argument                                 /ˈɑːɡjumənt/                            (n.)                  sự tranh cãi, sự tranh luận

relationship                             /rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/                               (n.)                  mối quan hệ, mối liên hệ

romantic relationship              /rəʊˈmæntɪk rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/           (n. phr.)                       mối quan hệ lãng mạn

be in a relationship                  /bi ɪn ə rɪ'leɪʃnʃɪp/                    (v. phr.)                       hẹn hò, có mối quan hệ tình cảm

betray                                      /bɪ'treɪ/                                     (v.)                  phản bội, lừa dối, phụ lòng tin)

break up (with someone)         /breɪk ʌp/                                 (phr. v.)                       chia tay

concentrate (on)                      /'kɒnsntreɪt/                             (v)                   tập trung

counsellor                               /ˈkaʊnsələ(r)/                          (n.)                   người khuyên bảo, cố vấn

date                                         /deɪt/                                        (n.)                  cuộc hẹn hò, sự hẹn gặp

emotional                                /ɪ'məʊʃənl/                               (adj.)                cảm động, cảm xúc

lend an ear                               /lend ən ɪə(r)/                          (v. phr.)                       lắng nghe và thấu hiểu

opposite-sex                            /ˈɒpəzɪt seks/                           (adj.)                khác giới

quit school                              /kwɪt sku:l/                              (v. phr.)                       bỏ học

reconcile (with someone)       /ˈreknsaɪl/                                (v)                   làm hòa, giảng hòa

single-sex school                    /ˈsɪŋgl seks sku:l/                     (n. phr.)           trường học một giới (trường nữ sinh, trường nam sinh)

sympathetic                             /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/                          (adj.)                đồng cảm, thông cảm

achievement                            /ə'tʃi:vmənt/                             (n.)                  thành tích, thành tựu

appearance                              /ə'pɪərəns/                                (n.)                  diện mạo, vẻ bề ngoài

community                              /kəˈmju:nəti/                           (n.)                  cộng đồng

confidence                               /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/                             (n.)                  sự tin tưởng, sự tin cậy

contribution                             /ˌkɒntrɪˈbju:ʃn/                        (n.)                  sự đóng góp

engage                                     /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/                                 (v.)                  thu hút (sự chú ý...), giành được (tình cảm...)

enthusiastic                             /ɪnˌθju:zi'æstɪk/                       (adj.)                nhiệt tình, hào hứng

initiative                                  /ɪ'nɪʃətɪv/                                  (n.)                  bước khởi đầu, sự khởi xướng

matchmaking                          /'mætʃmeɪkɪŋ/                          (n.)                  sự làm mối

on good terms (with someone)  /ɒn gʊd tɜ:mz/                      (idiom)            có quan hệ tốt với ai

oppose                                     /ə'pəʊz/                                    (v.)                   chống đối, phản đối

permission                               /pə'mɪʃn/                                  (n.)                  sự cho phép, sự chấp nhận

persuade                                  /pə'sweɪd/                                (v.)                  thuyết phục

potential                                  /pə'tenʃl/                                  (adj.)                tiềm năng, tiềm tàng

psychologist                            /saɪ'kɒlədʒɪst/                          (n.)                  nhà tâm lý học

reaction                                   /ri'ækʃn/                                   (n.)                  sự phản ứng

tension                                     /'tenʃn/                                     (n)                   sự căng thẳng, tình trạng căng thẳng

turn into                                 /tɜ:n 'ɪntu:/                              (phr. v.)           biến thành, trở thành




1.  Định nghĩa

Động từ nối (Linking verbs) là các động từ dùng để diễn tả trạng thái / bản chất của chủ ngữ thay vì  miêu tả hành động của chủ ngữ.

2.  Cấu trúc

Form: S + linking verbs + Complement (Adj/ N)

3.  dụ


-   Hung looks happy. ("look" là động từ nối; "happy" là tính từ làm bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ "Hung")

-   The football match was exciting. ("was" là động từ nối; "good" là tính từ làm bổ ngữ)

-   Lan becomes the president of this club. ("become" động từ nối, "the president of this club"

cụm danh từ làm bổ ngữ)

Những động từ nối thường gặp là:

be (thì, là, ở)

become (trở nên)

remain (vẫn)

stay (vẫn)

appear (dường như)

seem (dường như)

sound (nghe có vẻ)

taste (có vị)

feel (cảm thấy)

look (trông có vẻ)

smell (có mùi)

get (trở nên)

prove (tỏ ra)

4. Lưu ý

grow (trở nên)

turn (trở nên)


-   Phía sau động từ nối là tính từ chứ không phải trạng từ.

E.g: She feels unhappy.

-   Động từ nối không được chia ở dạng tiếp diễn

-   Một số động từ phía trên thể làm chức năng động từ nối (linking verbs) hoặc động từ thường

(ordinary verbs).

E.g 1:

-   She looks angry. (Cô ấy trông có vẻ tức giận).  "look" là động từ nối

-   She looks at the man angrily. (Cô ấy nhìn vào người đàn ông một cách giận dữ.)

từ thường

E.g 2:

-   The food tastes delicious. (Thức ăn ngon quá.)  "taste" là động từ nối

-   They tasted the food. (Họ đã nếm thức ăn.)  "taste" là động từ thường

E.g 3:

-   This house smells musty. (Ngôi nhà có mùi mốc.)  "smell" là động từ nối

"look" là động

-   The woman is smelling the flowers gingerly. (Người phụ nữ đang ngửi hương thơm của hoa một cách

thận trọng.)  "smell" là động từ thường


Bài 1: Underline the linking verb in each sentence.

1.  At the hospital, the sick woman's face turned blue.

2.  These potatoes tasted awful.

3.  The boy was injured during the soccer match.

4.  My parents sounded unhappy after the news.

5.  At the park, I feel happy. 

looks            sounds            tastes            become            feel

Bài 2: Fill in the blanks with the suitable words below.


1.  I                      uncomfortable when living here.

2.  The food                    delicious.

3.  Lan                    very nice in that pink skirt.

4.  - Lisa: How about going to the movies tonight?

- Mark: That                    great!

5.  I want to                              a talented football player like Messi.

Bài 2:

1.  feel (Tôi cảm thấy không thoải mái khi sống ở đây.)

2.  tastes (Thức ăn rất ngon.)

3.  looks (Lan trông rất đẹp trong bộ váy màu hồng.)

4.  sounds (Lisa: Tối nay chúng ta đi xem phim nhé? Mark: Nghe có vẻ tuyệt đó!)

5.  become (Tôi muốn trở thành một cầu thủ bóng đá tài năng như Messi.)


Bài 3: Decide whether the underlined part in each of the following sentences is an "ordinary verb" or a "linking verb".

1.  Miss Lan is smelling the flowers that her students has just given to her.

2.  My mother tasted this soup carefully.

3.  Alex looks more beautiful when wearing this shirt.

4.  Mary's grandmother used to look after her carefully when she was a child.

5.  I want to become a good doctor after graduating from university.

6.  The weather here is getting worse and worse.

7.  If you want to stay healthy, you should take exercise regularly.

8.  I decide to stay at a friend's house in Nha Trang for several days.

9.  When my son grows older, he will understand what I do for him.

10.  My father seems exhausted after a long working day on the farm.

Bài 3:

1.  ordinary verb (Cô Lan đang ngửi hương thơm của những bông hoa mà học sinh cô ấy vừa tặng.)

2.  ordinary verb (Mẹ tôi đã nếm món canh cẩn thận.)

3.  linking verb (Alex trông rất đẹp khi mặc áo sơ mi này.)

4.  ordinary verb (Bà của Mary đã từng chăm sóc cô ấy cẩn thận khi cô ấy còn bé.)

5.  linking verb (Tôi muốn trở thành một bác sĩ giỏi sau khi tốt nghiệp đại học.)

6.  linking verb (Thời tiết ở đây đang trở nên tồi tệ hơn.)

7.  linking verb (Nếu bạn muốn luôn khỏe mạnh thì bạn nên tập thể dục đều đặn.)

8.  ordinary verb (Tôi quyết định ở lại nhà bạn ở Nha Trang vài ngày.)

9.  linking verb (Khi con trai tôi lớn hơn thì nó sẽ hiểu những điều mà tôi làm cho nó.)

10.  linking verb (Bố tôi dường như rất mệt sau một ngày dài làm việc trên nông trại.)


Bài 4: Choose the best answer in the brackets complete the sentences.

1.  What's wrong with you? You look (unhappy/unhappily) today.

2.  He (sudden/ suddenly) appeared in the meeting.

3.  I taste the soup very careful/carefully. Don't worry!

4.  My wife appeared (calm/ calmly) after the news.

5.  He is shouting at his son. He seemed very (angry/angrily).

6.  I think the food smells (terrible/terribly). You should throw it away.

7.  This plant grows (quickly/quick) if it absorbs enough water.

8.  His resignation was very (surprising/ surprisingly).

9.  The doctor checked my legs (carefully/careful) to see if there were any injuries.

10.  She is looking at the picture (attentive/attentively).

Bài 4:

1.  unhappy (Bạn có chuyện gì vậy? Hôm nay bạn trông có vẻ buồn.)

2.  suddenly (Anh ấy đột ngột xuất hiện ở cuộc họp.)

3.  carefully (Tôi nếm canh rất cẩn thận. Đừng lo!)

4.  calm (Vợ tôi dường như rất bình tĩnh sau khi nghe tin.)

5.  angry (Anh ấy đang quất con trai. Dường như anh ấy rất tức giận.)

6.  terrible (Tôi nghĩ thức ăn có mùi kinh khủng. Bạn nên vứt đi.)

7.  quickly (Thực vật này phát triển rất nhanh nếu nó hấp thụ đủ nước.)

8.  surprising (Việc anh ấy từ chức rất ngạc nhiên.)

9.  carefully (Bác sĩ đã kiểm tra chân tôi rất cẩn thận để xem có bị thương gì không.)

10.  attentively (Cô ấy đang nhìn vào bức tranh một cách chăm chú.)

Bài 5: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.


1.  Can you help me? I                    for my shoes now.

A. look                            B. am looking               C. looked

2.  The sky                    brighter after the storm.

A. is growing                  B. grows                       C. grow

3.  At the moment, he                    calm.

A. remains                        B. remained                  C. is remaining

4.  To determine who is the winner of the competition, the examiners                    candidates dishes now.

A. taste                           B. tasted                       C. are tasting

5.  She                    upset after hearing the exam result.

A. seem                            B. seems                       C. is seeming

6.  Listen! His story                    interesting.

A. sounds                         B. is sounding               C. sound

7.  She                    at a hotel when she visits Vietnam.

A. will stay                      B. stays                         C. stayed

8.  He                    really unhappy when you mention his baldness.

A. gets                             B. got                            C. is getting

9.  The situation                    unchanged in the past few years.

A. is remaining                B. remained                  C. has remained

10.  The boy                    sad today.

A. is                                 B. was                           C. is being

Bài 5:

1.  B (Bạn có thể giúp tôi không? Giờ tôi đang tìm giày)

2.  B (Bầu trời trở nên sáng sủa sau cơn bão.)

3.  A (Bây giờ anh ấy vẫn bình tĩnh.)

4.   C (Để xác định được người chiến thắng của cuộc thi, các giám khảo đang nếm món ăn của các thí sinh.)

5.  B (Cô ấy dường như rất buồn bã sau khi nghe kết quả thi.)

6.  A (Hãy lắng nghe! Câu chuyện của anh ấy nghe có vẻ thú vị.)

7.  A (Cô ấy sẽ ở một khách sạn khi đến Việt Nam.)

8.  A (Anh ấy trở nên buồn bã khi bạn nói anh ấy bị hói.)

9.   C (Tinh huống vẫn không thay đổi trong vòng vài năm qua.) in the past few years: trong vòng vài

năm qua (động từ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành)

10.  A (Hôm nay cậu bé buồn.)


Câu chẻ (Cleft sentences) được dùng để nhấn mạnh một thành phần của câu như chủ ngữ, tân ngữ hay

trạng từ

1.  It cleft sentences (Câu chẻ với it)

*   Form: It + be (is/ was) + emphasized word/ phrase (từ/ cụm từ được nhấn mạnh)+ relative clause (that/who/which clause)

E.g: It was in 2008 that we first met each other. (Chính vào năm 2008 chúng tôi đã gặp nhau lần đầu


Note: Các đại từ who, which có thể được dùng để thay thế cho "that". When và where cũng có thể được sử dụng (informal English), nhưng how và why thì không thể thay thế cho "that" trong câu chẻ.

E.g: It was last Saturday that/ when we played badminton.

It was in New York that/ where she met him.

a.  Emphasis on subject (Nhấn mạnh vào chủ ngữ)

E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.

 It was Tom that took Mary to the party on Sunday.

b.  Emphasis on object (Nhấn mạnh vào tân ngữ)

E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.

 It was Mary that Tom took to the party on Saturday.

c.  Emphasis on adverbial (Nhắn mạnh vào trạng ngữ)

E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.

 It was on Sunday that Tom took Mary to the party.

d.  Emphasis on prepositional phrase (Nhấn mạnh vào cụm giới từ)

E.g: Tom took Mary to the party on Sunday.

 It was to the party that Tom took Mary on Sunday.

2.  Wh_ cleft sentences

*  Form: Wh_clause (What clause) + be + emphasized word/ phrase E.g: They gave me some gifts.

 What they              was some gifts.

All he wanted to do as he was growing up was play tennis. (= the only thing he wanted to do): Điều

duy nhất anh ta đã muốn làm khi anh ta trưởng thành là chơi quần vợt.

dùng "all" thay cho "what". What ~ The thing(s) that

 Thỉnh thoảng chúng ta có thể

Sau mệnh đề what, động từ to be thường được chia ở dạng số ít (is/ was). Tuy nhiên, thỉnh thoảng hình

thức số nhiều (are/ were) có thể được sử dụng trước danh từ số nhiều.

E.g: What I hope to see is/ are children who are successful in their studies.

-   Chúng ta có thể đặt mệnh đề what ở đầu hoặc cuối câu.

E.g: What makes me happy is his love. / His love is what makes me happy. (Điều mà làm tôi hạnh phúc là tình yêu của anh ấy.)

Để nhấn mạnh vào một hành động (action), chúng ta dùng cấu trúc: What + S + hình thức của động từ

do + be + (to) + infinitive

E.g: What Tom did was (to) Mary to the party.

Bài 6: Rewrite each sentence to emphasize the underlined phrase.

1.  Mr David saw that I could also take part in the contest.

It                                                                        .

2.  I didn't invite them.

It                                                                        .

3.  I began to think about everything at that moment.

It                                                                        ..

4.  His attitude towards other people really annoys me.

It                                                                        .

5.  I didn't decide to postpone the match.

It                                                                        .

6.  The candidates didn't start the trouble.

It                                                                        .

7.  The computer gives me a headache.

It                                                                        .

8.  My uncle came on Monday.

It                                                                        .

Bài 6:

1.  It was Mr David that/ who saw that I could also take part in the contest.

2.  It wasn't I who/ It wasn't me that invited them.

3.  It was at that moment that I began to think about everything.

4.  It is his attitude towards other people that really annoys me.

5.  It wasn't I who/ It wasn't me that decided to postpone the match.

6.  It wasn't the candidates who/ that started the trouble.

7.  It is the computer that gives me a headache.

8.  It was on Monday that my uncle came.

Bài 7: Rewrite each sentence to emphasize the underlined phrase, starting with It was... Look carefully at the underlined words in the last two questions.

1.  She liked the smell of garlic the best.

2.  She found studying Math most difficult at school.

3.  H e first heard about it from Mary.

4.  She got the job because she was the best qualified.

5.  Mike first met Jenny when they were both studying in London.

6.  I only realized who he was when he started speaking.

7.  I didn't hear about it until yesterday.

Bài 7:

1.  It was the smell of garlic that she liked the best.

2.  It was studying Math that she found most difficult at school.

3.  It was from Mary that he first heard about it.

4.  It was because she was the best qualified that she got the job.

5.  It was when they were both studying in London that Mike first met Jenny.

6.  It was only when he started speaking that I realized who he was.

7.  It wasn't until yesterday that I heard about it.

Bài 8: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

1.   (A) That (B) was Tim (C) who (D) went to hospital last week.

2.  It was (A) in Nha Trang (B) that I first (C) meet (D) my wife.

3.  It (A) is (B) in 2010 (C) that I (D) graduated from university.

4.  It (A) was (B) on New Year's Eve (C) who my sister (D) broke up with her boyfriend.

5.  It (A) was her husband (B) who (C) dropped out of his university and (D) setted up his business.

Bài 8:

1. A (That  It)

"Chính Tim đã đến bệnh viện vào tuần trước."

2. C (meet  met)

"Chính ở Nha Trang là nơi mà lần đầu tiên tôi gặp vợ mình."

3. A (is  was)

"Chính vào năm 2010 tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học."

4. C (who  that)

"Chính vào đêm giao thừa chị tôi đã chia tay với bạn trai."

   5.D (setted up  set up)

Hình thức quá khứ của động từ "set" "set".

"Chồng tôi đã bỏ học đại học và mở công việc kinh doanh của mình."

day            person            place            reason            thing            way

Bài 9: Complete each gap with one of the words in the box. Where necessary (but only where necessary) add that.


1.  The                    you really need to speak to is Mike, the guy standing by the fire.

2.  One                    I've asked you here today is to talk about last week's sales.

3.  The                    really got my goal was that he never even apologized.

4.  The main                     I want to talk to you is to discuss your future.

5.    The                    it works is that you press this button here and hey presto!

6.  The                    we got married was the happiest day of my life.

7.  One                    I'll never forget is Ba Na Hills.

8.  The                    you need to remember is that he's only a child.

9.  The                    impressed me the most was Mary; she really knew her stuff.

10.  One                    to get it through the door is to put it on its end.

11.  The                    made the most lasting impression was the Temple of Literature.

12.  The                    works best for me is to write down new words in context.

Bài 9:


1. person

5. way

9. person that

2. reason

6. day

10. way

3. thing that

7. place

11. place that

4. reason

8. thing

12. way that

Bài 10: Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence.

1.  missed/ what/ friends/ old/ I/ was/ all/ my/.


2.  my/ what/ was/l/ that/ passport/ happened/ lost/.


3.  the/ most/ that/ me/ surprised/ was/ thing/ price/ the/.


4.  it/ only/ relax/ I/ weekends/ is/ at/ that/ the/ can/.


5.  happened/ apologize / that/ all/ was/ had I to/ I.

Bài 10:

1.  What I missed was all my old friends.

2.  What happened was that I lost my passport.

3.  The thing that surprised me most was the price.

4.  It is only at the weekends that I can relax.

All that happened was I had to apologize.


Bài 11: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1.  What's the matter with you? You look                     .

A. happily                        B. sadly                        C. unhappy                   D. unhappily

2.   I  have been very                    up to this point, but I am going to lose my temper if you don't find my luggage immediately.

A. impatiently                  B. impatient                  C. patient                      D. patiently

3.   Sarah grew                    from the hours of overtime at work. It became quite                    that she needed a long vacation.

A. tired/obvious                                                    B. tired/obviously

C. tiredly/obvious                                                 D. tiredly/obviously

4.  These watermelons were                    sweet.

A. excepting                    B. exception                 C. exceptional               D. exceptionally

5.  You can't blame an automaker for wanting to design a car that looks                    , even if it doesn't have what it takes under the hood.

A. fast                              B. fastly                        C. quickness                 D. quickly

6.  The young girl sing                    .

A. amazing good                                                  B. amazing well

C. amazingly good                                               D. amazingly well

7.  She said she would become a                    actress                    .

A. famous/quick                                                    B. famous/quickly

C. famously/quick                                                 D. famously/quickly

8.  The skies became                    as the moon moved between the Earth and the Sun.

A. surprising dark                                                 B. surprising darkly

C. surprisingly dark                                              D. surprisingly darkly

9.  Healthy relationships allow both partners to feel supported and connected but still feel                    .

A. dependence                 B. dependent                C. depending                D. independent

10.  Talking to professional counsellors who are trained to help people to process feelings, can be most


A. beneficial                    B. beneficially              C. beneficiary               D. benefit

Bài 12: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

1.  The chef (A) tasted the meat (B) cautious before (C) carefully serving it to his (D) special guest.

2.  The doctor (A) checked the leg (B) carefully to (C) see if there were any (D) brokenly bones.

3.    After (A) being closed for (B) a long period of time, the house (C) became dirty and (D) smelled awfully.

4.  Tim (A) has lived in Vietnam (B) for several years. He (C) knows the culture (D) very good.

5.  I (A) feel both (B) excited and (C) nervously because I have got a (D) date with Daisy tomorrow.

6.  The (A) humid weather (B) made it (C) difficultly to enjoy the (D) tropical beach.

7.  It was in a (A) warm and cosy coffee shop (B) in where they (C) had their (D) first date.

8.  Tom's parents (A) are not pleased because he (B) does not study (C) hardly and (D) seriously enough.

9.  The food was (A) good with (B) reasonable price, (C) but the service was (D) slowly.

10.  (A) It is his dishonesty (B) what I (C) dislike (D) the most.

Bài 12:

1.  B (cautious => cautiously)                                 6. C (difficulty => difficult)

2.  D (brokenly => broken)                                     7. B (in where => that)

3.  D (smelled awfully => smelled awful)              8. C (hardly => hard)

4.  D (very good => very well)                                9. D (slowly => slow)

5.  C (nervously => nervous)                                  10. B (what => that)


Bài 13: Choose the best answer in the brackets to complete the sentences.

1.   Tom spoke (confident/confidently) to the audience urging them to elect him president of the union. He knew he had a (good/well) chance of winning the election.

2.   Alex (quick/ quickly) ate her lunch. She knew the meeting was (important/ importantly) and she didn't want to be late.

3.    The entrance examination is (extreme/ extremely) challenging. Very few people make it into the (prestigious/ prestigiously) medical school.

4.   Although Lisa speaks (soft/ softly) and seems quite (timid/ timidly), she is the leading expert in her field. Don't underestimate her abilities.

5.    After the medieval cathedral was (tragic/ tragically) burnt down last year, the city (quick/ quickly) rebuilt it stone for stone. It looks exactly the same as it did before the fire.

6.   The tomato plants grew (quick/ quickly) in the rich soil. Mrs. Brown intended to use the homegrown tomatoes to make her (delicious/ deliciously) tempting lasagna.

7.   Mr. Michael (generous/ generously) donated $ 1,000,000 to the law school's scholarship fund. With this money, they will be able to help low-income students cope with the (increasing/ increasingly) cost of education.

Tim is (good/ well) known for his sense of humor. Last Saturday, when he told the joke about the fireman and the school teacher, everybody there started laughing (uncontrollable/ uncontrollably).

Bài 13:

1.  confidently - good                                      5. tragically - quickly

2.  quickly - important                                     6. quickly - deliciously

3.  extremely - prestigious                               7. generously - increasing

4. softly -timid                                                 8. well - ucontrollably

Bài 14: Fill each gap with ONE suitable word.

a.  What I liked most about the movie                     (1) the music.

b.  What she                     (2) was                     (3) look for another job.

c.                       (4) I said                     (5) that she was a bit late and she bit my head off.

d.  What                     (6) then                     (7) that all hell broke loose.

e.  All that has happened is                     (8) the police                     (9) given me a warning.

f.                        (10) really annoys me                     (11) that he's always right.

g.  All I                     (12)                      (13) to ask for a clean cup, and the waiter went berserk.

h.  What                     (14) happened was that she'd completely forgotten about it.

i.   Your attitude is exactly                     (15) I wanted to talk to you about.

1.      was                      6. happened                11. is

2.     did                       7. was                          12. did

3.       to                        8. place                        13. was

4.       all                       9. thing                        14. had

5.      was                      10. What                        15. what

Bài 15: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in bold.

1.  We just need 3 minutes to fix it. (all)


2.  I'm not questioning her dedication, (isn't)


3.  Those men are totally ruthless, (what)


4.  We inherited everything except the garden, (only thing)


5.  You know the shop assistant told me exactly the same thing, (that's)


6.  We're cleaning the house, (doing)


1. All we need 3 minutes (to fix it).

2.  It’s isn't her dedication (that) I'm questioning.

3. What those men are is totally ruthless.

4. The only thing we  didn’t inherit was the garden/ the garden was the only thing we  didn’t inherit.

5. That’s exactly what the shop assistant told me.

6. What we are doing is cleaning the house.

Bài 16: Complete the sentences as cleft sentences focusing on the underlined phrases and including any words in bold. After It's, only use that where necessary.

1.  I really enjoy a long walk in the country.

It's                                                                         .

What                                                                          .

  (is) A long walk                                                                          .

2.  I dislike his rudeness the most.

What                                                                          .

  (what) His rudeness                                                                         .

It's                                                                         .

3.  His sense of irony makes me laugh.

(what) His                                                                         .

It's                                                                         .

What                                                                          .

1. It's a long walk in the country I really enjoy.

What I really enjoy is a long walk in the country     .

A long walk in the country is what I really enjoy

2. What  I dislike the most is his rudeness.

His rudeness is what  I dislike the most.

It's his rudeness that I dislike the most

3. His sense of irony is what makes me laugh

 It's  his sense of irony that makes me laugh

What makes me laugh is his sense of irony

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