Cách học mới


·         education /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/(n): nền giáo dục

·         educational /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/(adj): có tính/thuộc giáo dục

·         access /ˈækses/(v): truy cập

·         application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/(n): ứng dụng

·         assignments (n): bài tập về nhà

·         concentrate/ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ (v): tập trung

·         device /dɪˈvaɪs/(n): thiết bị

·         digital /ˈdɪdʒɪtl/(adj): kỹ thuật số

·         disadvantage/ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ (n): nhược/ khuyết điểm

·         educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/(v) : giáo dục

·         fingertip /ˈfɪŋɡətɪp/ (n): đầu ngón tay

·         identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/(v): nhận dạng

·         improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ (v): cải thiện/tiến

·         instruction /ɪnˈstrʌkʃn/(n): hướng/chỉ dẫn

·         information (n): thông tin

·         learning tool (phr.n): công cụ học tập

·         mobile (adj): di động, có thể mang đi

·         native /ˈneɪtɪv/(adj): bản ngữ

·         portable /ˈpɔːtəbl/(adj): xách tay

·         software /ˈsɒftweə(r)/(n): phần mềm

·         syllable/ˈsɪləbl/ (n): âm tiết

·         smartphone (n): điện thoại thông minh

·         record (v): ghi âm

·         tablets (n): máy tính bảng

·         technology /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ (n): công nghệ

·         touch screen /tʌtʃskriːn/ (n.phr): màn hình cảm ứng

·         voice recognition/vɔɪsˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ (n.phr): nhận dạng giọng nói



1. Who: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ, sau Who là "be/V".

Ex:       The man is Mr. Pike. He is standing over there.

=> The man who is standing over there is Mr. Pike.

2. Whom: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ, sau Whom là "a clause".

Ex:       That is the girl. I told you about her.

=> That is the girl whom I told you about.

Note: Whom làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.

3. Which: which dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật, làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.

Ex:       The dress is very beautiful. I bought it yesterday.

=> The dress which I bought yesterday is very beautiful.

Note: Which làm tân ngữ có thể được bỏ đi trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.

4. That: là đại từ chỉ cả người và vật, đứng sau danh từ để làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.

Ex:       This is the book. I like it best.

=> This is the book that I like best.

Note:   + Sau dấu phẩy không bao giờ dùng that

+ That luôn được dùng sau các danh từ hỗn hợp (gồm cả người lẫn vật) everything, something, anything, all little, much, none và sau dạng so sánh nhất.

5. Whose: là đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu. Whose đứng trước danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật và thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu hoặc sở hữu cách trước danh từ. Sau whose là 1 danh từ.

Ex:       John found a cat. Its leg was broken.

=> John found a cat whose leg was broken.


1. When: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ thời gian, When được thay cho at/on/in + danh từ thời gian hoặc then.

Ex:       May Day is a day. People hold a meeting on that day.

=> May Day is a day when people hold a meeting.

2. Where: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ nơi chốn, When được thay cho at/on/in + danh từ nơi chốn hoặc there.

Ex:       Do you know the country? I was born.

=> Do you know the country where I was born?

3. Why: dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ lí do. Why thay cho for which.

Ex:       I don't know the reason. She left him alone.

=> I don't know the reason why she left him alone.


Bài 1: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. She is talking about the author _________ book is one of the best-sellers this year.

A. which                     B. whose                      C. that                         D. who

2. He bought all the books_________are needed for the next exam.

A. that              B.what            C. those                       D. who

3. The children_________parents are famous teachers, are taught well.

A. that                         B. whom                     C. whose                     D. their

4. Do you know the boy_________we met at the party last week?

A. which                     B. whose                     C. where                      D. whom

5. The exercises which we are doing _________ very easy.

A. is                             B. has been                  C. are                          D. was

6. The man _________ next to me kept talking during the film, _________ really ennoyed me.

A. having sat/ that       B. sitting/ which          C. to sit/ what D. sitting/ who

7. Was Neil Armstrong the fisrt person _________ set foot on the moon?

A. when                      B. which                      C. who             D. whom

8. This is the village in _________ my family and I have lived for over 20 years.

A. which                      B. that                         C. whom                     D. where

9. My mother, _________ everyone admires, is a famous teacher.

A. where                     B. whom                      C. which                      D. whose

10. The old building _________ is in front of my house fell down

A. of which                 B. which                      C. whose                     D. whom

Bài 2: Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).

1. I This is the bank which  was robbed yesterday.

2. A boy whose  brother is in my class was in the bank at that time.

3. The man who  robbed the bank is my old friend.

4. He wore a mask which  made him look like Mickey Mouse.

5. He came with a friend who  waited outside in the car.

6. The woman who  gave him the money was young.

7. The bag which  contained the money was yeilow.

8. The people who  were in the bank were very frightened.

9. A man whose  mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

10. A woman whose  daughter was crying tried to calm her.

Bài 3: Rewrite the sentences using who, whose and which.

1. A tiger is an animal. It is very strong.

→ A tiger is an animal which is very strong.

2. A novelist is a person. He writes novels.

→ A novelist is a person who writes novels.

3. A bottle opener is a device. It opens bottles.

→ A bottle opener is a device which opens bottles.

4. The girl speaks French. Her mother writes poems.

→ The girl whose mother writes poems speaks French.

5. A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.

→ A detective  is someone who discovers the truth about crimes.

Bài 4: Complete the text with relative pronoun/ adverbs.

My daughter (1)__who__ is studying English at Oxford is going on holiday. Her boyfriend Tim invited her to London (2)__where__ he  bought a new house last month. She is putting all her clothes into the suitcase (3)__which__ she has just bought. Her sister, (4)__who__ has nothing better to do is watching her. The train (5)__which__ she is going to catch leaves at 11 a.m. Tim, (6)___whose___ house she is going to stay in, is a doctor too. Tim is coing for her to the station in a new car (7)__which__ his parents gave him for his birthday. His parents are coming to London too. My daughter, (8)__who__ has never met them before, is very excited about it.

Bài 5: Underline any relative pronouns that can be left out in these sentences.

1. I think that my boss is the person whom I admire most.

2. We are taking the train that leaves at 6.00.

3. Have you seen the book that I left on the desk?

4. My radio, which isn’t very old, has suddenly stopped working.

5. Last week I ran into an old friend whom I hadn't seen for ages.

6. The couple who met me at the bus stop took me out to dinner.

7. The bag in which the robbers put the money was found later.

8. I really like the tea which you made me this morning.

Bài 6: Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence using relative pronouns in the brackets.

1. We want to visit a temple. 11 opens at 7.00.                                              (that)

→ The temple that we want to visit opens at 7.00.

2. A boy s bike was taken. He went to the police station.                  (whose)

→ The boy whose bike was taken went to the police station.

3 A friend met me at the airport. He carried my suitcase.                  (who)

→ The friend who met me at the airport carried my suitcase.          

4. Nam cooked a meal. It was delicious.                                                        (that)

→The meal that Nam cooked was delicious.

5. The friend is staying with me. She comes from Vietnam.             (who)

→ The friend who is staying with me comes from Vietnam.

6. I found man’s wallet. He gave me a reward.                                              (whose)

→ The man whose wallet I found gave me a reward.

7. I go to the shop in the centre. It is cheaper.                                                (that)

→ The shop in the centre that I go to is cheaper.

8. I went to a girl’s party. She phoned me.                                         (whose)

→ The girl whose party I went to phoned me.


Bài 7: Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which, whose).

1. I talked to the man whose car had broken down in front of the shop.

2. Mr Nick, who  is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3. We often visit our uncle in Hanoi, which  is the capital city of Vietnam.

4. This is the girl who comes from Japan.

5. That's Tim. the boy who  has just arrived at the airport.

6. Thank you very much for your book which  is very interesting.

7. That man, whose father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8. The children, who  shouted in the street, are not from our school.

9. The car, whose driver is a young man, is from Korea.

10. What did you do with the money which your mother lent you?

Bài 8: Choose the correct answer in the brackets.

1. A hotel is a place (which/ where) people stay when they're on holiday.

2. What's the name of the woman (who/ whose) lives In that house?

3. What do you call someone (which/ that) writes computer programs?

4. A waiter is a person (that/ whose) job is to serve customers in a restaurant.

5. Overalls are cloches (where/ which) people wear to protect their clothes when they are working.

6. Is that the shop (where/ that) you bought your new laptop?

7. He’s the man (who/ whose) son plays football for Liverpool

8. Mark didn't get the job (that/ where) he applied for.


Bài 9: Choose the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb

1. The woman __who__ is sitting at the desk is Mr. John’s secretary.

2. I cannot remember the reason __why__ he wanted us to leave.

3. Kelly, __whose__ mother is a physician, is very good at biology.

4. She didn't see the snake __which__ was lying on the ground.

5. Do you know the shop __where__ Michael picked me up?

Bài 10: Combine the sentences with relative clauses. (Decide whether to use commas or not)

1. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.

 A monk ,s a man who has devoted his life to God.

2. I have one black cat. His name is Mickey.

I have one black cat, whose name is Mickey.

3. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.

A herbivore is an animal that feeds upon vegetation.

4. Sue plays the piano very well. She is only 8 years old.

 Sue, who is only 8 years old, plays the piano very well.

5. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia.

 Sydney, which is not the capital of Australia, is the largest Australian city.

Bài 11: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

1. The man for (A) who the police (B) are looking (C) robbed (D) the bank last week.  (who => whom)

2. Today, (A) the number of people (B) whom moved into this city (C) is almost double (D) that of twenty years ago. (whom =>  who)

3. They work (A) with (B) a person (C) his name (D) is John. (his => whose)

4. (A) The man (B) whom you (C) are looking for (D) living in this neighborhood. (living => lives/ is living)

5. (A) His father warned (B) him not (C) repeating (D) that mistake again. (repeating => to repeat)

6. My mother (A, will fly to Hanoi (B) that is (C) the capital city (D) of Wetnam (that => which)

7. She (A) is (B) the.most beautiful girl (C) whose I have (D) ever met. (whose => whom/that)

8. Every student (A) who (B) majors in English (C) are ready to participate (D) in this contest. (are => is vì chủ ngữ là every student)

Bài 12: Complete the sentences with relative pronouns/ adverbs.

1. Let me see the letter __which__ you have written.

2. Is there anyone__that__can help me do this?

3. Mr. Brown, __who__ is only 34, is the director of this company.

4. I know a Place ___where__roses grow in abundance.

5. It was the nurse__who/that__ told me to come in.

6. The teacder with __whom__ we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.

7. They showed me the hospital __whose__ buildings had been destroyed by US bombings.

8. We saw many soldiers and tanks __that_ were moving to the front.

Bài 13: Combine the sentences, using relative clauses.

1. Most of the people speak German. They live in Australia.

→  Most of the people who live in Australia speak German.

2. This bus isn't running today. It goes to Hung Yen.

This bus, which goes to Hung Yen, isn't running today.

3. I don't like the man. He is going out with my sister.

→  I don't like the man who / that is going out with my sister.

4. Michelangelo is one of Italy's greatest artists. He lived until he was 90.

→  Michelangelo, who lived until he was 90, Is one of Italy's greatest artists.

5. Mary was staying with her friend. He has a big house in Scotland.

Mary was staying with her friend, who has a big house in New York.

6. The person asked me some very difficult questions. He interviewed me.

→  The person who/ that interviewed me asked me some very difficult questions.

7. Charlie Chaplin became a very rich man. He was from a poor family.

→  Charlie Chaplin, who was from a poor family, became a very rich man.

8. That bike was too expensive. He wanted to buy it.

That bike, which he wanted to buy, was too expensive
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