminded me not to eat so much junk food.

Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. A

6. C

2. A

7. A

3. A

8. A

4. A

9. C

5. C

10. B


Bài 5: Choose the correct answer in brackets.

1. announced

5. of passing

2. starting

6. me on getting

3. to arrive

7. do

4. that she should

8. to pay


Bài 6: Use the verbs from the box to rewrite the following sentences.

1. He denied doing it.

2. Mary invited me to have lunch with her.

3. Hung suggested (that) I (should) buy the blue shirt./ Hung advised me to buy the blue shirt.

4. Linda promised to take me to the zoo.

5. He hoped (that) Ann would phone that night.

6. He begged me not to tell anyone.

7. He refused to come to her party.

8. She advised me to do morning exercise.

9. They insisted on going with me.

10. Tom's mother reminded him to do the homework.

11. Susan threatened to pinch me very hard if I wore her skirt again.

12. My mother warned me not to fly kites near electric overhead cables.


Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1. A

6. A

2. C

7. C

3. B

8. C

4. C

9. C

5. B

10. B


Bài 8: Change the sentences into reported speech using one of the reporting verbs from the box in past simple and any other necessary words.

1. promised to help

6. advised me to go

2. suggested going

7. refused to help

3. denied breaking

8. apologized for being

4. regretted getting

9. reminded Jack to set

5. threatened to kill

10. admitted breaking


Bài 9: Complete the sentences in reported speech, using these reporting verbs: admit, advise, complain, congratulate, order, promise, remind, suggest, threaten, warn

1. He admitted taking my umbrella.

2. He congratulated me on passing the exam with flying colors.

3. He ordered me to do those exercises.

4. He promised to send me all the letters.

5. He advised me to visit her.

6. He reminded me to give my mother those flowers.

7. He threatened to call the police if I didn't leave immediately.

8. He suggested going camping.

9. He warned the children not to touch the socket because it was dangerous.

10. He complained about having to do the cleaning.


Bài 10: Choose the best answer to complete the letter.

1. B

7. B

2. C

8. C

3. D

9. D

4. A

10. D

5. C

11. A

6. A

12. D

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