Sự nóng lên của toàn cầu


1. absorb /əbˈzɔːb/(v): thấm, hút

2. atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə(r)/(n): khí quyển

3. awareness /əˈweənəs/(n): sự nhận thức, hiểu biết, quan tâm

4. ban /bæn/(v): cấm

5. capture /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ (v):   lưu lại, giam giữ lại

6. carbon footprint/ˌkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/ (n): lượng khí C02 thải ra hằng ngày của một cá nhân hoặc nhà máy...

7. catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ (adj):thảm họa

8. clean-up /ˈkliːn ʌp/(n):sự dọn dẹp, làm sạch, tổng vệ sinh

9. climate change/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/ (n):biến đổi khí hậu

10. diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/(n):sự đa dạng

11. drought /draʊt/ (n): hạn hán

12. ecological /ˌiːkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/(adj): thuộc vể sinh thái

13. ecosystem /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ (n):hệ sinh thái

14. emission /iˈmɪʃn/ (n):(danh từ không đếm được) sự phát (sáng), tỏa (nhiệt), xả (khí);

15. famine /ˈfæmɪn/(n): nạn đói kém

16. greenhouse gas/ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæs/ (n):   chất khí gây hiệu ứng nhà kính

17. heat -related /hiːt - rɪˈleɪtɪd/(a): có liên quan tới nhiệt

18. infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ (a): lây nhiễm, lan truyền

19. lawmaker /ˈlɔːmeɪkə(r)/ (n): người làm luật, nhà lập pháp

20. oil spill /ˈɔɪl - spɪl/ (n.p):tràn dầu



1.  Perfect gerunds (Danh động từ hoàn thành)

  Hình thức having + pp (chủ động); having been + pp (bị động)

Chức năng:

Dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi nhấn mạnh một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ trước hành động của động từ chính trong câu.

E.g: She denied having stolen the bike. (Cô ấy phủ nhận đã lấy trộm xe đạp.)

 nhấn mạnh hành động

"having stolen the bike - lấy trộm xe đạp" xảy ra trước hành động "she denied- cô ấy phủ nhận"

Danh động từ hoàn thành có thể được dùng trong các cấu trúc sau:

a.  V + O + Prep + Perfect Gerund

Các động từ thường gặp là accuse sb of (buộc tội ai); apologize sb for (xin lỗi ai), admire sb for (ngưỡng mộ ai), blame sb for (đổ lỗi cho ai), congratulate sb on (chúc mừng ai), criticize sb for (chỉ trích ai), praise sb for (khen ngợi ai), thank sb for (cảm ơn ai), suspect sb of (nghi ngờ ai), ....

E.g: The police blamed him for having cut down the oldest tree in the park.

b.  V + Perfect Gerund

Các động từ thường gặp admit (thừa nhận), deny (phủ nhận), forget (quên), mention (đề cập),

remember (nhớ), regret (hối tiếc, hối hận), ....

E.g: I admit having stolen his money.

Lưu ý: Tùy vào ngữ cảnh chúng ta có thể sử dụng danh động từ đơn (gerunds) hay danh động từ hoàn thành (perfect gerunds). Trong một số trường hợp chúng ta có thể thấy rõ hành động nào xảy ra trước và do đó chúng ta chỉ cần sử dụng danh động từ đơn mà không cần dùng danh động từ hoàn thành để nhấn mạnh.

E.g: She denied stealing the bag.

2.   Perfect participles in clauses of time and reason (Phân từ hoàn thành trong các mệnh đề chỉ thời

gian và lý do)

a.  Hình thức: having + PP (chủ động); having been + pp (bị động)

E.g: Having finished his homework, he went out with his friends. (Sau khi làm xong bài tập về nhà, cậu ấy đã đi chơi với bạn.)

b.  Chức năng

Chúng ta dùng phân từ hoàn thành để:

-   Rút gọn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước hành động khác.

E.g: He finished his homework and then he went out with his friends.

 Having finished his homework, he went out with his friends.

-   Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.

E.g: After he had got up, he brushed his teeth.

 After having getting up/ Having getting up, he brushed his teeth.

-   Giải thích lý do cho hành động trong mệnh đề chính.

E.g: Having lost the game, they cried a lot.

Lưu ý: Mệnh đề rút gọn được gọi là mệnh đề phân từ (participle clauses); hai hành động có cùng chủ ngữ.


Bài 1: Complete the sentences with the perfect participle.

1.                                   (park) the car, we searched for the ticket machine.

2.                                   (drink) one liter of water, she really needed to go to the toilet.

3.                                   (leave) the party too early, we couldn't see the fireworks anymore.

4.                                   (finish) her phone call, she went back to work.

5.                                   (lose) ten kilograms, Daisy finally fit into her favorite dress again.

Bài 1:

1.  Having parked

2.  Having drunk

3.  Having left

4.  Having finished

5.  Having lost

Bài 2: Complete the sentences with the perfect participle. Decide whether to use active or passive voice.

1.                                   (stop) the car, the police officer wanted to see the documents.

2.                                 (write) the test, we felt relieved

3.                                   (work) all day, we were quite exhausted in the evening.

4.                                   (send) to counter 20,1 had to return to counter 3.

5.                                   (confess), he was accused of even more criminal offences.

6.                                   (arrive) at the station, we called a taxi.

7.                                   (type) by the secretary, the letter was signed by the boss.

8.                                   (interrupt) several times, she was rather annoyed.

9.                                   (live) in Oxford for two years, she spoke English like a native speaker.

10.                                 (rescue), the injured man was taken to hospital.

Bài 2:

1.  Having stopped                                     6. Having arrived

2.  Having written                                       7. Having been typed

3.  Having worked                                      8. Having been interrupted

4.  Having been sent                                   9. Having lived

5.  Having confessed                                  10. Having been rescued

Bài 3: Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined part with a perfect participle.

1.  We switched off the lights before we went to bed.

we went to bed.

2.  The boy asked his mother's permission and then went out to play.

the boy went out to play.

3.  As he had drunk too much, he didn't drive home himself.

he didn't drive home himself.

4.  We have written two tests today, so we are very exhausted.

we are very exhausted.

5.  She filled the washing machine and switched it on.

she switched it on.

6.  She had been to the disco the night before and overslept in the morning.

she overslept in the morning.

7.  We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.

we were sunburned in the evening.

8.  She had not slept for two days and therefore wasn't able to concentrate.

she wasn't able to concentrate.

9.  Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn't recognize him.

I didn't recognize him.

10.  I had not ridden a horse for a long time and found it very difficult to keep in the saddle

I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.

Bài 3:

1.  Having switched off the lights

2.  Having asked his mother's permission

3.  Having drunk too much

4.  Having written two tests today

5.  Having filled the washing machine

6.  Having been to the disco the night before

7.  Having worked in the garden all day

8.  Not having slept for two days

9.  Not having seen him for ages

10.  Not having ridden a horse for a long time


Bài 4: Change the underlined part of the sentence into a participle clause.

1.  We are lying in the sun and we are enjoying life.

, we are enjoying life.

2.  The boy had brushed his teeth. He was allowed to watch a few more minutes of television.

, the boy was allowed to watch a few more minutes of television.

3.  The children sat on their beds and watched the thunderstorm.

the children watched the thunderstorm.

4.  They were surprised by a sudden storm and had to seek shelter under a tree.

, they had to seek shelter under a tree.

5.  When they had found the secret island, they started searching for the treasure.

, they started searching for the treasure.

Bài 4:

1.  Lying in the sun

2.  Having brushed his teeth

3.  Sitting on their beds

4.  Surprised by a sudden storm

5.  Having found the secret island

Bài 5: Rewrite the sentences with participle clauses.

1.  Mary left school early because he felt sick.


2.  The teacher was impressed by Michael's work, so she gave him the highest score.


3.  Because he hadn't studied hard enough for his exam, Tom couldn't pass it.


4.  As I haven't received all the applications yet, I am not eager to hire anyone.


5.  The golden ring, which was stolen weeks ago, was found.


6.  As I have an assignment to finish, I cannot come with you.


7.  When my sister heard the good news, she wanted to cry.


8.  Because I didn't want to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.


9.  After he had been told to wash the dishes, David entered the kitchen with a frown.


10.  As I had been to New York before, I knew where to find a good hotel.


Bài 5:

1.  Feeling sick, Mary left school early.

2.  Impressed by Michael's work, the teacher gave him the highest score.

3.  Not having studied hard enough for his exam,Tom couldn't pass it.

4.  Not having received all the applications yet, I am not eager to hire anyone.

5.  Stolen weeks ago, the golden ring was found.

6.  Having an assignment to finish, I cannot come with you.

7.  Hearing the good news, my sister wanted to cry.

8.  Not wanting to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.

9.  Having been told to wash the dishes, David entered the kitchen with a frown.

10.  Having been to New York before, I knew where to find a good hotel.


Bài 6: Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle (present, past or perfect).

1.  When she saw the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.

2.  If it is looked after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.

3.  As I don't have a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.

4.  Jim spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed.

5.  Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.

6.  The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk.

7.  I was eager to catch the bus in good time because I had been told off the day before for arriving late.

8.  She didn't know where the theater was, so she asked for directions at the hotel reception.

9.  As she was a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident.

10.  He had spent his childhood in Hue City so he knew the city well.

11.  The fruit was expensive because it was imported.

12.  We had spent nearly all our money so we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel.

13.  As we didn't want to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings.

14.  Although James is known mainly as a writer of novel, he has now written a successful biography.

15.  Although it had been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area.

Bài 6:

1.  Seeing the dog coming towards her, she quickly crossed the road.

2.  Looked after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.

3.  Not having a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.

4.  Being unemployed, Jim spent a lot of time filling in job application forms.

5.  Walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.

6.  Built/ Being built of wood, the house was clearly a fire risk.

7.  Having been told off the day before for arriving late, I was eager to catch the bus in good time.

8.  Not knowing where the theater was, she asked for directions at the hotel reception.

9.  Being a nurse, she knew what to do after the accident.

10.  Having spent his childhood in Hue City, he knew the city well.

11.  Imported/ Being imported, the fruit was expensive.

12.  Having spent nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel.

13.  Not wanting to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings.

14.  Known mainly as a writer of novel, James has now written a successful biography.

15.         Having been hunted close to extinction, the rhino is once again common in this area

Bài 7: Choose the best answer.

1.  He thought that such a trifle was not worth                      

A. being mentioned                                                          B. having mentioned

C. mentioning                                                                   D. to be mentioned

2.  I'm surprised at your                       this book so quickly. How did you manage to do it?

A. being read                                                                    B. having read

C. having been read                                                          D. reading

3.  I thought of                       Tim for help, but then I decided to ask Linda.

A. asking                              B. having asked                   C. my asking                        D. to ask

4.  The fear                      for what he had done made him run away.

A. being punished                                                             B. of being punished

C. of punishing                                                                 D. to be punished

5.  This work should be no problem for him. He is used to                      it.

A. being done                      B. do                                    C. doing                               D. having done

6.  She was tired. She didn't feel capable                      anything.

A. doing                               B. about doing                     C. fordoing                          D. of doing

7.  He apologized in advance for                      to see us during our visit.

A. being not able                                                               B. having been not able

C. not being able                                                               D. not having been able

8.  It is no use                      it. He is not listening to you.

A. by repeating                                                                  B. in repeating

C. of repeating                                                                  D. repeating

9.  We have no objection                      him.

A. for inviting                      B. of inviting                        C. to inviting                        D. to invite

10.  I was reading a book when she burst into my room without                      

A. being seen                                                                    B. knocking

C. saying goodbye                                                            D. turning on the light


Bài 7:

1.  C                                    6. D

2.  B                                    7. C

3.  A                                    8. D

4.  B                                    9. C

5. C                                    10. B

Bài 8: Rewrite the sentences using participle clauses.

1.  Susan was lying in the sun. She got sunburned.


2.  Tim has just retired. He is now able to spend more time gardening.


3.  They bought their tickets and went to find a seat.


4.  The student sat in front of the computer and wrote his essay.


5.  Some people argue against school uniforms. They feel children should wear what they want to.


6.   Some students are disappointed in their progress at school. These students often do not go into further education.


7.   Children do not have the maturity to make every choice themselves. They need a parent or guardian to make decisions on their behalf.


8.  I didn't want to break the law. I called the police instead.


9.  John travelled overseas a lot as a teenager. He learns different cultures and customs.


Bài 8:

1.  Lying in the sun, Susan got sunburned.

2.  Having just retired, Tim is now able to spend more time gardening.

3.  Buying their tickets, they went to find a seat.

4.  Sitting in front of the computer, the student wrote his essay.

5.  Arguing against school uniforms, some people feel children should wear what they want to.

6.Disappointed in their progress at school, these/some students often do not go into further education

6.   Not having the maturity to make every choice themselves, children need a parent or guardian to make decisions on their behalf.

7.  Not wanting to break the law, I called the police instead.

8.  Having travelled overseas a lot as a teenager, John learns different cultures and customs.


Bài 9: Choose the best answer.

1.                         for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.

A. Having slept                                                                 B. Have slept

C. Having been slept                                                         D. Have been slept

2.  By the time their baby arrives, the Smiths hope                      painting and decorating the new nursery.

A. having finished                                                            B to have finished

C. having been finished                                                    D. to have been finished

3.  She's angry about                      to the farewell party last night

A. not having invited                                                          B. not to have invited

C. not having been invited                                                 D. not to have been invited

4.  We decided not to travel,                       

A. having heard                                                                  B. to have heard

C. having been heard                                                         D. to have been heard

5.  I'd love                      to the party, but it was impossible.

A. having gone                                                                   B. to have gone

C. having been gone                                                           D. to have been gone

6.  I don't recall                      him at the conference.

A. having seen                                                                    B. to have seen

C. having been seen                                                           D. to have been seen

7.                        in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.

A. Having painted                                                              B. To have painted

C. Having been painted                                                     D. To have been painted

8.  The stockbroker denied                      of the secret business deal.

A. having informed                                                            B. to have informed

C. having been informed                                                    D. to have been informed

9.  They now regret                      their son by providing too many material possessions.

A. having spoiled                                                               B. to have spoiled

C. having been spoiled                                                       D. to have been spoiled

10.                        to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.

A. Having invited                                                               B. To have invited


C. Having been invited                                                      D. To have been invited

11.    Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky                      a second chance.

A. having given                                                                  B. to have given

C. having been given                                                          D. to have been given

12.  Are you sure you told me? I don't recall                      about it.

A. having told                                                                    B. to have told

C. having been told                                                            D. to have been told

Bài 9:

1. A


5. B


9. A

2. B

6. A

10. C

3. C

7. C

11. D

4. A

8. C

12. C

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