Unit 3 UNIT 3. MUSIC

Âm nhạc


1. air /eə(r)/ (v): phát thanh/ hình

2. audience /ˈɔːdiəns/ (n): khán/ thính giả

3. biography /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ (n): tiểu sử

4. celebrity panel /səˈlebrəti - ˈpænl/ (np): ban giám khảo gồm những người nổi tiếng

5. clip /klɪp/ (n): một đoạn phim/ nhạc

6. composer /kəmˈpəʊzə(r)/ (n): nhà soạn nhạc

7. contest /ˈkɒntest/ (n): cuộc thi

8. dangdut (n): một loại nhạc dân gian của In-đô-nê-xi-a

9. debut album /ˈdeɪbjuː - ˈælbəm/(np): tập nhạc tuyển đầu tay

10. fan /fæn/ (n): người hâm mộ

11. global smash hit /ˈɡləʊbl - smæʃ - hɪt/(np): thành công lớn trên thê giới

12. idol /ˈaɪdl/ (n): thần tượng

13. judge /dʒʌdʒ/ (n): ban giám khảo

14. phenomenon /fəˈnɒmɪnən/(n): hiện tượng

15. platinum /ˈplætɪnəm/(n): danh hiệu thu âm dành cho ca sĩ hoặc nhóm nhạc có tuyển tập nhạc phát hành tối thiểu 1 triệu bản

16. pop /pɒp/ (n): nhạc bình dân, phổ cập

17. post /pəʊst/ (v): đưa lên Internet

18. process /ˈprəʊses/ (n): quy trình

19. release /rɪˈliːs/ (v): công bố




1. Infinitives with "to" (Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to”)

            Động từ nguyên mẫu có “to” được dùng để:

            - Làm chủ ngữ trong câu

E.g: To become a teacher is her dream. ( Trở thành một giáo viên là giấc mơ của cô ấy)

            - Làm tân ngữ của động từ

E.g: It's raining, so she decides to bring an umbrella. (Trời đang mưa, nên cô quyết định mang theo ô.)

            - Làm tân ngữ của tính từ

E.g: I'm glad to see you here. (Tôi rất vui khi thấy bạn ở đây.)

            - Chỉ mục đích:

E.g: Is there anything to eat? (Có gì để ăn ko?)

            - Dùng sau các từ để hỏi "wh-": who, what, when, how... nhưng thường không dùng sau "why"

E.g: I don't know what to do. (Tôi không biết phải làm gì.)

            - Đứng sau các từ 'the first': "the second': "the last, "the only".

E.g: Nam is the first person in my class to receive the scholarship. (Nam là người đầu tiên trong lớp tôi nhận được học bổng)

            - Đứng trước các cấu trúc:

                        a. It takes/took + O + thời gian + to + V-inf (Ai đó mất bao lâu để....)

E.g: It took me 2 weeks to find a suitable job. (Tôi mất 2 tuần để tìm một công việc phù hợp.)

                        b. S + be + adj + to V-inf

E.g: It's interesting to play volleyball together. (Thật thú vị khi chơi bóng chuyền cùng nhau.)

                        c. S + V + too +adj/adv + to + Vela (quá...để...)

E.g: It's too late to say goodbye. (Đã quá trễ để nói lời tạm biệt.)

                        d. S + V + adj/adv + enough + to + V-inf (đủ ....để...)

E.g: He speaks English well enough to communicate with foreigners. (Anh ấy nói tiếng Anh đủ tốt để giao tiếp với người nước ngoài.)

                        e. I + think/ thought/ believe/ find + it + adj + to + V-inf (tôi nghĩ...để...)

E.g: I find it difficult to learn to play the piano. (Tôi thấy khó học chơi piano.)

            - Dùng sau một số động từ. Ta có thể thêm "not" trước cụm "to +V-inf" để chỉ nghĩa phủ định: afford, agree, appear, arrange, attempt, begin, care, choose, consent, determine, happen, hesitate, hope, intend, pretend, propose, promise, refuse, love, offer, start, swear, ...

E.g: All citizens agree to build a water park at the center of the city.

            (Tất cả công dân đồng ý xây dựng một công viên nước ở trung tâm thành phố.)

            - Dùng sau một số động từ có tân ngữ đi kèm: ask, advise, allow, bear, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, compel, intend, order, permit, like, invite, request, tell, trouble, want, prefer, warn, wish, teach...

            Form: S + V + 0 + to + V-inf

E.g: The doctor advises me to eat more vegetables. (Bác sĩ khuyên tôi nên ăn nhiều rau xanh.)

            - Dùng sau một số tính từ chỉ cảm xúc con người: able, unable, delighted, proud, ashamed, afraid, glad, anxious, surprised, pleased, easy, amused, annoyed, happy, ready...

E.g: Tam is able to speak Spanish fluently. (Tâm có thể nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha trôi chảy.)

2. Bare infinitives/ Infinitives without “to” (Động từ nguyên mẫu không có "to")

Chúng ta sử dụng động từ nguyên mẫu không có "to" khi:

            - Đứng sau các động từ khuyết thiếu: can, could, should, may, might, will, shall, would, must...

E.g: This child can sing a folk song in German. (Đứa trẻ này có thể hát một bài hát dân gian bằng tiếng Đức.)

            - Đứng sau "had better","would rather/sooner" hay "rather than"

E.g: You'd better study harder in order to pass the exam. (Bạn nên học tập chăm chỉ hơn để vượt qua kỳ thi.)

            - Đứng sau "make': "let" Make/ Let + O + V (bare -inf)

E.g: Anna let her daughters play outside. (Anna để con gái chơi bên ngoài.)

            - Đứng sau các động từ chỉ tri giác, thể hiện hành động đã hoàn tất hoặc biết được toàn bộ sự việc đã xảy ra: hear, smell, watch, notice, feel...

E.g: I heard someone scream at midnight. (Tôi nghe ai đó hét vào lúc nửa đêm.)



Bài 1: Put the verbs into the correct form (infinitive with or without to).

1. I can speak__ English.

2. We have to do ___our homework.

3. You must stay _ at home.

4. I will help __  you.

5. He cannot see ___us.

6. My little sister learns to speak _ English.

7. We want to go __ to the cinema.

8. You should ask _ your parents.

9. I'd like to have __a dog.

10. May I come __ in?


Bài 2: Rewrite the following sentences using an infinitive.

            Example:        - It is no use trying to convince her of this.

                                    - It is no use for us to try to convince her of this.


1. It won't be any good talking to her about it.

1. It won't be any good for me to talk to her about it.

2. It wouldn't be much good complaining to the minister about it.

2. It wouldn't be much good for us to complain to the minister about it.

3. It is no fun having so many children to look after.

3. It is no fun for me to have so many children to look after.

4. Will it be any good my seeing the boss about it?

4. Will it be any good for me to see the boss about it?

5. It is just silly throwing away your chances like that.

5. It is just silly for you to throw away your chances like that.


Bài 3: Match the words in the column A with the words in the column B to make a meaningful sentence.





e-1. My teacher forces me

c-2. Kate encourages others

f-3. Kelly can't get her suitcase

d-4. John's brother had his friend

a-5. I always help my grandmother

b-6. Mark hates it when his mom tells him

a. do chores around her house.

b. to do the dishes after dinner.

c. to try new things with her.

d. help him with his homework.

e. to do my homework.

f. to close properly.


Bài 4: Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. Could you please stop (make)  making (stop Ving: ngừng làm gì) so much noise?

2. He refused (lend) to lend (refuse to V: từ chối làm gì) me any money.

3. Don't let him (try) try (let Smb V: để ai làm gì) this dangerous game!

4. I don't enjoy (write) writing (enjoy V-ing: thích làm gì)  letters.

5. Miss Smith was very strict. No one dared  (talk)  to talk/ talk (dare to V/ V bare-inf: dám làm gì) during her lessons.

6. I've arranged (play) to play (arrange to V: sắp xếp làm gì)  tennis tomorrow afternoon.

7. Tom made Mary  (cry) cry (make Smb V: khiến ai làm gì) yesterday.

8. Have you finished (wash) Washing (finish Ving: hoàn thành việc gì)  your hair yet?

9. Sally offered (look) to look (offer to V: đề nghị giúp làm gì)  after our children while we were out.

10. He admitted (steal) stealing (admit V-ing: thừa nhận làm gì)  our car.

11. She doesn't want (go) to go (want to V: muốn làm gì)  home now.

12. We are not allowed  (talk) to talk (be allowed to V: được phép làm gì) in the library.

13. Would you mind (answer) answering (mind V-ing: phiền làm gì)  me some questions?

14. They watched their children  (play) play/ playing (watch Smb V/ Ving: xem ai làm gì)  football.

15. He begged her ( not/tell) not to tell (beg Smb (not) to V: cầu  xin/ khẩn cầu ai (không) làm gì) his mother.

Bài 5: Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

1. My teacher (made / convinced) me to practice for two hours every night.

2. Are you sure I can't (convince / make) you to come with us?

3. Sometimes late at night, my mother (gets / lets) me go out.

4. Emily and Daisy are always (having / persuading) us to go shopping with them.

5. My teacher is going to (get / have) me take a special math class next month.

6. Even though Mike doesn't like it, his father always (forces / has) him to go to music lessons after school.



Bài 6: Rearrange the jumbled words to make sentences.

1. to do / that / again. / for me / would be / It / awful

1. It would be awful for me to do that again.

2. ten years / the championship. / to win / took / the team / It

2. It took the team ten years to win the championship.

3. dollars / lunch. / to buy / It / four / costs

3. It costs four dollars to buy lunch.

4. information / allows / to get /The Internet / us / anywhere. / from

4. The Internet allows us to get information from anywhere.

5. me / to give / my teacher / less / My mother / persuaded / homework.

5. My mother persuaded my teacher to give me less homework.

Bài 7:  Complete the passage with words from the box.

            wake up          seems              try                    excited home               in the middle

            My daily life 1 seems  to be pretty boring. Every day, I go to school to listen to my teachers talk about the same thing. After school, I get 2 excited to meet my friends so we can go play soccer. I then go 3 home to eat dinner. After that I try to finish my homework, but I usually stop 5 in the middle to take a nap. I then 6 wake up to finish my homework before going back to sleep for the night.



1. Định nghĩa:

            Câu ghép là câu chứa từ 2 mệnh đề độc lập trở lên, diễn tả các ý có tầm quan trọng ngang nhau. Hay nói cách khác, câu ghép được thành lập bởi các câu đơn được nối với nhau bởi các liên từ.

            Conjuntions: các liên từ được dùng trong câu ghép là:

            • F= for                       • A= and                     • N= nor

            • B= but                      • O= or                        • Y= yet          • S= so

            Cách ghi nhớ: FANBOYS


E.g:     I stayed at home during my holiday, for I had to work.

                        (Tôi ở nhà trong kỳ nghỉ, vì tôi phải làm việc.)

            Tim likes playing football, and he enjoys cooking.

                        (Tim thích chơi bóng đá và anh ấy thích nấu ăn.)

            He didn't go to school, nor did he stay at home.

                        (Anh ta không đi học, cũng không ở nhà.)

            Sue studied hard, but she didn't pass the exam.

                        (Sue học chăm chỉ, nhưng cô ấy không vượt qua kỳ thi.)

            We will go shopping, or we will go to the cinema.

                        (Chúng tôi sẽ đi mua sắm, hoặc chúng tôi sẽ đi xem phim.)

            Jane did very well on her job interview, yet she didn't get the job. (Jane đã làm rất tốt trong cuộc phỏng vấn việc làm của mình, nhưng cô ấy không nhận được công việc.)

            She needed to buy something, so she decided to go shopping. (Cô cần mua thứ gì đó, vì vậy cô quyết định đi mua sắm.)

2. Cách thành lập câu ghép

            Cách 1:           IC + (,)+ CC + IC

            CC: coordinating conjunction/ coordinator: liên từ đẳng lập;

            IC: independent clause: mệnh đề độc lập

E.g: I was ill yesterday, so I stayed at home. (so là liên từ đẳng lập)

            Cách 2:           IC + (;) + IC

            Chúng ta sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy (semicolon)  để liên kết 2 mệnh đề trong câu ghép khi 2 mệnh đề có liên quan chặt chẽ đến nhau về mặt ý nghĩa)

E.g: Lan was very hungry this morning; she ate a lot.



Bài 8: Decide if each sentence is a simple sentence or a compound sentence.

1. He had been horseback riding before. (simple)

2. Mark felt a little nervous on a horse, but he would never admit it. (compound)

3. He discovered that riding was a lot of fun, and he couldn't wait to tell his friends about it. (compound)

4. There don't seem to be many bears in the national park this year. . (simple)

5. Suddenly, she pointed out the car window towards some trees. . (simple)

Bài 9: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. The ducklings are dark, (but/ or) the adult ducks are white.

2. The ducklings were playing (but/ or) they were learning, too.

3. The ducklings ate a lot, (but/ and) they grew fast.

4. I brought bread with me, (but/ and) I fed the ducks.

5. Maybe they knew me, (and/ or) maybe they just liked the food I fed them.

Bài 10: Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using the two simple sentences.

1. Mark drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner.

- Show a sequence of events

1. Mark drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner.

2. Linda thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new profession.

 - Provide a reason

2. Linda thinks she should go to school, for she wants to get qualifications for a new profession.

3. David invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt.

- Show an unexpected result

3. David invested a lot of money in the business, but the business went bankrupt.

4. John didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help.

- Show an action taken based on a reason

4. John didn't understand the homework assignment, so he asked the teacher for help.

5. The students didn't prepare for the test.They didn't realize how important the test was.

- Give a reason

5. The students didn't prepare for the test, nor did they realize how important the test was.

6. Sue thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on vacation.

- Show additional information

6. Sue thinks she should stay home and relax, or she should go on vacation.

7. The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient.

- Show an action taken based on a reason

7. The doctors looked at the x-rays, so they decided to operate on the patient.

8. We went out on the town. We came home late.

- Show a sequence of events

8. We went out on the town, and we came home late.

9. Tim flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum.

- Show addition

9. Tim flew to London to visit his Uncle, and he wanted to visit the National Museum.

10. It is sunny. It is very cold.

- Show a contrast

10. It is sunny, but it is very cold.



Bài 11: Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

1. I can't imagine Lucy (going/ to go) by bike.                   going (imagine Ving)

2. He agreed (buy/ to buy) a new car.                                 to buy (agree to V)

3. It is easy (answer/ to answer) this question.                   to answer (be adj to V)

4. The man asked me how (getting/ to get) to the airport. to get (how to V)

5. I look forward to (see/ seeing) you at the weekend.       seeing (look forward to Ving)

6. Are you thinking of (visit/ visiting) London?                 visiting (giới từ + Ving)

7. We decided (run/ to run) through the forest.                 to run (decide to V)

8. The teacher expected Linda (study/ to study) hard.     to study (expect Smb to V)

9. She doesn't mind (working/ to work) the night shift. working (mind Ving)

10. I learned (riding/ to ride) the bike at the age of 5.       to ride (learn to V)




Bài 12: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. It was very dangerous. We couldn't risk _______her alone.

            A. leave                       B. leaving                   C. to leave                  D. left

2. I had the roof _______yesterday.

            A. to repair                B. repaired                  C. repairing               D. repair

3. We let our son_______ up late at weekends.

            A. staying                   B. stay                         C. to stay                    D. stayed

4. The children were eager_______ their parents.

            A. to see                      B. see                          C. seeing                     D. saw

5. He'd rather_______ at home.

            A. to stay                    B. staying                   C. stayed                    D. stay

6. Nam is very humorous. His joke makes me _______a lot.

            A. laugh                      B. to laugh                  C. laughing                D. laughed

7. They saw him _______the agreement.

            A. sign                         B. to sign                    C. to signing               D. signed

8. It's necessary for her _______back home before 10 p.m.

            A. coming                   B. come                       C. came                      D. to come

9. They would _______ go to Ho Chi Minh City by plane than travel by train.

            A. like                         B. rather                     C. prefer                     D. better

10.The boss allows  _______home.

            A. us to stay                B. us stay                    C. us staying D. us to staying


Bài 13: Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I can't think of (go) going to visit her in hospital without (buy) buying some flowers.

1 - (giới từ + Ving)

2. Don't hesitate (ask)  to ask me if you have any questions.

2, (Hesitate + to V: do dự, ngập ngừng khi làm gì)

3. It was very kind of you (show) to show me the way to the post office.

3, (It + be + adj (kind/ helpful/ good,'.....) of smb to do smt)

4. I am looking forward to (see) seeing him again.

4. (Look forward to Ving: mong đợi/mong chờ làm gì)

5. I intend (study) to study English to understand the cultures of foreign countries.

5, (Intend to V: ý định làm gì)

6. She still plans on (marry) marrying him even after he refused (buy) to buy  her an engagement ring

6. - (giới từ + Ving; Refuse -4- to V: từ chối làm gì)

7. I cannot resist (eat) eating fish when I am in England.

7. (Can't resist +Ving: không thể cưỡng lại làm gì)

8. She enjoys (go) going to parties and (dance) dancing all the night long.

8. - (Enjoy +Ving: thích làm gì)

9. I stopped (live) living in London when I realized it was time for me (move) to move.

9. - (Stop +Ving: ngừng làm gì đó ; It + be + time +for O + toV.. đến lúc làm gì)

10. Don't forget (turn) to turn off the light before you leave the house.

10. (Forget + to V: quên sẽ làm gì)

Bài 14: Use fanboys (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using the two simple sentences.

1. I have studied French for many years. As a result, my French-speaking friends can chat easily with me now.

1. I have studied French for many years, so my French-speaking friends can chat easily with me now.

2. You are quite intelligent. However, you don't think before you act.

2. You are quite intelligent, but you don't think before you act.

3. My friends Jane and Jennifer have just moved into a new home.They've made many changes in its appearance.

3. My friends Jane and Jennifer have just moved into a new home, and they've made many changes in its appearance.

4. Sue could study music next year. She could study drama instead.

4 Sue could study music next year, or she could study drama (instead).

5. Tom watches the news. Bill makes news.

5. Tom watches the news, but Bill makes news

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