• raise something (to something): tăng cái gì lên bao nhiêu 

• effect (on somebody/something): ảnh hưởng đến cái gì 

• come into effect = take effect: có hiệu lực 

• accomplish /ə'kʌmplɪʃ/: = achieve, execute: đạt được 

• evaluate /ɪ' væljueɪt/: = assess, judge, appraise: đánh giá 

• assess something at something: đánh giá ở mức nào 

Ex: Damage to the building was assessed at £40,000.

• assess somebody/ something as something: đánh giá ai như là 

Ex: The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers. 

• release /rɪ'li:s/: thải ra 

• release somebody/ something from something: giải thoát cho ai, gì khỏi cái gì 

Ex: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. 

• add something to something: thêm cái gì vào đâu 

Ex: A new wing was added to the building 

• absorb something into something = take in: hấp thụ vào đâu 

Ex: The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 

• reabsorption: sự tái hấp thụ 

• supplant /sə'plɑ:nt/ (v): = replace: thay thế

• convert something (into something): chuyển đổi cái gì thành 

• insulate something (from/ against something): cách nhiệt khỏi... 

Ex: Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy. 

• hazard /'hæzəd/: = jeopardy, perilousness: nguy hiểm 

• hazard (to somebody/ something): nguy hiểm cho ai, gì 

• hazard (of something/ of doing something): nguy hiểm khi làm gì 

Ex: Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking. 

• expand /ɪk'spænd/: mở rộng (diện tích, độ lớn...): tăng số lượng 

• extend /ɪk'stend/: kéo dài (thời gian...), kéo dãn 

• to extend the hand of friendship: cố gắng duy trì mối quan hệ tốt với...

• to filter out dust particles/ light/ impurities: lọc ra ... 

• shelter (from something): nơi trú ẩn khỏi cái gì 

Ex: People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. 

• risk (of something/ of doing something): nguy cơ 

Ex: Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease

• sustainable /sə'steɪnəbl/ (adj): = steady, persistent: bền vững 

• agglomeration /əˌɡlɒmə'reɪʃn/: = accumulation: sự kết tụ 

Ex: The suburb is an agglomeration of houses, shops, and offices.

• accelerate /ək'seləreɪt/ (v): = speed up, gain momentum: tăng tốc 

• composition /ˌkɒmpə'zɪʃn/: = constitution, configuration: thành phần 

• disturb /dɪ'stɜ:b/ (v): = distract, interrupt: làm phiền 



Conjunction (liên từ): 

• là từ dùng nối câu hoặc nối từ 

• đứng sau một dấu “,” hoặc không cần đến 

Connector (từ nối): 

• thường dùng để nối câu 

• thường dùng giữa hai loại dấu

1. Nhóm chỉ sự bổ sung thông tin

• Conjunction: + and, and also.... và...

+ as well as.... cùng nhur 

+ both ... and ... : vừa ... vừa ...

+ not only... but also ... không những ... mà còn... 

• Connector:    + Moreover = Furthermore: hơn thế nữa 

+ In addition: thêm vào đó

+ Besides: ngoài ra

+ What's more: hơn thế 

2. Nhóm chỉ thông tin trái ngược 

• Conjunction: + but, yet: nhưng 

                        + số đếm: one, two…; số thứ tự: second…; whereas: trái lại…

• Collector:      + However = Netherless: tuy nhiên, nhưng

+ On the other hand: mặt khác

+ In contrast; trái lại

+ On the contrary: ngược lại 

3. Thông tin kết quả (vì vậy, do đó...) 

• Conjunction: + so, thus, hence: vì vậy 

• Connector:    + Therefore: vì vậy 

+ As a result: kết quả là

+ Consequently: kết quả là

+ Accordingly: do đó 



Bài 1: Decide if the following sentences are compound or complex.

1. The house was destroyed in the fire, but the whole family was saved.

2. Walking through the wood, he saw a fox that was following him.

3. If I do not get this job, I will start a business.

4. He said that he was so disappointed that he would not try again.

5. The men who rule the world with their pens are mightier than those who rule the world with their swords.

6. The evil that men do lives after them.

7. All that glitters is not gold.

8. Neither the color nor the design of this cloth appeals to me.


Bài 2: Decide whether the following sentences are simple, complex or compound.

1. We met rather few people who spoke English.

2. I have been on rather too many planes and trains recently.

3. We drove to the city two days ago.

4. I don't care how expensive it is.

5. Two minutes ago the child was fast asleep, but now he is wide awake.

6. He is not tall enough to be a soldier.

7. I guess she just doesn't respect you.

8. I have got four sisters and each of them is quite different from the others.

9. When all else fails, read the manual.

10. He will never leave home because he hasn't got the courage to.


Bài 3: Choose the correct answer.

1. That's the woman _______ I spoke about the job.

A. of whom                                 B. to whom                             C. whom

2. The house _______ they live is opposite a big park.

A. to which                                 B. which                                 C. in which

3. All of the exam papers are collected and given to the examiners, _______ job it is to mark them.

A. who                                        B. whose                                C. whom

4. This is the title of the book _______ I need for my course.

A. what                                       B. x                                         C. where

5. Near hotel there's a great gym _______                                you can work out.

A. is where                                  B. in where                             C. where

6. My mother, _______, has decided to learn Chinese.

A. who is retired                         B. she is retired                      C. is retired

7. My car, _______ I can't get to work, has broken down.

A. without which                        B. to which                             C. of which 

8. We waited for an hour to be served, but our meal, _______, was awful.

A. it arrived                                 B. when it is arrived               C. when it arrived


Bài 4: Combine the following pairs of simple sentences into complex sentences.

1. Tim went to the movies. He had a lot of work to do.

2. John is a brilliant boy. He has won several honors.

3. Mike didn't get the job. He lacked the necessary qualifications.

4. Bill is a baseball player. He is known all over the world.


Bài 5: Change the following complex sentences into compound sentences.

1. Although she is arrogant, I like her.

2. Though she is young, she is very responsible.

3. I helped him because I liked him.

4. He fed the cats before he went out.

5. Even though I had a bad headache, I enjoyed the party.

6. Although I missed the train, I managed to arrive on time.

7. When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange sight.

8. Though she is pretty she is not very popular.


Bài 6: Provide a suitable subordinator to fill in the bank.

1. I'm going to the bank _______ I need some money.

2. I made lunch _______ I got home.

3. _______ it's raining, she's going for a walk in the park.

4. _______ she finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class.

5. He decided to trust David _______ he was an honest man.

6. _______ we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation.

7.Daisy decided to leave Tom _______ he was too worried about his job.

8. Tuan bought a new jacket _______ he had received one as a gift last week.

9. Hung claims that there will be trouble _______ he doesn't complete the job.

10. Hoa will have finished the report _______ the time you receive the letter.


Bài 7: Use "which" to combine the following sentences.

1. Tim is always late for class. This annoys the teacher.

2. You gave me this interesting book. Thank you very much for it.

3. Susan couldn't come to my birthday party. This made me sad.

4. We have lost her telephone number. This makes it difficult to contact her.

5. The problem has been discussed in class. We are interested in it.


Bài 8: Change the following compound sentences into complex sentences.

1. He tried his best, but he didn't succeed.

2. The clown entered the circus ring and the children started clapping.

3. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

4. You have to hurry or you will miss the bus.

5. The battle has been won but the war isn't over yet.

6. The country has made huge progress, but we still have a long way to go.

7. You have to be 18 years old or you can't vote.

8. Leprosy is curable and everybody knows this.

9. Mr John is a famous magician and he has performed all over the world.



Bài 9: Decide whether the following sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound - complex.

1. This is an easy exercise.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

2. I like playing basketball, and my brother likes playing table tennis.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

3. I'll help you if you help me.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

4. Her name is Hoa and she comes from Vietnam.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

5. My mother cooked dinner whiie I was doing my homework.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

6. While I was doing my homework, my father cooked the dinner and my mother was asleep in front of the television.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

7. Do you want to go swimming tomorrow, or would you prefer to play tennis?

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

8. I've brought my umbrella with me in case it rains.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

9. I don't know why he did that.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

10. My family went to France when I was in grade 5, but I never learned to speak French very well.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

11. I'm so pleased that you can come to my party.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

12. He told me that he is returning to Hanoi City next summer.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

13. I have not seen my grandmother since I came to Germany.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

14. We were doing an English test when the fire alarm rang yesterday.

A. Simple                                                           B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

15. She runs every day, so she is very fit.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

16. Because she runs every day, she is very fit.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

17. The new girl in our class has a brother in grade 7 and a sister in grade 9.

A. Simple                                                           B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

18. You should read every day if you want to improve your English more quickly.

A. Simple                                                           B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex      

19. Although it was cold and the rain was getting heavier, we decided to go fishing as planned.

A. Simple                                                           B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex      

20. You should start working a little harder or you are going to fail your test.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

21. I didn't know what time it was so I was very late to class.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

22. Most European countries now use the Euro, but the United Kingdom still uses the pound (£).

A. Simple                                                           B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex      

23. To build a doll's house you need wood, a hammer, a saw, and lots of nails.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

24. She failed her driving test because she didn't look in her mirror often enough.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex

25. He got up, walked over to the window, and jumped out.

A. Simple                                                            B. Compound

C. Complex                                                        D. Compound-complex


Bài 10: Combine each of the following sets of simple sentences into one complex sentence.

1. The strike was going to be called off. The leader told me that.

2. We can succeed only by combined effort. It goes without saying.

3. He may become a member. I don't know.

4. He is not educated. He is well experienced

5. I sank into the water. I felt great confusion of thought. I cannot describe it.

6. I went there. I found the door locked.

7. There is heavy rainfall here. Grapes will not grow in such places.

8. It may rain. Then the match will be cancelled.

9. You finish dressing. I will wait here.


Bài 11: Decide whether each of the following lines is a phrase (P), independent clause (IC), or dependent clause (DC).

1. because it was easy

2. a pearly red balloon

3. after I submitted my essay

4. the movie was interesting

5. jumped across the wide path

6. I like kiwis

7. although writing is complicated

8. there is so much to say

9. if I want to learn everything

10. a heavy, old book


Bài 12: Identify the clauses by placing square brackets [ ] around dependent clauses and curly brackets { } around independent clauses and then decide whether the sentence is compound, complex or compound-complex.

1. Even if every step seems difficult you should keep trying for the best things are worth fighting for.

2. I did my very best to write a good cover letter and I finally sent my application to my favorite company for review.

3. Whenever the rain falls I remember how important the simple things are and I feel glad to be where I am.

4. If you really want good English editing service you should try it since it's fast and efficient.

5. Every morning I get up early and I get ready to go out but today my alarm didn't ring.

6. I think summer is the best time of year because everything is growing and green so the whole world seems new.

7. Although travel can be fun alone it's better if you take a friend given that experiences are always better if they're shared.

8. As soon as you get my letter write back to me and I will think of something new to write back to you whenever I get your response.

9. I really want to know how to get a ticket yet every time I try to call the office I get a busy signal.

10. No matter how much you study it takes practice and application to really learn how to master English so just keep trying to use what you know as often as you can and you'll succeed!


Bài 1: Decide if the following sentences are compound or complex.

1. Compound sentence

5. Complex sentence

2. Complex sentence

6. Complex sentence

3. Complex sentence

7. Complex sentence

4. Complex sentence

8. Compound sentence


Bài 2: Decide whether the following sentences are simple, complex or compound.

1. Complex sentence

6. Simple sentence

2. Simple sentence

7. Complex sentence

3. Simple sentence

8. Compound sentence

4. Complex sentence

9. Complex sentence

5. Compound sentence

10. Complex sentence


Bài 3: Choose the correct answer.

1. B

5. C

2. C

6. A

3. B

7. A

4. B

8. C


Bài 4: Combine the following pairs of simple sentences into complex sentences.

1. Tim went to the movies although he had a lot of work to do.

2. John is a brilliant boy who has won several honors.

3. Mike didn't get the job because he lacked the necessary qualifications.

4. Bill is a baseball player who is known all over the world.


Bài 5: Change the following complex sentences into compound sentences.

She is arrogant but 1 like her.

She is young but she is very responsible.

I liked him so 1 helped him.

He fed the cats and went out.

I had a bad headache but 1 enjoyed the party.

missed the train but 1 managed to arrive on time.

I opened my eyes and saw a strange sight.

She is pretty but she is not very popular.


Bài 6: Provide a suitable subordinator to fill in the bank.

1. because/since/as

6. Before/When

2. after /when /as soon as

7. because/since/as

3. Although / Even though /Though

8. although / even though / though

4. Unless

9. if/in the case that

5. because/since/as

10. by


Bài 7: Use "which" to combine the following sentences.

1. Tim is always late for class, which annoys the teacher.

2. Thank you very much for this interesting book which you gave me.

3. Susan couldn't come to my birthday party, which made me sad.

4. We have lost her telephone number, which makes it difficult to contact her.

5. We are interested in the problem which has been discussed in class.


Bài 8: Change the following compound sentences into complex sentences.

1. Though/ Although/ Even though he tried his best, he didn't succeed.

2. When the clown entered the circus ring, the children started clapping.

3. If you take care of the pence, the pounds will take care of themselves.

4. If you do not hurry, you will miss the bus.

5. Though/ Although/ Even though the battle has been won, the war isn't over yet.

6. Although/Though/ Even though the country has made huge progress, we still have a long way to go.

7. If you are under 18, you can't vote.

8. Everybody knows that leprosy is curable.

9. Mr John, who has performed all over the world, is a famous magician.


Bài 1: Decide whether the following sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound - complex.

1. A

6. D

11. C

16. C

21. D

2. B

7. B

12. C

17. A

22. B

3. C

8. C

13. C

18. C

23. A

4. B

9. C

14. C

19. D

24. C

5. C

10. D

15. B

20. B

25. A


Bài 10: Combine each of the following sets of simple sentences into one complex sentence.

1. The leader told me that the strike was going to be called off.

2. It goes without saying that we can succeed only by combined effort.

3. I don't know if he will become a member.

4. Though he is not educated, he is well experienced.

5. When I sank into the water, I felt great confusion of thought which I could not explain.

6. When I went there, I found the door locked.

7. Grapes will not grow where there is heavy rainfall.

8. If it rains, the match will be cancelled.

9. I will wait here until you finish dressing.

Bài 11: Decide whether each of the following lines is a phrase (P), independent clause (IC), or dependent clause (DC).

1. DC

6. IC

2. P

7. DC

3. DC

8. IC

4. IC

9. IC

5. P

10. P


Bài 12: Identify the clauses by placing square brackets [ ] around dependent clauses and curly brackets { } around independent clauses and then decide whether the sentence is compound, complex or compound-complex.

1. [Even if every step seems difficult], {you should keep trying}, for {the best things are worth fighting for}. (Compound-complex)

2. {I did my very best to write a good cover letter}, and {I finally sent my application to my favorite company for review}. (Compound)

3. [Whenever the rain falls], {I remember how important the simple things are}, and {I feel glad to be where I am}. (Compound-complex)

4. [If you really want good English editing service], {you should try it} [since it's fast and efficient]. (Complex)

5. {Every morning I get up early}, and {I get ready to go out}, but {today my alarm didn't ring}. (Compound)

6. {I think summer is the best time of year} [because everything is growing and green], so {the whole world seems new}. (Compound- complex)

7. [Although travel can be fun alone], {it's better if you take a friend} [given that experiences are always better if they're shared]. (Complex)

8. [As soon as you get my letter], {write back to me}, and {I will think of something new to write back to you} [whenever I get your response]. (Compound- complex)

9. {I really want to know how to get a ticket}, yet [every time I try to call the office], {I get a busy signal}. (Compound- complex)

10. [No matter how much you study], {it takes practice and application to really learn how to master English}, so {just keep trying to use what you know} [as often as you can], and {you'll succeed}! (Compound- complex)

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