Quan tâm đến những người cần sự giúp đỡ


1.access /ˈækses/(v): tiếp cận, sử dụng

+ accessible /əkˈsesəbl/ (adj): có thể tiếp cận, sử dụng

2. barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/(n): rào cản, chướng ngại vật

3. blind /blaɪnd/(adj): mù, không nhìn thấy được

4. campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/(n): chiến dịch

5. care /keə(r)/ (n, v): (sự) chăm sóc, chăm nom

6. charity /ˈtʃærəti/ (n): hội từ thiện

7. cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/(a): liên quan đến nhận thức

8. coordination /kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn/(n): sự hợp tác

9. deaf /def/(a): điếc, không nghe được

10. disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/(n): sự ốm yếu, tàn tật

11. disable /dɪsˈeɪbl/(n,a): không có khả năng sử dụng chân tay, tàn tật

12. discrimination/dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n): sự phân biệt đối xử

13. disrespectful /ˌdɪsrɪˈspektfl/(a): thiếu tôn trọng

14. donate /dəʊˈneɪt/(v): quyên góp, tặng

15. dumb /dʌm/ (a): câm, không nói được

16. fracture /ˈfræktʃə(r)/ (n): (chỗ) gãy (xương)

17. healthcare /ˈhelθ keə(r)/(a): với mục đích chăm sóc sức khỏe

18. hearing /ˈhɪərɪŋ/(n): thính giác, nghe

19. impaired /ɪmˈpeəd/(a): bị làm hỏng, bị làm suy yếu

+ impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt/ (n): sự suy yếu, hư hại, hư hỏng

20. independent  /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/(a): độc lập, không phụ thuộc

21. integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ (v): hòa nhập, hội nhập

22. involve /ɪnˈvɒlv/ (v): để tâm trí vào việc gì

23. mobility /məʊˈbɪləti/(n): tính lưu động, di động

24. physical /ˈfɪzɪkl/(a): thuộc về cơ thể, thể chất

25. solution /səˈluːʃn/ (n): giải pháp, cách giải quyết    

26. suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ (v): trải qua hoặc chịu đựng ( cái gì khó chịu)     

27. support /səˈpɔːt/ (n, v): (sự) ủng hộ, khuyến khích 

29. talent /ˈtælənt/ (n):tài năng, người có tài     


Grammar :

1.The past simple tense (Thì quá khứ đơn)

a.  Cấu trúc (Form)


Affirmative (Khẳng định)

Negative (Phủ định)

Interrogative (Nghi vấn)

S + V (past) (+ O)

S + did not/ didn't + V(bare - inf)

(+ O)

Did + S + V(bare-inf) (+ O)?

They went to the cinema last night.

They didn't go to the cinema last night.

Did they go to the cinema last night?


b.   Cách dùng (Use)

-   Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ (finished actions or events)

E.g: I saw him at the airport yesterday. (Hôm qua tôi đã nhìn thấy anh ấy ở sân bay.)

My aunt sent me a letter two days ago. (Cách đây 2 ngày cô tôi đã gửi thư cho tôi.)

-   Diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ (repeated actions)

E.g: I played soccer three times a week when I was at school. (Lúc tôi còn đi học thì tôi đã chơi bóng đá

3 lần một tuần.)

She went to Paris twice last year. (Năm ngoái cô ấy đến Pari 2 lần.)

-   Diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ (past habits)

E.g: She visited her parents every Sunday. (Vào mỗi Chủ nhật thì cô ấy đã đến thăm bố mẹ.)

We often went swimming every afternoon. (Vào mỗi buổi chiều thì chúng tôi đã thường đi bơi.)

-   Diễn tả tình trạng hay tình huống trong quá khứ

E.g: Did you have a car when you were young? (Có phải bạn có ô tô khi bạn còn trẻ không?)

-   Diễn tả một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong quá khứ (sequences of actions)

E.g: He ran to the car, jumped in and raced off into the night. (Anh ta chạy ra xe, nhảy vào trong và lao vào màn đêm).

c.  Các cụm từ thời gian (Time phrases)

Một số cụm từ thời gian được dùng trong thì quá khứ đơn: yesterday, last night/week/month/ year, etc., two days/ weeks/months ago, etc., in 2000, at that moment, then, suddenly, when


2.  The present perfect simple tense (Thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

a.  Cấu trúc (Form)


Affirmative (Khẳng định)

Negative (Phủ định)

Interrogative (Nghi van)

S + have/ has + pp (past participle) + (O)

S + have/ has + not + pp + (O)

Have/ Has + S + pp + (O)?

She has bought this house.

She hasn't bought this house.

Has she bought this house?

b.Cách dùng (use)

Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và hoàn thành ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ. (actions completed at an unspecific time in the past)

E.g: She has traveled around the world. (Cô ấy đã đi du lịch khắp thế giới.)

-   Diễn tả hành động đã hoàn thành rồi nhưng kết quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại (completed actions with a result in the present)

E.g: Look! He has dyed his hair red. (Nhìn kìa! Anh ta đã nhuộm tóc thành màu đỏ.)

-   Diễn tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại (actions that started in the past and have continued until now)

E.g: I have learnt/ learned English for 15 years. (Tôi đã học tiếng Anh được 15 năm rồi.)

-   Diễn tả hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ nhưng vào thời điểm nói hành động đó vẫn chưa hoàn thành (actions at a specified time which are not complete at the time of speaking)

→ Cách dùng này thường gặp với trạng từ thời gian như this morning/ afternoon,... E.g: I have read four books so far this morning.

-   Diễn tả một hành động lặp lại nhiều lần cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, chúng ta thường thấy các từ đi kèm

ở cách dùng này như sau:

Several times/hours/days/weeks/months/years, etc

E.g: I have watched this film several times.

v Note:

-   Sau cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất ta dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

It is the most interesting book that I have ever read.

-   Sau cấu trúc: This/It is the first/second... time, phải dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.

b.  Time phrases (Các cụm từ thời gian)

Các từ/ cụm từ thời gian thường gặp trong thì này như:

-   already (đã ...rồi), never (chưa bao giờ), ever (đã từng), yet (chưa), just (vừa mới), (cho đến bây giờ),

recently (gần đây), lately (gần đây),

-   so far/ up to now/ up to present (cho tới bây giờ), in / over + the past/ last + thời gian: trong..... qua

-   for + khoảng thời gian (for 2 days: trong khoảng 2 ngày)

-   since + mốc thời gian: kể từ.... (since 2000: từ năm 2000)

Nếu sau "since" là một mệnh đề thì mệnh đề trước since ta chia thì hiện tại hoàn thành còn mệnh đề sau since chia thì quá khứ đơn.

E.g: I have taught English since I graduated from University.

* Vị trí của các trạng từ trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành:

- already, never, ever, just: sau "have/ has" và đứng trước động từ phân từ II.

-   already: cũng có thể đứng cuối câu.

-   yet: đứng cuối câu, và thường được sử dụng trong câu phủ định và nghi vấn.

-   so far, recently, lately, up to present, up to this moment, in/ over + the past/ last + thời gian: Có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu.

E.g: have bought this house recently. (Gần đây tôi đã mua ngôi nhà này.)



Bài 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1.  The students                    English last week.

A. studies                             B. to study                           C. studied                           D. study

2.  Did you ride a bicycle                    ?

A. every day                        B. at this time                       C. this morning                   D. tomorrow

3.  They                    lazy last week.

A. are                                    B. had                                  C. were                               D. have

4.  The fisherman                    a big fish yesterday.

A. to catch                            B. catch                                C. catching                         D. caught

5.  His brother                    to England last year.

A. went                                B. go                                    C. going                              D. to go

6.  Tim                    to school this morning.

A. goes                                 B. did goes                           C. go                                   D. didn't go

7.  Did they                    basketball yesterday?

A. played                              B. play                                  C. to play                            D. plays

8.  We                    our homework last night.

A. do                                    B. does                                 C. doing                             D.did

9.  Hung                    sad yesterday.

A. had                                  B. is                                      C. was                                 D. has

10.  He                     in the pool last Sunday.

A. swam                               B. swim                                C. swims                             D. swimming

Bài 2: Are the underlined parts of the sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1.      Here's some news! Tim's closed his store.                                                               OK                          

2.      I don't have my bike right now. I've lent it to Alex.

3.      Where has Richard gone to school as a child?

4.      Who has made the first TV?

5.      Corruption has become a big issue in Brazil.

6.      His math book isn't here. He's forgotten it at school.

7.      My great grandfather has worked in a paper mill.

8.      The internet has gone down so I can't send emails.

9.      Elvis has been the singer who has sold many albums in the past.                                                          


Bài 2:

1. OK



4. made



7. worked

2. OK

5. OK

8. OK

3. made

6. OK

9. was, sold

Bài 3: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1.  Actually I had supper with my brother (lately/ last night).

2.  I haven't seen Linda (for/ since) a long time. How is she?

3.  What have you been doing (yesterday/ today)?

4.  It's ages (since/ ago) I last went to the cinema.

5.  I've been trying to sell my car (for the last time/ for ages).

6.  I can't remember (how long/ when) I've had this car.

7.  Bin hasn't been to London (when/ since) we went there last year.

8.  I've written to Sally (last week/ recently).

9.  I've been living here (since/ for/ in) the end of last year.

10.  Have you eaten Chinese food (before/ already)?


Bài 3:

1. last night



6. how long

2. for

7. since

3. today

8. recently

4. since

9. since

5. for ages

10. before

Bài 4: Fill in the blank using the following adverbs.

already        never        always           yet            ever             for            since 

1.  She is a cold, unfeeling woman, she has                    showed any affection.

2.                      her husband's death, Alex has become a cold-blooded woman.

3.  Tim doesn't want to go to Paris as he has                    been there.

4.  They have been engaged                    two months.

5.  The young boy hasn't eaten his dinner                    .

6.  I've                    been a warm-hearted person. And you?

7.  She has been laughing                    she saw that woman.


Bài 4:

1. never



5. yet

2. since

6. always

3. already

7. ever since

4. for


Bài 5: Put the verbs into the simple tense.

On  Thursday, the children                       (1. talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they                     (2. go) to the country with their two dogs and                     (3. play) together. Tim and David                     (4. have) some kites. Some time later the dogs  _ (5.  be)  not   there,   so   they                             (6.  call) them and                     (7. look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children                     (8. find) them and(9.  take)  them back. Charlie                     (10. be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Mike                     (11. go) to the bikes and                      (12.  fetch) the

basket   with   some   meat   sandwiches.   Then   they                         (13.   play)    football.   Mike   and

David                     (14. win). In the evening they                     (15. ride) home.


Bài 5:

1. talked



6. called



11. went

2. went

7. looked

12. fetched

3. played

8. found

13. played

4. had

9. took

14. won

5. were

10. was

15. rode


Bài 6: Choose the best answer in brackets (either the past simple or present perfect tense).

1.  Did you like the cartoon "Tom and Jerry"? I (did not see/ haven't seen) it yet.

2.  Tom is a very close friend of mine. We (know/ have known) each other for years.

3.  Do you know what time Lisa (left/ has left) the office?

4.  You (were/have been) lateforworktoomanytimesthisyear. If you're not careful, you will be sacked.

5.  I (had/ have had) a few financial problems last year but this year things are getting better.

6.   We had a foreign friend from Thailand who (never saw/ has never seen) the sea so we're taking him to a beach this weekend.

7.  Since I started working here I (became/ have become) more experienced at dealing with problems.

8.  I can't remember the last time I (went/ have been) to the cinema.

Bài 6:

1.  haven't seen (Bạn có thích xem phim hoạt hình "Tom và Jerry"không? Tớ vẫn chưa xem phim đó.)

2.  have known (Tom là người bạn rất thân của tôi. Chúng tôi đã quen biết nhau nhiều năm rồi.)

3.  left (Bạn có biết Lisa đã rời cơ quan lúc mấy giờ không?)

4.  have been (Năm nay bạn đã đi làm muộn nhiều lần rồi. Nếu bạn không cẩn thận thì bạn sẽ bị sa thải.)

5.   had (Năm ngoái tôi gặp một vài vấn đề khó khăn về tài chính nhưng năm nay mọi thứ trở nên tốt hơn rồi.)

6.   has never seen (Chúng tôi có một người bạn từ Thái Lan mà chưa bao giờ thấy biển nên chúng tôi sẽ đưa cậu ấy đi biển vào cuối tuần này.)

7.   have become (Từ khi tôi bắt đầu làm việc ở đây, tôi đã trở nên có nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn trong việc giải quyết các vấn đề.)

8.  went (Tôi không thể nhớ lần cuối tôi đi xem phim là khi nào.)

Bài 7: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

1.  "How long have you lived here?" "I                     (live) here since 2000."

2.  He lived in London for two years and then he                     (go) to Edinburgh.    

3.(you/see) the moon last night?

4.  Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

5.  My brother                     (write) several books. He has just finished his latest.

6.  I                     (not see) him for five years. I wonder where he is.

7.  He                     (not smoke) for one month. He is trying to give it up.

8.  He                     (compose) some pieces of music when he worked in New York.

9.  "When                     (he/arrive)?""He arrived at 3 o'clock."

10.  I read his books when I was at school. I                     (enjoy) them very much.

11.  I can't go out because I                     (not finish) my work yet.

12.  "I                     (never/drink) wine". "Well, have some now!"

13.  Here are your shoes. I                     (just/clean) them.

14.  I left home at 9.00 a.m and I                     (get) here at 8.00p.m.

15.  I                     (meet) him last May.

Bài 7:

1.  have I lived (Bạn đã sống ở đây bao lâu rồi? Tôi đã sống ở đây từ năm 2000.)

2.  went (Anh ấy đã sống ở Luân Đôn được 2 năm rồi và sau đó anh ấy chuyển đến Edinburgh.)

3.  Did you see (Tối qua bạn có nhìn thấy mặt trăng không?)

4.  wrote (Shakespeare đã viết rất nhiều vở kịch.)

5.  has written (Anh tôi đã viết được một vài cuốn sách. Anh ấy vừa mới viết xong một cuốn gần đây.)

6.  haven't seen (Tôi đã không gặp anh ấy 5 năm rồi. Tôi tự hỏi giờ anh ấy ở đâu.)

7.  hasn't smoked (Anh ấy đã không hút thuốc được 1 tháng rồi. Anh ấy đang cố gắng bỏ.)

8.  composed (Ông ấy đã sáng tác một số bản nhạc khi còn làm việc ở New York.)

10.  enjoyed (Tôi đã đọc sách của anh ấy khi còn đi học. Tôi rất thích những cuốn sách đó.)

11.  haven't finished (Tôi không thể đi chơi bởi vì tôi vẫn chưa xong việc.)

12.  have never drunk (Trước đây tôi chưa bao giờ uống rượu. Giờ thì có uống một chút!)

13.  have just cleaned (Đây là giày của bạn. Tôi vừa mới đánh sạch.)

14.  got (Tôi đã ra khỏi nhà từ lúc 9 giờ sáng và đã đến đây lúc 8 giờ tối.)

15.  met (Tôi đã gặp anh ấy vào tháng năm năm ngoái.)


Bài 8: Rewrite the following sentences.

1.  This is the first time he visited Ha Long Bay.

He has                                                                    .

2.  She started working here last year.

She has                                                                    .

3.  We began eating lunch when it started to rain.

We have                                                                    .

4.  I last had my hair cut when she left me.

I haven't                                                                    .

5.  The last time he met me was 5 months ago.

He hasn't                                                                    .

6.  It is a long time since we last met.

We haven't                                                                    .

7.  When did you have this computer?

How long                                                                    ?

8.  This is the first time I had such a delicious meal.

I haven't                                                                    .

9.  I haven't gone to work for a month.

The last                                                                    .

10.  I haven't talked to him for 5 days.

=> It is                                                                   .

Bài 8:

1.   He has never/ not visited Ha Long Bay before. (Trước đây anh ấy chưa bao giờ đến tham quan Vịnh Hạ Long.)

2.  She has worked here since last year. (Cô ấy đã làm việc ở đây từ năm ngoái.)

3.  We have eaten lunch since it started to rain. (Chúng tôi đã ăn trưa từ lúc trời đổ mưa.)

4.  I haven't had my hair cut since she left me. (Tôi đã không cắt tóc từ khi cô ấy bỏ tôi.)

5.  He hasn't met me for 5 months. (Anh ấy đã không gặp tôi 5 tháng rồi.)

6.  We haven't met for a long time. (Chúng tôi đã không gặp nhau lâu rồi.)

7.  How long have you had this computer? (Bạn có máy tính này bao lâu rồi?)

8.  I haven't had such a delicious meal before. (Trước đây tôi chưa có bữa ăn nào ngon như vậy.)

9.  The last time I went to work was a month ago. (Lần cuối tôi đi làm là cách đây 1 tháng.)

10.  It is 5 days since I last took a bath. (Đã 5 ngày kể từ lần cuối tôi nói chuyện với anh ấy.)


Bài 9: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1.  Last month, the Youth Union                    a campaign to help students with disabilities.

A. has launched                   B. launched                          C. was launched                 D. was launching

2.   Lately, a gang of enterprising  New Zealanders                    an incredible scheme to raise awareness of depression and mental health issues.

A. has introduced                B. had introduced                C. introduced                     D. was introduced

3.   The boy                    across the narrow canal in ten minutes to find himself out of danger several years ago.

A. swum                               B. was swum                        C. swam                              D. had swam

4.  I                     to help students at a special school twice since I finished grade 11.

A. have volunteered                                                          B. had volunteered

C. was volunteering                                                          D. volunteered

5.  It is now over seventy years since Lindbergh                    across the Atlantic.

A. has been flying                B. flew                                 C. had flown                      D. has flown

6.  We won't go out before we                    the homework.

A. finish                               B. will have finished            C. will finish                       D. finished

7.  Although he was on the whole very suspicious of the project, Mr Hung                     to cooperate.

A. didn't promise                  B. promised                          C. has promised                  D. hasn't promised

8.    Even  though  Susan  was  totally  opposed  to  the project, she                    that it would increase job opportunities for the local people.

A. had agreed                       B. agreed                              C. was agreed                     D. would agree.

9.  When he                    ten years old, he                    the National Institute for the Blind in Paris.

A. was/entered                                                                  B. was/was entering

C. was/was entered                                                           D. was/would enter

10.  In the past ten years, he                    more than 100 bicycles to needy students in Central Vietnam.

A. gave                                 B. has given                         C. has been given               D. has been giving

11.    Nam                    the idea of giving sweaters and warm clothes to the poor just a couple of weeks ago, shortly after the beginning of the rainy season.

A. came up with                                                                B. comes up with

C. has come up with                                                         D. was coming up with

12.    In the past, health care in some rural areas of this country                    by only a small number of doctors and nurses.

A. is provided                      B. provided                          C. provides                         D. was provided

13.  Neither Mike nor his brothers                    to school because their father teaches them at home.

A. have never been              B. has ever been                   C. have ever been               D. ever went

14.    Not until we                    the  school  for  children with disabilities                    how they overcome difficulties.

A. had visited/have we known                                         B. visited/had we known

C. visited/did we know                                                     D. have visited/did we know

15.  Until now I                    more than 1000 stamps.

A. collected                          B. collect                              C. am collecting                 D. have collected

Bài 9:

1. B (last month  động từ chia ở thì quá khứ đơn)

2. A (Lately  động từ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

3. C (several years ago động từ chia ở thì quá khứ đơn)

4. A (HTHT + since + QKĐ)

5. B (It + is + time + since + QKĐ)

6. A (TLĐ + before + HTĐ)

7. B (sự việc đã xảy ra và chấm dứt vào 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ)

8. B (sự việc đã xảy ra và chấm dứt vào 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ)

9. A (sự việc đã xảy ra và chấm dứt vào 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ)

10. B (In the past ten years  động từ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

11. A (a couple of weeks ago  động từ chia ở thì quá khứ đơn)

12. D (In the past  động từ chia ở thì quá khứ; bị động)

13. C (ever: chia động từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành; Neither S1 + nor + S2 + V chia theo S2

ever PP)

14. C (Not until + S + V- past simple +... + did + S + V...: mãi cho đến khi... thì)

15. D (Until now => chia động từ ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành)


Bài 10: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

1.   (A) The annual increase in the (B) world's population (C) has peaked at (D) about 88 million in the late 1980s.

2.  (A) Overpopulation is (B) one of the main factors that leads to (C) poor, (D) illiteracy, and social evils.

3.  The teacher (A) said that (B) about 10 children (C) need special help (D) in reading skills.

4.   Youth Newspaper (A) donated book collections (B) to two (C) mountainous schools in (D) northern Vietnam lately.

5.   Vina Capital Foundation's Heartbeat Vietnam (A) has performed 5,000 free heart (B) surgery for kids

(C) across the country (D) for the last ten years.

6.   A Hoi An-based charity organisation (A) gave free milk to (B) poor, ailing, and (C) disabled children in the central province of Quang Nam (D) on last Wednesday.

7.   Although Marie Curie had (A) very little money (B) to live on, (C) but she went to Paris to realise her dream of (D) a scientific career.

8.   Albert Einstein, (A) the father of modern physics, could not read until he (B) was eight, but that (C) hasn't stopped him (D) from becoming one of the greatest scientists of our time

Bài 10:

1. C (has peaked  peaked)

-  in the late 1980s: vào thập niên 1980 (động từ chia ở thì quá khứ đơn)

2. C (poor  poverty)

-  poor (adj): nghèo đói

-  poverty (n): sự nghèo nàn, sự nghèo đói

3. C (need  needed)

Cấu trúc: S + said that + S + V- lùi thì...

4. A (donated  has donated)

-  lately (adv): gần đây (động từ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

5. B (surgery  surgeries)

-  surgery (n-countable): cuộc phẫu thuật

6. D (on last Wednesday  last Wednesday)

7. C (but  bỏ)

Cấu trúc: Although + S + V… S + V ... (mặc dù ...nhưng.... )

8. C (hasn't stopped  didn't stopped)

Đây là sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ nên động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn.


Bài 11: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

1.  have you tried                6. did you start

2.  did you go                      7. have moved

3.  Have you had                8. has been

4.  haven't seen                   9. was

5.  Have you spoken           10. has visited

1.  Tim: How many times (you/try)                     to pass your driving test? Mike: Three times so far.

2.  When (you/go)                     to Ho Chi Minh City?

3.  You look different, (you/have)                     a haircut?

4.  I (not/see)                     David at all this week. I don't even know where he is.

5.  Tim: (you/speak)                     to Peter yet? Mike: Not yet.

6.  When (you/start)                     your job?

7.  I (move)                     house three times in the last five years.

8.  My sister (be)                     to New York three times and she's going again next month.

9.  The US President (be)                     in our country last year.

10.   He (visit)                     this village three times in the last two years.


Bài 12: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

Bài 12:

1.  had                                              11. has not bought

2.  have al ready seen                       12. had

3.  were- began                                 13. has broken

4.  have not begun                            14. has just finished

5.  has not slept - went                     15. landed

6.  has never forgotten                     16. have done

7.  travelled/ traveled                       17. did Columbus discover

8.  decided                                       18. have not visited

9.  Have you ever been                    19. has lostlived          20. played

1.  I                     (have) a problem with my computer yesterday.

2.  We                     (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want me to.

3.  We                     (be) in Tim's room when the storm                     (begin).

4.  I                     (not begin) my homework yet.

5.    He                     (not sleep) for three nights, even though he                      (go) to bed early yesterday evening.

6.  My father                     (never forget) my birthday.

7.  They                     (travel) around the world last summer.

8.  They                     (decide) this at a meeting some days ago.

9.                       (You ever be) to New York?

10.  I know Hanoi City well. I                     (live) there for three years when I was a student.

11.  Michael does not have much money so he                     (not buy) a car yet.

12.  We                     (have) a good time at the party last weekend.

13.  Look at that. Someone                     (break) my motorbike.

14.  Emily                     (just finish) packing her bags.

15.  The plane                     (land) ten minutes ago.

16.  I                     (do) all the housework. Everything is clean now.

17.  When                     (Columbus discover) the New World?

18.  We                     (not visit) him since last weekend.

19.  She feels great. She                     (lose) five pounds since Christmas.

20.  The last time I                     (play) tennis was four years ago.


Bài 13: Fill in the blank using either the Present Perfect or the Simple Past.

Last  week  I                     (meet)  an  old  lady  called  Brown.  She                      (be) eighty-two.  She

                                (be) a beggar. She                     (talk) to me and I                      (hear) the story of her entire life. I                     (feel) so sad when she                     (finish) it that I almost                     (cry). As I                (feel) sorry for her, I                     (give) Brown some money.

This  morning  something  wonderful and amazing                     (happen)  to me. I                      (meet) Brown again, but, my goodness, she                     (be) different. She told me the following.

Since you                     (give) me that money my life                     (change) completely. With the money you                     (give) me I                     (buy) a lottery ticket and I                       (win). I (buy) myself a house where I'm living now. I                     (just buy) some new clothes, a TV set... you can't imagine how happy I am!

I                     (be) so astonished that I couldn't even say a word. I                      (follow) her and ... surprise! She had bought me a yellow Ferrari.

Bài 13:

met, was, was, talked, heard, felt, finished, cried, felt, gave, happened, met, was, gave, has changed, gave, bought, won, bought, have just bought, was, followed


Bài 14: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

1.  A: Did you like the movie "The Lord of the Rings?" B: I don't know. I (see, never)                     that movie.

2.  Nam (arrive)                     in New York a week ago.

3.   My best friend and I (know)                     each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a week.

4.   He is a fantastic writer. He (write)                     ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.

5.  I (have, not)                     this much fun since I (be)                     a kid.

6.  Things (change)                     a great deal at this company. When we first _ (start) working here three years ago, the company (have, only)                     ten employees. Since then, we (expand)     to include more than 2000 full-time workers.

7.   I (tell)                      him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander)                      off into the forest and (be) was bitten by a snake.

8.   Listen Daniel, I don't care if you (miss)                       the bus this morning.  You (be)      late for work too many times. You are fired!

9.   Mike is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never)     the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

10.   How sad! Mr. David (dream)                     of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it. He (see, never)                     the ocean.

11.    In the last hundred years,  traveling (become)                      much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th  century, it (take)                      two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be)                      very rough and often dangerous. Things (change)                     a great deal in the last

hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

12.   John, I can't believe how much you (change)                      since the last time I (see)       you. You (grow)       at least a foot!

13.   This tree (be)                     planted by the settlers who (found)                     our city over four hundred years ago.

14.   This mountain (be, never)                      climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try)      to  reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever)                     . The climb is extremely difficult and many people (die)

                    trying to reach the summit.

15.   I (visit, never)                     Africa, but I (travel)                     to South America several times. The last time I (go)               to South America, I (visit)                     Brazil and Peru. I (spend)       two weeks in the Amazon, hiked for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly)         over the Nazca Lines.

Bài 14:

1.  have never seen                      7. missed - have been                  12. have changed - saw - have grown

2.  arrived                                    8. missed - have been                  13. was- founded

3.  have known                            9. has never seen                         14. has never been have tried - has ever

succeeded- have died

4.  has written                              10. dreamt - never saw                15. have never visited – have

travelled - went - visited- spent-flew

5.  haven't had - was                    11. has become - took – was -

have changed

6.     have changed - started - only had - have expanded

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