• talented /'tælənɪd/ (adj.): có tài năng, có khiếu.

Ex: The kids at this school are all exceptionally talented in some way.

• accomplished /ə'kɒmplɪʃt/ (adj.) (+ at/in): có đầy đủ tài năng, hoàn hảo, được giáo dục. 

Ex: He came to New York in 1976, already accomplished in English. 

• pioneer /ˌpaɪə'nɪə(r)/ (n.): người tiên phong, người đi đầu 

• be widely/ internationally recognized: được công nhận rộng rãi, được thế giới công nhận. 

• dedication /ˌdɛdɪ'keɪʃən/ (n.) (+ to): sự cống hiến 

Ex: There was no doubting Luke's dedication to the campaign. 

• be dedicated to V-ing/ noun phrase: tận tụy, tận tâm 

• respectable /rɪs'pɛktəbl/ (adj.): đáng kính trọng, đúng đắn 

• respectful /ris'pektful/ (adj): lễ phép, bày tỏ sự kính trọng, tôn kính (mô tả hành động, sự việc) 

• distinguished /dɪs'tɪŋgwɪʃt/ (adj.): ưu tú, xuất sắc, lỗi lạc 

• generosity /ˌdʒɛnə'rɒsɪti/ (n.): sự hào phóng 

• inspiration /ˌɪnspə'reɪʃən/ (n.): sự truyền cảm hứng, cảm hứng 

• strategist /'strætɪdʒɪst/ (n): nhà chiến lược 

• popularity /ˌpɒpjʊ'lærɪti/ (n.): sự nổi tiếng, tính phổ biến 

• influential /ˌɪnflʊ'ɛnʃəl/ (adj.): có ảnh hưởng, có thế lực 

• recognition /ˌrɛkəg'nɪʃən/ (n.): sự công nhận, sự được công nhận, thừa nhận 

• to win/ receive/ meet with recognition from the public: được mọi người thừa nhận 

• achievement /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ (n.): thành tựu, sự giành được, sự hoàn thành 

• controversial /ˌkɒntrə'vɜ:ʃəl/ (adj.): gây tranh cãi 

• racial segregation /'reɪʃəl ˌsɛgrɪ' geɪʃən/: sự phân biệt chủng tộc 

• reach one's full potential: đạt được tiềm năng tối đa 

• a stroke of luck: một dịp may bất ngờ 

• reputation /ˌrɛpju(:)'teɪʃən/ (n.): danh tiếng, tiếng tăm 

• figure /'fɪgə/ (n.): nhân vật, biểu tượng 

• resort to (v.): dùng đến 

• take something/ somebody for granted: coi ai/ cái gì là hiển nhiên, sẵn có 

• at the expense of: phải trả giá bằng 

• be committed to: tận tụy, bị giam giữ 

• be devoted to: tận tâm, cống hiến cho 

• distinctive /dɪs'tɪŋktɪv/ (adj.): đặc biệt, xuất sắc 

• epitome /ɪ'pɪtəmi/ (n.): tấm gương hoàn hảo, hình mẫu hoàn hảo 

• representative /ˌrɛprɪ'zɛntətɪv/ (n.): đại diện, hình mẫu 

• celebrated /'sɛlɪbreɪtɪd/ (adj.): nổi tiếng, trứ danh, lừng danh 

• exceptional /ɪk'sɛpʃənl/ (adj): khác thường, đặc biệt, ngoại lệ, hiếm có 

• extraordinary /ɪks'trɔ:dnri/ (adj): lạ thường, đặc biệt 

• remarkable /rɪ'mɑ:kəb1/ (adj.): xuất sắc, đặc biệt, đáng chú ý 

• spectacular /spɛk'tækjʊlə/ (adj.): đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục, thu hút sự chú ý 

• profound /prə'faʊnd/ (adj.): phức tạp, sâu sắc 



A/an/the là những từ hết sức quen thuộc trong tiếng Anh, chúng được gọi là mạo từ.

  Có 2 loại mạo từ: mạo từ không xác định và mạo từ xác định. 

1. Cách dùng mạo từ không xác định “a” và “an”. 

• Dùng “a” hoặc “an” trước một danh từ số ít đếm được. Chúng có nghĩa là một. Chúng được dùng trong câu có tính khái quát hoặc đề cập đến một chủ thể chưa được đề cập từ trước.

Ex:       - A ball is round (nghĩa chung, khái quát, chỉ tất cả các quả bóng): Quả bóng hình tròn.

- He has seen a girl (chúng ta không biết cô gái nào, chưa được đề cập trước đó): Anh ấy vừa mới gặp một cô gái. 

a. Dùng "an” trước:

- Quán từ "an" được dùng trước các từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên âm (trong cách phát âm, chứ không phải trong cách viết). Bao gồm:

- Các từ bắt đầu bằng các nguyên âm “a, e, i, o”. Ví dụ: an apple (một quả táo), an orange (một quả cam).

- Một số từ bắt đầu bằng “u”: Ví dụ: an umbrella (một cái ô)

- Một số từ bắt đầu bằng “h” câm: Ví dụ: an hour (một tiếng)

- Các từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt: an S.O.S/ an M.P 

b. Dùng "a" trước:

- Dùng “a” trước các từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm. Chúng bao gồm các chữ cái còn lại và một số trường hợp bắt đầu bằng "u, y, h".

Ex: A house (một ngôi nhà), a year (một năm), a uniform (một bộ đồng phục)...

- Đứng trước một danh từ mở đầu bằng "uni...""eu" phải dùng "a": Ví dụ: a university (trường đại học), a union (tổ chức), a culogy (lời ca ngợi).

- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định như: a lot of/ a great deal of/ a couple/ a dozen.

Ex: I want to buy a dozen eggs. (Tôi muốn mua 1 tả trứng.)

- Dùng trước những số đếm nhất định thường là hàng ngàn, hàng trăm như: a/ one hundred - a/ one thousand.

Ex: My school has a thousand students. (Trường của tôi có một nghìn học sinh.)

- Dùng trước “half” (một nửa) khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn: a kilo hay a half, hay khi nó đi ghép với một danh từ khác để chỉ nửa phần (khi viết có dấu gạch nối): a half - share, a half - holiday (ngày lễ chỉ nghỉ nửa ngày).

Ex: My mother bought a half kilo of apples. (Mẹ tôi mua nửa cân táo.)

- Dùng với các đơn vị phân số như : 1/3 ( a/ one third), 1/5 (a/ one fifth), 1/4 (a quarter)

Ex: I get up at a quarter past six. (Tôi thức dậy lúc 6 giờ 15 phút.)

- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: a dollar, a kilometer, an hour, 4 times a day... 

Ex: John goes to work four times a week. (John đi làm 4 lần 1 tuần.)

2. Cách dùng mạo từ xác định “the” 

• Dùng “the” trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc đã được đề cập đến trước đó, hoặc những khái niệm phổ thông, ai cũng biết.

Ex:       - The man next to Lin is my friend. (Trong câu này cả người nói và người nghe đều biết đó là người đàn  giaoandethitienganh.info

ông nào). Người đàn ông bên cạnh Lin là bạn của tôi.

- The sun is big. (Mặt trời chỉ có một). Mặt trời rất lớn.

• Với danh từ không đếm được, dùng “the” nếu nói đến một vật cụ thể, không dùng “the” nếu nói chung.

Ex:       - Chili is very hot. (Chỉ các loại ớt nói chung). Ớt rất cay.

- The chili on the table has been bought. (Cụ thể là ớt ở trên bàn) Ớt ở trên bàn vừa mới được mua. 

• Với danh từ đếm được số nhiều, khi chúng có nghĩa đại diện chung cho một lớp các vật cùng loại thì cũng không dùng "the".

Ex:       Students should do homework before going to school. (Học sinh nói chung) 

Học sinh nên làm bài tập về nhà trước khi đến trường. 


1. Simple past (Quá khứ đơn) 

a. Với động từ "to be": 


(+) S + was/ were + O

(-) S + wasn't/ weren't + O

(?) Was/ were (not) + S + O?

b. Với động từ “to do”:

(+) S + Ved + O

(-) S + didn't + V + O

(?) Did (not) + S + V + O?

Uses (Cách sử dụng) 

• Điều tra hành động đã xảy ra và chấm dứt hoàn toàn trong quá khứ.

Ex:       - I saw a movie yesterday. 

- Last year, I traveled to Japan. 

• Diễn tà một chuỗi các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ.

Ex:       - I finished work, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim. 

- Did you add flour, pour the milk and then add the eggs? 

c. Adverds (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) 

• Yesterday, ago, upon a time, in 1945 (in a specific year in the past....), last... 

d. Một số lưu ý đối với thi quá khứ đơn: 

• Quy tắc thêm “ed” với động từ thường: Hầu hết động từ được thêm "ed" để biến thành động từ dạng quá khứ. 

Ex: work - worked, visit - visited 

• Một vài động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm "y" thì biến "y" thành "i" rồi thêm "ed" để biến thành dạng động từ quá khứ. 

Ex: study - studied, carry - carried 

• Một vài động từ có dạng 1:1:1 (1 phụ âm + 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm) thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm "ed". 

Ex: plan - planned, fit - fitted

* Cách phát âm đối với động từ có đuôi “ed”:

Đúng nhất: Theo phiên âm quốc tế, khi -ED đứng sau các âm sau sẽ được phát âm như sau: 

Phát âm của -ED

Các âm trước -ED














Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại

Mẹo vặt: (Không đúng 100%): Theo hình vị tự:

Phát âm của -ED

Các âm trước -ED

















Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại



wanted, needed, demanded, suggested, mended, hated, visited, …


walked, liked, stopped, raped, washed, watched, laughed, sentenced, rated, breathed, stated, looked, cooked, sniffed, missed, mixed....


played, studied, changed, matched, decreed, .... 


• Khi *th phát âm là /θ/ thì -ed mới phát âm là /t/ như breathed, ... 

• Khi *th phát âm là /ð/ thì -ed có phát âm là /d/ như bathed, ... 

• Khi *gh phát âm là /f/ thi -ed phát âm là /t/ như laughed, coughed, .... 

• Khi *gh là âm câm thi -ed phát âm là /d/ như ploughed, ... 

• Nguyên âm + S + ED thì -ed thường được phát âm là /d/ như praised, chased, raised.... 

Ngoại lệ:

- Một số tỉnh từ sau có cách phát âm của -ed là /ɪd/: naked /'neɪkɪd/, learned /'lə:nɪd/, aged /eɪdʒɪd/, beloved /bɪ'lʌvɪd/, blessed /'blesɪd/, crooked /'krʊkɪd/, ragged /'ræɡɪd/, sacred /'seɪkrɪd/, wretched /'retʃɪd/,...

- Phần ngoại lệ: Có một chữ có -ed tận cùng được phát âm là /əd/. Chữ đó là hundred /'hʌndrəd/ 

2. Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) 

a. Form 

(+) S + was/ were + V-ing +O

(-) S + wasn't/ weren't + V-ing + O

(?) Was/ were (not) + S + V-ing + O? 

b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) 

• Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ. 

Ex: I was sleeping at 12 o'clock last night.

• Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào hành động đang xảy ra dùng QKTD; hành động xen vào dùng QKĐ. 

Ex: I was studying when he came in. 

• Diễn tả nhiều hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ (đi với while). 

Ex: Yesterday evening, my mother was cooking while my father was reading books. 

c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết)

At .... (specific time)

From ... to... last night yesterday, one year ago ...

At this/ that time 

At the moment

Past simple                  While/ When               Past continuous

Past continuous 

d. Những động từ không chia ở các thì tiếp diễn: 

Một số động từ chỉ cảm xúc (like, love...) hay (know, believe, want) không được chia các thì tiếp diễn (kể cả hiện tại tiếp diễn hay quá khứ tiếp diễn).

Verbs of thinking

believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize, suppose, understand.

Verbs of the senses

hear, smell, sound, taste.

Verbs of possession

belong to have (meaning possess), own, possess. 

Verbs of emotion

dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish.

Verbs of appearance

appear, seem.


contain, depend on, include, involve, mean, measure, weigh, require. 

Ex:       Jane was being at my house when you arrived. 

Jane was at my house when you arrived. giaoandethitienganh.info

Bài tập vận dụng cơ bản


Bài 1: Write the words in the correct order.

1.  I/ the bus/ caught/ yesterday/ to work/.

_1. I caught the bus to work yesterday _          

2. it was raining/because/ didn't/ she/ for a walk/ go/.

__ She didn't go for a walk because it was raining.__ 

3. I got/TV/ when/ watching/ my/ brother/ was/ home/.

My brother was watching TV when I got home

4. break/your arm/you/how/did/?

__ How did you break your arm?

5. last summer/ in a beautiful village/ spent/ we/.

We spent last summer in a beautiful village

6. last night/ Sally/ what/ was/ wearing/ at the party/?

. What was Sally wearing at the party last night

7. a loud party/ while/ my neighbors/I/ were having/ to study,/ was trying/.

_ While I was trying to study, my neighbors were having a loud party.

8. you/ to the cinema/ last night/ did/ go/?

_ Did you go to the cinema last night?

Bài 2: Choose the correct answer in the bracket.

1. Last night I _______ on my thesis and it took me a while to realise that my phone was ringing. (work/ was working)

2. When you _______ I was in a meeting so I couldn't answer your call. (called/ were calling)

3. David can never agree with Tim. They _______. (always argue/ are always arguing)

4. Why did you disagree with me at the meeting? _______ to make me look incompetent? (Did you try/Were you trying)

5. Daisy _______ the buffet while I was seeing to the drinks. (prepared/ was preparing)

6. Tim _______ home when the accident happened. (walked/ was walking)

7. I _______ to work, even when it rained. (was always walking/ always walked)

8. Kelly _______ her speech when I walked in. (was finishing/ finished)


Bài 3: Put the verbs into the past simple or past continuous tense.

1. I used my time well while I (wait) _was waiting______ for the train - I wrote some emails.

2. I (not/work) _wasn’t working______ when my boss walked in my office. I was on Facebook.

3. I saw a car crash when I (wait) __was waiting_____ for the taxi.

4. Tom (have) __had_____ long hair and a beard when he was at university.

5. It started raining while I (drive) _was driving______ to work.

6. What (you/do) __were you doing_____ this time last year?

7. I (not/call) ___didn’t call____ you at 10 o'clock as arranged because I was having a meeting.

8. I (stiIl/sleep) __was still sleeping_____ when my husband left for work this morning.

Bài 4: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense, past simple or past continuous. Use the passive form if necessary.

1. When she heard the phone ring, she __stopped_____ (stop) reading to answer it.

2. My mother ____was reading___ (read), so she didn't see me walking past.

3. When the accident happened, thousands of people __were passing_____ (pass) through the airport.

4. I ___had____ (have) English lessons every week from the age of four onwards.

5. They decided to leave the beach because it __was getting_____ (get) dark and they wanted to get home while there was still some light.

6. Kate already ___was Kate thinking____ (think) of leaving university before she failed her first year exams?

7. Since your house had a pool, you _did you swim______ (swim) every day?

8. The disaster ___attracted____ (attract) hundreds of people from the country to the city.

9. Sorry I couldn't come on Monday, I _was working_____ (work) on my project.

10. The national park _was created______ (create) to protect wildlife.

Bài 5: Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense.

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Hoa (1. call) __called_____. She said she (2. call) _was calling______ me on her cell phone from her biology classroom. I asked her if she (3. wait) was waiting_______ for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (4. talk) __was talking_____ to me. I couldn't believe she (5. make) __ was making _____ a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (6. sleep, actually) ___ were actually sleeping ____ in class. Some of the students (7. talk) __ were talking _____ about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (8. draw) _ was drawing ______ a picture of a horse. When Hoa (9. tell) _ told ______ me she was not satisfied with the class, I (10. mention) _ mentioned ______ that my biology professor was quite good and (11. suggest) _ suggested ______ that she switch to my class.

While we were talking, I (12. hear) __ heard _____ her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (13. hang) _. hung ______ up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (14. cut) __ was cutting _____ vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (15. be) __ was _____ Hoa, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

Bài 6: Fill in the blank with the suitable article: a, an, the or x (no article).

1. Are you coming to __the_____ party next Sunday?

2. I bought ____a___ new TV set yesterday.

3. I think ___the____ man over there is very ill. He can't stand on his feet.

4. I watched ___the____ video you had sent me.

5. She was wearing _____an__ ugly dress when she met him.

6. I am crazy about reading _____x__ history books.

7. She is ____a___ beautiful girl.

8. Do you want to go to __the_____ cinema where we first met?

9. He is ____an___ engineer.

10. He thinks that ____x___ love is what will save us all.

11. I like ____the___ blue T-shirt over there better than ___the____ red one.

12. Their car does 150 miles…………an       hour.

13. Where's ____the___ USB drive I lent you last week?

14. Do you still live in ___x____ Ho Chi Minh City?

15. Is your mother working in.an       old office building?

16. Tim's father works as ___an____ electrician.

17. The tomatoes are 99 pence __a_____ kilo.

18. What do you usually have for __x_____ breakfast?

19. Mike has ____a___ terrible headache.

20. After this tour you have _____the__ whole afternoon free to explore the city.

Bài 7: Fill in the bank with a/an, the or x if it isn't necessary to use any article.

1. He is __a_____ very nice man.

2. They are __x_____ brave girls.

3. ___the____ farmhouses in my village were rather poor.

4. He told me __the_____ story of his life.

5. This is ____a___ good example.

6. _____the __ roof of __the____ house was on fire.

7. We are __x_____ students.

8. Those were _x______ interesting books.

9. Look at ____the___ top of that tree.

10. I am ___a____ good sailor.

11.  ___the____ frame of that picture is broken.

12. John has become ___a____ driver.

13.  It was _____a__ very long way to go.

14.  We stopped at ____x___ door of his hut.

15. _____the__ cover of my English book is green.

16. Mark and Peter were ___x____ good sportsmen.

17. ___the____ last days of my stay in London were the most interesting.

18. She was ___a____ good actress.

19. This ___an____ exception.

20. ___the____ banks of ___the____ river were very steep.

Bài 8: Correct the following sentences, adding articles where necessary.

1. Do English drink tea or coffee for breakfast?

2. We returned from two-week holiday in Philippines and Indonesia.

3. During the rush hour in Hanoi, it's more convenient to travel by motorbike than to take taxi.

4. We had great time in USA last summer.

5. Tim decided to become soldier so that he could fight for his country.

Bài 8:

1. English  the English

2. two-week holiday; Philippines  a two-week holiday; the Philippines

3. taxi  a taxi

4. great time; USA  a great time; the USA

5. soldier  a soldier


Bài 9: Complete the text by using A, AN, THE or (x) for "no article" for each blank.

I just received a postcard from (1) ___the____ Smiths, a family I met last year. It made me start thinking: When was (2) ____the___ last time I actually sent (3) ____a___ letter or (4) _a______ postcard to someone? It's strange, (5) __the_____ postal service has been part of (6) ___x____ daily life for (7) __x_____ centuries. And suddenly, within (8) __a_____ single generation, (9) ____the___ postal system is on its way to becoming (10) __a_____ thing of (11) _the______ past. These days, (12) __x_____ few people send (13) _____x__ letters.

Today, (14) __x_____ email is (15) ___a____ far more common way to communicate with (16) __x_____ friends and (17) __x_____ family. It's also (18) ___a____ faster and cheaper way to communicate. When I send (19)an      email to (20) ___a____ friend in (21) a …distant country, (22) __the_____ friend will receive (23)      ___the____ email almost immediately. What's more, I have the ability to attach (24) ___a____ photograph, (25) __a_____ video, or (26) __an_____ MP3. And I don't even have to buy (27) ____an___ expensive stamp. But (28) _the______ world is changing quickly. In (29) __a_____ decade or two, we might all be using (30) ____a___ totally different kind of technology to communicate.

Bài 9:

1. the

6. x

11. the

16. x

2. the

7. x

12. x

17. x

3. a

8. a

13. x

18. a

4. a

9. the

14. x

19. an

5. the

10. a

15. a

20. a

21. a

24. a

27. an

29. a

22. the

25. a

28. the

30. a

23. the

26. an





Bài 10: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1. We   to the hospital to visit Tom when he _______ to say that he was fine.

A. were driving - was calling                             B. drove-called

C. were driving – called                                     D. drove-was calling

2. What _______ to you last Sunday?

A. happen                     B. happened                  C. was happening         D. would happen

3. Last night, we _______ for you for ages but you never _______ up.

A. waited - showed                                            B. would wait - showed

C. were waiting - were showing                        D. waited - was showing

4. We _______ dinner when the light _______ off.

A. had-went                                                       B. were having-went

C. had been having - went                                 D. have had - would have go

5. I _______ out last night but at the last minute I _______ that I had an English test this  morning.

A. was going to go – realized                             B. went – realized

C. had gone - would realize                                D. would go - have realized

6. Who is _______ girl over there with Tom?

A. the                            B. a                               C. an                             D.

7. The director needs an assistant with good knowledge of foreign affairs.

A. a                               B. the                            C. any                           D.                       

8. What _______ terrible weather! Normally _______ weather in the UK is not so bad.

A. the-the                      B. a-the                         C. -the                        D. the-a

9. After a busy day, I went to _______ bed and had _______ most beautiful dream ever.

A. the - the                    B. a - the                       C. a - a                          D. - the

10. She has visited _______ Portugal but she has never been to _______ Netherlands.

A. the-the                      B. -the                        C. a – the                      D. a – a

Bài 10:

1. C

6. A

2. B

7. D

3. A

8. C

4. B

9. D

5. A

10. B


Bài 11: Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

1. Last month, when my friend (A) was traveling around London by (B) the car, he crashed (C) the car into (D) a tree.

2. When she (A) was walking to (B) the library to borrow (C) some books, she (D) was seeing a robbery.

3. (A)The biggest problem with eating too (B) much sugar is (C)that it can cause (D) the diabetes.

4. (A) The most people need (B) to have a healthy diet and (C) do exercise (D) every day.

5. Last night, suddenly my mother (A) was deciding to prevent me from using (B) the Internet so we (C) ended up having (D) a quarrel.

Bài 11:

1. B (bỏ "the")

2. D (was seeing => saw)

3. D (bỏ "the")

4. A (bỏ "The")

5. A (was deciding => decided)


Bài 12: Fill in the blank with A, AN, THE or (x) for "no article" for each blank.

1. What's _______ longest river in _______ world? Is it _______ Amazon or _______ Nile? I'm terrible at _______ geography.

2. In 1824, Louis Braille developed _______ system of writing for _______ blind. Quickly, _______ system, known as "Braille" after _______ inventor, spread from _______ France to dozens of _______ countries.

3. Because she did not speak _______ English, she had _______ little chance of advancing her career, so she applied for _______ year-long English course at _______ Cambridge University.

4. Tim loves islands. He has been to _______ Cuba, _______ Bali, _______ Bahamas, and _______ Philippines. And _______ next year, he wants to go to _______ Madagascar.

5. Jenifer always says that _______ patience is _______ virtue, but she is _______ least patient person I've ever met. Don't you think that's _______ little ironic?

6. Every year, _______ Smiths go camping in _______ Yellowstone National Park. But _______ next year, they are going to visit Mr. Smith's mother in _______ South instead.

7. Wow, _______ cheese is getting so expensive! Look, that cheese costs more than $50 _______ pound.

Bài 12:

1. the – the – the – the -x

2. a the the - the – x x

3. x – x – a – x

4. x – x the – the – x – x

5. x – a – the – a

6. the – x – x – the

7. x – a

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