Cho một cộng đồng tốt đẹp hơn

1. advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ (n): quảng cáo, rao vặt

2. announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ (n): thông báo

3. apply /əˈplaɪ/(v): nộp đơn xin việc

4. balance /ˈbæləns/ (v): làm cho cân bằng

5. by chance /baɪ - tʃɑːns/ (np): tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên

6. community /kəˈmjuːnəti/(n): cộng đồng

7. concerned /kənˈsɜːnd/ (a): lo lắng, quan tâm

8. creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ (a): sáng tạo

9. dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ (a): tận tâm, tận tụy

10. development /dɪˈveləpmənt/ (n): sự phát triển

11. disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/(a): thiệt thòi

12. donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ (v): cho, tặng

13. employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n): việc tuyển dụng

14. excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/(a): phấn khởi, phấn khích

15. facility /fəˈsɪləti/ (n): cơ sở vật chất, trang thiết bị

16. fortunate /ˈfɔːtʃənət/ (a): may mắn

17. handicapped /ˈhændikæpt/ (a): tàn tật, khuyết tật

18. helpful /ˈhelpfl/(a): hữu ích

19. hopeless /ˈhəʊpləs/ (a): vô vọng

20. interact /ˌɪntərˈækt/ (v): tương tác

21. interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ (a): quan tâm, hứng thú

22. interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ (a): hay, thú vị

23. invalid /ɪnˈvælɪd/ (n): người tàn tật, người khuyết tật

24. leader /ˈliːdə(r)/ (n): người đứng đầu, nhà lãnh đạo

25. martyr /ˈmɑːtə(r)/ (n): liệt sỹ

26. meaningful /ˈmiːnɪŋfl/ (a): có ý nghĩa

27. narrow-minded /ˌnærəʊ ˈmaɪndɪd/(a): nông cạn, hẹp hòi

28. non-profit /ˌnɒn ˈprɒfɪt/ (a): phi lợi nhuận

29. obvious /ˈɒbviəs/ (a): rõ ràng, hiển nhiên

30. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n): cơ hội, dịp

31. passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ (a): say mê, đam mê

32. patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ (a): kiên trì, kiên nhẫn

33. position /pəˈzɪʃn/ (n): vị trí, địa vị, chức vụ

34. post /pəʊst/ (n): vị trí, địa vị, chức vụ

35. priority /praɪˈɒrəti/(n): việc ưu tiên hàng đầu

36. public /ˈpʌblɪk/ (a): công cộng

37. remote /rɪˈməʊt/ (a): xa xôi, hẻo lánh

38. running water /ˈrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə(r)/ (np): nước máy



1. Cấu trúc (Form)




S + V (past) (+ O)

S + did not/ didn't + V(bare-inf) (+ O)

Did + S + V(bare-inf) (+ O)?

They went to the cinema last night.

They didn't go to the cinema last night.

Did they go to the cinema last night?


2. Cách dùng (Use)

- Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ (finished actions or events)

E.g:     I saw him at the airport yesterday. (Tôi thấy anh ta ở sân bay ngày hôm qua.)

            My aunt sent me a letter two days ago. (Dì tôi gửi thư cho tôi hai ngày trước.)

- Diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ (repeated actions)

E.g:     I played soccer three times a week when I was at school.

            (Tôi chơi bóng đá ba lần một tuần khi tôi còn ở trường)

            She went to Paris twice last year. (Cô đã đến Paris hai lần vào năm ngoái.)

- Diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ (past habits)

E.g:     She visited her parents every Sunday. (Cô đến thăm cha mẹ cô mỗi chủ nhật.)

            We often went swimming every afternoon. (Chúng tôi thường đi bơi mỗi buổi chiều.)

- Diễn tả tình trạng hay tình huống trong quá khứ

E.g:     Did you have a car when you were young?

- Diễn tả một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong (sequences of actions)

E.g:     He ran to the car, jumped in and raced off into the night.

3. Các cụm từ thời gian (Time phrases)

Một số cụm từ thời gian thường được dùng trong thì quá khứ đơn:

            yesterday,                                                        last night/week/month/ year, etc.,

            two days/ weeks/months, etc. ago,                 in 2000,

            at that moment,                                              then,

            suddenly,                                                        when

4. Quy tắc thêm "ed" vào sau động từ.

*) Đối với động từ có quy tắc

 - Thông thường ta thêm "ed" vào sau động từ.

            E.g:     wash —> washed

                        return —> returned

                        remember —> remembered

Tuy nhiên, cần lưu ý một số điểm sau khi thêm “ed”:

+ Nếu động từ tận cùng là "e" thì ta chỉ cần thêm "d".

E.g:     like —> liked                        

            love --> loved            

            decide —> decided

+ Nếu động từ có 1 âm tiết tận cùng là 1 phụ âm mà trước phụ âm là 1 nguyên âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm  "-ed”

E.g:     stop —> stopped                               tap —> tapped

Note:   commit —> committed                     prefer —> preferred

            (Động từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2)

- Nếu động từ tận cùng là "y" mà trước y là nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) thì ta thêm "ed".

            E.g:     play —> played                     stay —> stayed

- Nếu động từ tận cùng là "y" mà trước y là phụ âm ta đổi "y" thành "i” rồi thêm “ed".

            E.g:     study —> studied                  cry —> cried

*) Đối với động từ bất quy tắc

Với các động từ bất quy tắc, động từ biến đổi hình thức thành dạng quá khứ trong cột 2 của Bảng động từ Bất quy tắc trong Tiếng Anh (V2)

            E.g:     go —> went;                          say —> said;

                        do —> did;                             forget —> forgot;

                        buy —> bought

5. Quy tắc phát âm động từ có đuôi "ed"

- Khi động từ có tận cùng là phụ âm /t/ hoặc /d/ thì ta phát âm là /id/

            E.g:     Wanted / ˈwɒn.tɪd /;              Needed /ˈniː.dɪd/

- Khi động từ có tận cùng là phụ âm vô thanh /p/, /f/, /k/, /s/, /.1"/, /tf/ thì ta phát âm là /t/

            E.g:     Stopped / stɒpt /:                   Laughed / lɑːft /;

                        Cooked / kʊkt /;                    Watched / wɒtʃt /

- Khi động từ có tận cùng là phụ âm và nguyên âm còn lại thì ta phát âm là /d/

            E.g:     Played / ˈpleɪd/ ;                    Opened /ˈəʊ.pənd/



Bài 1: Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.


Simple past


Simple past































Bài 2:  Put the verbs into the simple past tense.

1. Last year she (go)_ went to Da Nang City on holiday.

2. It (be) was terrible.

3. I (visit) visited lots of beautiful places. I (be) was with two friends of mine.

4. In the mornings they (walk) walked in the streets of Hanoi.

5. In the evenings we (go) went to the cinema.

6. The weather (be) was strangely fine.

7. It (not / rain) didn't rain/ did not rain  a lot.

8. We (see) saw some beautiful rainbows.

9. Where (you/ spend) did you spend your last holiday?

10. It was sunny, so I (take) took off my coat.

11. The film wasn't good. I (not enjoy) didn't enjoy/ did not enjoy it very much.

12. I knew Sally was very busy, so I (not disturb) didn't disturb/ did not disturb her.

13. My father was very tired, so he (come) came back home early.

14. The bed wasn't comfortable. I (not sleep) didn't sleep/ did not sleep very well.

15. My sister wasn't hungry, so she (not eat) didn't eat/ did not eat anything.

16. We went to our parents' house but they (not be) weren't/ were not at home.

17. It was a funny story but nobody (laugh) laughed. 

18. The window was open and a bird (fly) flew into my room.

19. My husband was in a hurry, so he (not have) didn't have/ did not have time to phone you.

20. The bags (be) were very heavy.

Bài 3: Make questions for the underlined part of the sentence.

1. She clicked the mouse button.

What did she click?

2. Mr. David robbed a bank.

Who robbed a bank?

3. The house was built five years ago.

What was built five years ago?

4. The students respected their teacher.

Who did the students respect?

5. They welcomed the new student warmly.

How did they welcome the new student?

Bài 4: Complete the sentence with the verbs in the box. Put the verbs into past simple tense.














1. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

2. My mother_ taught _me to learn to ride a bike.

3. They couldn't afford to keep their car, so they sold it.

4. I_ drank the water very fast because I was very thirsty.

5. Tom and I played badminton yesterday. He is much better than me, so he won easily.

6. John fell down the stairs last night and hurt his leg.

7. Tim threw the ball to his sister, who caught it.

8. Mary spent a lot of money this morning. She bought a dress. It cost 50 dollars.

Bài 5: Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word from  the box in the past simple tense

            go                    get                   start                 break  stay                  buy

            spend               find                 want                see                   have                leave 

            Two years ago we (1)_ had a holiday in Scotland. We (2) drove there from London, but our car (3) broke down on the motorway and we (4) spent the first night in Birmingham. When we (5) got to Edinburgh we couldn't find a good hotel - they were all full.  We didn't know what to do, but in the end we (6) found a bed and breakfast and (7) stayed   there for the week. We (8) saw the castle, went to the Arts Festival, and we (9) bought a lot of souvenirs. We (10) wanted to go to Loch Ness but we didn't have much time and it was quite far away. The weather was good, but it (11) _ started  the day we (12) left.

Bài 6: Fill in the blank with only ONE suitable word from the box in the correct form.

                        be (x2)             watch              have                ago                 start               

                        eat                   go                    yesterday         decide              want              

                        study               last                   have               not be             sleep

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

            Tom went to library for his physics homework assignment (1 last Saturday. He (2) studied physics all day. He (3) went/got out of the library at 5 o'clock. Then, he got on a bus to go home. He met one of his old friends on the bus. He didn't (4) want  to go home directly. They (5) went to a cafe together. He (6) had/spent really great time with him. He got home at six. The dinner (7) wasn't ready so he (8) watched TV. For dinner, he ate spaghetti and salad, but he didn't (9) eat/have the delicious dessert. He (10) was on diet. He went to his bedroom and (11) started _listening to some music. He finished his book three days (12) ago and he bought a new book (13) yesterday. However, he didn't feel like reading it. He (14) was really tired, and (15) decided/wanted to go to bed early. He (16) slept all night and finished the day.

II. THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn)

1. Cấu trúc (Form)




S + was/ were + V-ing (+O)

S + was/ were + not + V-ing (+O)

Was/ Were + S +V-ing (+O)?

My brother was reading books at this time last night.

My brother wasn't reading books at this time last night.

Was your brother reading books at this time last night?


2. Cách dùng (Use)

            - Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ (actions in progress at a point of time in the past)

E.g:     At 9 o'clock yesterday, I was doing the homework.

            (Vào 9 giờ ngày hôm qua, tôi đã làm bài tập về nhà)

            - Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ (actions in progress over a period of time)

E.g:     My husband was working hard all day. (Chồng tôi đã làm việc chăm chỉ cả ngày.)

*) Note: Các cụm từ chỉ thời gian như: all day, all the morning, ... thường được dùng trong trường hợp này

            - Diễn tả tình huống/ sự việc tạm thời hoặc đang diễn ra trong quá khứ (temporary or changing situations in the past)

E.g:     At the time, I was working for a bank in this city. (a temporary situation)

            I was becoming bored with the job, so I decided to change. (a changing situation)

            - Diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra thì một hành động khác xen vào trong quá khứ (an action was in progress when another action happened/ interrupted it)

E.g:     We were having dinner when someone knocked at/on the door. (Chúng tôi ăn tối khi ai đó gõ cửa / vào cửa..)

            - Diễn tả hai hay nhiều hành động cùng đồng thời xảy ra trong quá khứ (two or more actions in progress at the same time in the past)

E.g:     While I was cooking dinner, my husband was playing computer games.

            (Trong khi tôi đang nấu bữa tối, chồng tôi chơi trò chơi điện tử.)

*) Note: Chúng ta không thường dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn đối với các động từ chỉ tình trạng, sở hữu, cảm xúc, tri giác như: be, cost, belong, own, have, feel, hear, hate, like, etc

3. Các cụm từ chỉ thời gian (Time phrases)

            Các cụm từ chỉ thời gian  thường sử dụng trong thì này như: while, as, when, meanwhile, at that time, all the morning/ afternoon/ day, etc.



Bài 7: Write the - ing form of the following verbs.



V- ing

1. Share

2. Tidy

3. Shut

4. Dial

5. Lie








Bài 8: Write sentences in the past continuous tense.

1. the snowman / melt / in the sun .

1. The snowman was melting in the sun.

2. they / explore / a new territory .

2. They were exploring a new territory.

3. the boss/ print out / a document.

3. The boss was printing out a document.

4. the boy/ not / concentrate / on the task .

4. The boy was not concentrating on the task.

5. Michael/ not / practise / on the piano.

5. Michael was not practising on the piano.

Bài 9: Make questions for the underlined part of the sentence.

1. At six o'clock, Mike was reading the document.

1. What time was Mike reading the document?

2. Sarah was waiting for him in the park.

2. Where was Sarah waiting for him?

3. The students were talking about American culture.

3. What were the students talking about?

4. The secretary was writing a letter.

4. Who was writing a letter?

5. Lisa was looking for her necklace.

5. What was Lisa looking for?

Bài 10: Put the verbs into the correct form (the past continuous tense).

1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) were playing computer games.

2. Yesterday at six my sister (prepare) was preparing  dinner.

3. The children (play) were playing  in the garden when it began to rain.

4. I (practice) was practicing the guitar when she came home.

5. They (not / cycle) weren't cycling all day.

6. While Tom (work) was working/ in his room, his friends (swim) were swimming  in the pool.

7. I tried to tell my mother the truth but she (not/ listen) wasn't listening

8. What (you / do) yesterday were you doing _?

Bài 11: Complete the text with the verbs in the box using the pastcontinuous tense.

                        smoke bark                 hold                 walk                wear   

                        eat                   sleep                drink               walk                read

            It was exactly nine o'clock. Outside, it was raining. We (1) were reading our books in the living room, and our 9-year-old twins (2) were sleeping quietly in their bedroom. My husband (3) was drinking  a cup of tea, and my father (4) was smoking a cigarette. Our 16-year-old daughter (5) was walking towards the door. She (6) was wearing her dark blue raincoat and she (7) was holding an umbrella. She (8) was eating a chocolate bar. Our cats (9) were walking beside her, and our dog (10) was barkingloudly. It was a normal evening. Suddenly, two men jumped through the window!

Bài 12: Circle the correct answer in the bracket.

1. I_____ - I didn't hear you come in . (was sleeping/ slept)

2. I_____ to see her twice, but she wasn't home. (was coming/ came) 

3. What_____ ? - I was watching TV. (did you do/ were you doing)

4. He was a character who _____from the rich and gave to the poor. (stole/ was stealing)

5. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I _____to her. (was talking/ talked)

6. I _____ home very late last night. (came/ was coming)

7. When_____ a cold? (did you have/ were you having)

8.  _____a good time in Paris? Yes, I had a blast! (Were you having/ Did you have)

9. We _____ breakfast when she walked into the room. (had/ were having)

10. Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally _____it. (bought/ was buying)

Bài 13: Complete the text using the correct form of the verb in the brackets in either the past simple or past continuous.

            This morning (1. be) was terrible! I (2. wake up) woke up late and I (3. rush) was rushing to get to school on time when I (4. remember) remembered that I (5. forget) forgot my homework at Tom's house last night. We (6. study) were studying together when my mom (7. call) called and (8. tell) told me to come home for dinner. Then, while I (9. brush) was brushing my teeth, I (10. realize) realized that I had a test in English that I didn't study for! I (11. be) was so upset that I (12. get) got toothpaste on my shirt and had to change my clothes! I (13. miss) missed the bus and had to walk to school. It (14. be) was awful!




Bài 14: Write the words in the correct order.

1. I/ the bus/ caught/ yesterday/ to work/.

1. I caught the bus to work yesterday.

2. it was raining/because/ didn't/ she/ for a walk/ got

2. She didn't go for a walk because it was raining.

3. I got/TV/ when/ watching/ my/ brother/ was/ home/.

3. My brother was watching TV when I got home.

4. break/ your arm/ you/ how/ did/?

4. How did you break your arm?

5. last summer/ in a beautiful village/ spent/ we/.

5. We spent last summer in a beautiful village.

6. last night/ Sally/ what/ was/ wearing/ at the party/?

6. What was Sally wearing at the party last night?

7. a loud party/ while/ my neighbors/ I/ were having/ to study,/ was trying/.

7. While I was trying to study, my neighbors were having a loud party.

8. you/ to the cinema/ last night/ did/ go/?

8. Did you go to the cinema last night?

Bài 15: Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

1. Last night I_______on my thesis and it took me a while to realise that my phone was  ringing. (work/ was working)

2. When you _______I was in a meeting so I couldn't answer your call. (called/ were calling)

3. David can never agree with Tim. They_______ . (always argue/ are always arguing)

4. Why did you disagree with me at the meeting? ____________ to make me look incompetent? (Did you try/ Were you trying)

5. Daisy_______ the buffet while I was looking for the drinks. (prepared/ was preparing)

 6. Tim _______ home when the accident happened. (walked/ was walking)

7. I  _______ to work, even when it rained. (was always walking/ always walked)

8. Kelly _______ her speech when I walked in. (was finishing/ finished)

Bài 16: Put the verbs into the past simple or past continuous tense.

1. I used my time well while I (wait) was waiting for the train - I wrote some emails.

2. I (not/work) wasn’t working  when my boss walked in my office. I was on Facebook.

3. I saw a car crash when I (wait) was waiting for the taxi.

4. Tom (have) had long hair and a beard when he was at university.

5. It started raining while I (drive) was driving to work.

6. What (you/do) were you doing this time last year?

7. I (not/call) didn't call you at 10 o'clock as arranged because I was having a meeting.

8. I (still/sleep) was still sleeping when my husband left for work this morning.


Bài 17: Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense, past simple or past continuous. Use the passive form if necessary.

1. When she heard the phone ring, she (stop) stopped  reading to answer it.

2. My mother (read) was reading so she didn't see me walking past.

3. When the accident happened, thousands of people (pass) were passing  through the airport.

4. I (have) had English lessons every week from the age of four onwards.

5. They decided to leave the beach because it (get) was getting dark and they wanted to get home while there was still some light.

6. Kate already (think) Was Kate already thinking of leaving university before she failed her first year exams?

7. Since your house had a pool, you (swim) did you swim every day?

8. The disaster (attract) attracted hundreds of people from the country to the city.

9. Sorry I couldn't come on Monday, but I (work) was working on my project.

10. The national park (create) was created to protect wildlife.

Bài 18: Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense.

            Last night, while I was doing my homework, Hoa (1. call) called . She said she (2. call) was calling me on her cell phone from her biology classroom. I asked her if she (3.wait) was waiting for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (4.talk) was talking to me. I couldn't believe she (5. make) was making a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.

            She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (6. sleep, actually) were actually sleeping in class. Some of the students (7. talk) were talking about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (8. draw) was drawing a picture of a horse. When Hoa (9. tell) told me she was not satisfied with the class, I (10. mention) mentioned that my biology professor was quite good and (11. suggest) suggested that she switch to my class.

            While we were talking, I (12. hear) heard her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (13. hang) hung  up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As 1 (14. cut) was cutting vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (15. in class. be) was Hoa, but this time she wasn't sitting  in the class.


Bài 19: Read the story and answer the following questions.


            Last Friday, Mrs. Anderson planned to have a delicious dinner. She bought a T-bone steak and some cream and apples for an apple pie. When she came home from the shops she put her shopping on the table. While she was setting the table, her two pets sat underneath it and watched her. Then she went to the kitchen to make the pastry for the pie. She was a little forgetful so she didn't realize the steak, cream and apples were still on the table. While she was making the pastry, the dog jumped on a chair and looked longingly at the steak. At last it took the steak in its mouth and jumped off the chair, just as Mrs. Anderson was coming back into the dining room. Mrs. Anderson screamed, but the dog ran into the garden. She ran after the dog. While she was chasing the dog, the cat jumped on the table and started drinking the cream. Mrs. Anderson didn't manage to catch the dog, and she came back into the dining room. When she saw the cat, she shrieked, and the cat got such a fright that it jumped a meter into the air, and leapt out the window. Mrs. Anderson threw her broom at the cat, but she missed, and broke the window. At the same time she overbalanced and put her hand in the cream, spilling it all over the tablecloth. Poor Mrs. Anderson - she had no dinner, only a dirty tablecloth and a broken window.

Answer these questions about the story. Answer in complete sentences.

1. What did Mrs. Anderson plan?

1. She planned to have a delicious dinner.

2. Why did she buy cream and apples?

2. She bought them for an apple pie.

3. When did her pets watch her?

3. Her pets watched her while she was setting the table.

4. Where did she leave the steak?

4. She left the steak on the table

5. When did the dog jump on the chair?

5. It jumped on the chair while she was making the pastry.

6. How did the dog look at the steak?

6. The dog looked at it longingly.

7. When did the dog jump off the chair?

7. The dog jumped off the chair as/ when she was coming into the dining room.

8. Where did the dog go?

8. It ran into the garden.

9. What was she doing when the cat jumped on the table?

9. She was chasing the dog.

10. What did Mrs. Anderson do when she saw the cat?

10. She shrieked when she saw the cat..

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