Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. degree                 B. doctorate                C. graduate                  D. kindergarten

2. A. bachelor             B. chapter                    C. chemistry                D. teacher

3. A. culture                B. student                   C. institution               D. university

4. A. appreciate           B. psychology             C. programme             D. respectively

5. A. academic            B. apply                       C. apology                   D. achieve

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

6. A. biology               B. geography               C. education                D. relationship

7. A. broaden              B. provide                   C. pursue                     D. succeed

8. A. college                B. degree                     C. language                 D. subject

9. A. analytical            B. opportunity             C. qualification           D. university

10. A. bachelor           B. diploma                  C. internship               D. scholarship


Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

11. It is not easy at all to get a good job without any ____ qualifications.

A. academic                B. social                      C. great                       D. favourite

12. At the ____ level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.

A. primary                   B. secondary               C. postgraduate           D. undergraduate

13. Hugh is quite worried because he hasn't ____ for the end-of-term test.

A. examined                B. researched              C. studied                   D. read

14. Any pupil caught ____ was made to stand at the front of the class.

A. misbehave              B. misbehaved                        C. misbehaviour                      D. misbehaving

15. They ____ sacrifices so that their only child could have a good education.

A. made                       B. did                          C. provided                             D. lent

16. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants ____ degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects.

A. secondary               B. optional                  C. academic                D. vocational

17. You have to be highly ____ to do well in these subjects.

A. competitive            B. competitor              C. competition            D. competed

18. I can't cope well ____ all the homework I've got to do!

A. on                           B. of                            C. about                       D. with

19. ____ education normally provides undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training.

A. Intermediate           B. Primary                   C. Secondary              D. Tertiary

20. You'll find plenty of books on the ____ of business studies in the library.

A. lesson                     B. subject                    C. curriculum                          D. schedule

21. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ____.

A. scholar                    B. scholastic                C. scholarship                         D. scholarly

22. My dad said that I'd better spend more time on my ____.

A. student                   B. studied                    C. studious                              D. studies

23. He has got a degree ____ Information Technology from Oxford University.

A. in                            B. for                           C. on                           D. of

24. I don't really ____ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it.

A. annoy                     B. have                        C. see                          D. take

25. If you're not sure what “something” means, look it ____ in the dictionary.

A. for                          B. out                          C. at                            D. up

26. Mrs Dawson said that we are ____ our lesson in the library next Monday.

A. going                      B. having                     C. making                   D. reading

27. My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in ____ minds about it.

A. different                 B. my                          C. some                       D. two

28. Yesterday, we had a discussion ____ different cultures.

A. about                      B. around                    C. for                           D. from

29. I still have a lot ____ about the English language.

A. for learning            B. of learning              C. learning                  D. to learn

30. Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ____ with her classmates.

A. on                           B. off                           C. down                      D. up

31. If you need to ____ the teacher's attention, just put up your hand.

A. attract                     B. pay                          C. take                         D. pull

32. I did six hours of ____ for the test, but I still failed.

A. education                B. survey                     C. revision                   D. training

33. Please, don't forget ____ your essays during Friday's lesson.

A. hand in                   B. handing in              C. to hand in               D. to handing in

34. Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an ____ year before going to college or after finishing high school to travel overseas independently.

A. gap                         B. new                         C. busy                        D. graduation

35. It's my ____ ceremony next week; I think my parents are looking forward to it more than I am.

A. graduation              B. graduate                  C. graduating                          D. graduates

36. Going to university is expensive because in addition to the tuition ____, there are expenses for accommodation, books, living costs, etc.

A. grants                     B. fees                         C. fares                        D. scholarships

37. When I got to 16, some of my friends left school to get a job, but most ____.

A. dropped out            B. moved back            C. got in                      D. stayed on

38. The more ____ you have, the more chance you have of finding a better job.

A. courses                   B. contributions                      C. qualifications                      D. qualities

39. Next year, I have to decide which area of medicine I want to ____ in.

A. come                       B. focus                       C. hand                       D. specialise

40. I got a diploma in business administration, but still sometimes wish I had been able to go to university and get a ____.

A. certificate               B. diploma                  C. degree                     D. scholarship

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

41. When you sit for the exam tomorrow, try to stay calm and relaxed.

A. answer                    B. take                         C. make                       D. write

42. If the examiner can't make sense of what your essay is about, you'll get the low mark.

A. declare                    B. estimate                  C. communicate                      D. understand

43. If you want to get a high mark on a test, review the material carefully beforehand.

A. performance                       B. score                       C. figure                      D. note

44. Some students only cram for tests when there is little time left, so their results are not satisfactory.

A. prepare in a short period                            B. prepare in a long time

C. prepare well                                                D. prepare badly

45. My application for the scholarship has been turned down because the transcript of marks is not satisfactory enough.

A. cancelled                B. postponed               C. reduced                  D. rejected

Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meanin the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

46. Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of optional courses in the university.

A. mandatory              B. selective                  C. free                         D. limited

47. Tom did miserably on the final test, which caused a shock to everyone in the class.

A. took                        B. sat for                     C. failed                      D. passed

48. Schools are more relaxed nowadays as discipline is less tough than before.

A. accurate                  B. severe                     C. strict                       D. loose

49. Well, Mrs Baker, you'll be pleased to hear that George has made a dramatic improvement in geography.

A. meaningful             B. important                C. insignificant                       D. steady

50. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get bachelor's degrees.

A. following                B. giving up                C. trying                      D. interrupting


Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

51. I ____ English for five years. I study it at school.

A. have been learning             B. have learnt              C. learnt                      D. am learning

52. You can have your book back now. I ____ it.

A. have been reading              B. have read                C. had read                  D. read

53. You look upset. ____ you ____?

A. Are – crying           B. Do - cry                  C. Have - been crying                         D. Have - cried

54. How many times ____ you ____ that international conference?

A. did – attend            B. do - attend              C. have - been attending                     D. have - attended

55. I ____ for my math textbook all day, but I ____ it yet.

A. have been looking/haven't found                           B. have looked/haven't found

C. have been looking/haven't been finding                D. have looked/haven't been finding

56. Mum ____ all morning. She ____ lots of Christmas presents.

A. has shopped/has bought                                         B. has been shopping/has bought

C. has been shopping/has been buying                       D. has shopped/has been buying

57. Kevin ____ his homework, but he ____ it yet.

A. has been doing/hasn't been finishing                     B. has done/hasn't finished

C. has been doing/hasn't finished                               D. has done/hasn't been finishing

58. Pete ____ at Midfield Secondary School since 2006, but he ____ music in his lessons twice.

A. has been teaching/has only played                         B. has been teaching/has only been playing

C. has taught/has only been playing                           D. has taught/has only played

59. I ____ the biography of Robbie Williams, but I'm on page 50.

A. have read                B. have been reading              C. had read                  D. was reading

60. Jimmy can go out when he ____ for the exam.

A. has been studying              B. has been studied                 C. has studied                         D. studied

61.I ____ the latest Harry Potter book all day. I'm dying to know what happens in the end!

A. am reading             B. have been reading              C. have read                            D. had read

62. So far I ____ any of the exams at school.

A. haven't been failing            B. hadn't failed            C. didn't fail                            D. haven't failed

63. We ____ our classroom for the upcoming Teachers' Day, but there's still a lot to do.

A. are decorating        B. decorated                C. have been decorating         D. have decorated

64. Margaret ____ in the school marathon for charity before.

A. has never run          B. never runs               C. never ran                 D. has never been running

65. My brother graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology last month and ____ for a job since then.

A. has been looking                B. has looked              C. was looking                        D. had looked

66. Tim ____ for the scholarship to study abroad in the USA at least twice.

A. applied                   B. is applying              C. has been applying                           D. has applied

67. All the students ____ for their academic transcripts all this week, but they ____ them yet.

A. have waited/haven't received                                 B. have been waiting/haven't received

C. have waited/haven't been receiving                        D. have been waiting/haven't been receiving

68. I ____ for the information about the differences between further education and higher education all this morning.

A. had searched          B. have been searched            C. have been searching           D. have searched

69. It's the first time you ____ an online course, isn't it?

A. had ever taken        B. have ever been taking        C. ever took                D. have ever taken

70. The teacher ____ the speaking task on the board, so now the students are discussing it.

A. has already been writing                                        B. has already written

C. already wrote                                                         D. had already written

71. Sandy ____ his sister since she ____ to university in 2014.

A. hadn't seen/went                                                    B. hasn't been seeing/went

C. didn't see/has gone                                                 D. hasn't seen/went

72. They ____ to Spain for an educational exchange and won't be back until the end of this month.

A. have gone               B. went                       C. have been going                             D. is going

73. Poor Tracy! She ____ that essay for hours now and she still ____.

A. has written/hasn't finished                                     B. has been writing/didn't finish

C. has been writing/hasn't finished                             D. has written/hasn't been finishing

74. Tom and Mary are still discussing the math exercise with each other because they ____ how to do it.

A. aren't working out                                                  B. haven't worked out

C. haven't been working out                                       D. didn't work out

75. I ____ reading a wonderful book about space travel.

A. just finish               B. just do finish           C. have just finished               D. have just been finishing

76. As a rule, you shouldn't argue with your hosts unless they ____ something openly offensive.

A. had said                  B. have been saying                C. have said                D. would say

77. Noah Webster an American Dictionary of the English Language in two volumes in 1828, and since then it ____ the recognised authority for usage in the United States.

A. published/became                                                   B. has published/has become

C. published/was becoming                                        D. published/has become

78. She ____ of great help to us because she ____ for such a long time with us.

A. has been/had lived             B. has been/has been living    C. has been/lived         D. was/has lived

79. I ____ the book yet so I can't tell you what happens.

A. haven't finished      B. haven't been finishing        C. didn't finish            D. hadn't finished

80. Peter has been a junior clerk for three years. Lately he ____ for a better post but so far he ____ anything.

A. looks/hasn't found                                                  B. have looked/haven't found

C. has been looking/hasn't found                               D. has looked/hasn't found

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

81. My brother has applied for that scholarship for months, but he has never succeeded yet.

                                 A          B                                    C                                                      D

82. I have been unable to make out what the lecturer was saying because we were right at the back of the hall.

               A                              B                                                         C                                    D

83. I have found a lot of informations about the history of English language teaching recently.

               A                              B             C                       D

84. Although there were a number of significant differences between the two systems, both countries share a

                                 A                                                  B                                                    C

commitment to high quality education.


85. I have never been understanding why such a lot of people want to study abroad.

                                    A                               B                             C                      D

86. It is the first time the Internet has ever applied in English teaching and learning in this remote district.

                  A                                            B                                             C                D

87. Due to the geographical barrier, he has been deciding to choose distance education in order to get his

          A                       B                                   C                                             D

university degree.

88. Lily couldn't answer any questions in the end-of-term examination this morning, but she thinks she          

                   A                            B                                                                                    C

has failed.


89. I have started doing my homework when I got home from school, but I stopped to watch my favourite

                A                                               B                                                                       C

music show.


90. Prof. Daniel, who has been working in our faculty for almost 15 years, is giving a seminar on further

                                                A                                             B                                             C

education to students on next Friday.



Exercise 8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 91. “Could you pass that book over to me, please?” – “____”

A. Yes, of course.       B. No, why not?          C. Actually, I'm busy.             D. Yes, go ahead.

92. “If I were you, I would apply for the scholarship to the University of Melbourne.” – “____”

A. I'm not afraid so.                B. No way!                  C. I guess I should.                 D. I hope so.

93. “I hear you've passed your exam. Congratulations!” – “____”

A. What a pity!           B. You're welcome.                C. I'm alright.              D. Thank you.

94. “Why do you choose French as your second major?” – “____”

A. Because it's quite like English.                              B. Because they are friendly.

C. I don't really care.                                                   D. It's nice to say so.

95. “Can I have a quick look at your lecture notes?” – “____”

A. Of course not today.                                              B. So far, so good!

C. No, I don't think so.                                                D. Sorry, I'm using them myself.

96. - "Let's go to the Dr. Millet's seminar on learning styles this afternoon!”

      - “____”

A. I wish I could but I'm busy then.                           B. Learning styles are really subjective.

C. Thanks, I won't.                                                      D. I would if I were you.

97. - "Mom, I've received an offer for a summer internship in Singapore!

      - “____”

A. Really? Good luck!                                                B. Oh, that's great! Congratulations!

C. I couldn't agree more.                                             D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

98. “Sorry, I'm late! May I come in, Miss Millie?” – “____”

A. Yes, come in, please!         B. Not right now.                    C. Let's do it!              D. I guess so.

99. "What an imaginative essay you've written, Matt!” – “____”

A. That's the least I could do.                                     B. Actually, I don't mind.

C. Thanks, it's nice of you to say so.                          D. Sorry, just my luck!

100.- “It was very kind of you to help me with the difficult homework!"

A. Oh, don't mention it.          B. Sorry, I don't know.           C. That sounds nice.    D. Thanks a lot.

101. “Do you mind if I use your dictionary for a while?” – “____”

A. Yes, I don't mind.        B. No, I don't think so.      C. Yes, go ahead.        D. No, go right ahead.

102. “Work harder or you'll fail the exam!” – “____”

A. Oh, that's fine for me!        B. Thanks, I will.        C. That sounds great!              D. Sure, go ahead!

103. “I'm sorry, teacher. I've left my exercise book at home today!” – “

A. I'm afraid, you can't.                                              B. Well, don't do that again next time.

C. No, of course not.                                                   D. I hope you won't.

104. "Shall I lend you a hand with the survey questionnaire?” – “____”

A. Yes, I'd love to.                                                      B. That sounds interesting!

C. Sure! That would be great help!                            D. How about tomorrow?

105. - “I’ll celebrate my graduation party this weekend. Could you come?"

        - “____”

A. Yes, of course, I will.                                             B. How can this be?

C. The more, the merrier.                                            D. Great work! Keep up!


Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

One way of training for your future occupation in Germany is by pursuing a dual vocational training programme. Such programmes offer plenty of opportunity for on-the-job training and work experience. Programmes usually last between two and three and a half years and comprise theoretical as well as practical elements. You will spend one or two days a week, or several weeks at once, at a vocational school where you will acquire the theoretical knowledge that you will need in your future occupation. The rest of the time will be spent at a company. There you get to apply your newly acquired knowledge in practice, for example by learning to operate machinery. You will get to know what your company does, learn how it operates and find out if you can see yourself working there after completing your training.

This combination of theory and practice gives you a real head start into your job: by the time you have completed your training, you will not only have the required technical knowledge, but you will also have hands-on experience in your job. There are around 350 officially recognised training programmes in Germany, so chances are good that one of them will suit your interests and talents. You can find out which one that might be by visiting one of the jobs and vocational training fairs which are organised in many German cities at different times in the year.

Employment prospects for students who have completed a dual vocational training programme are very good. This is one of the reasons why this kind of training is very popular with young Germans: around two thirds of all students leaving school go on to start a vocational training programme.

106. Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

A. Employment Opportunities and Prospects in Germany

B. Higher Education System in Germany

C. Dual Vocational Training System in Germany

D. Combination of Theory and Practice in Studying in Germany

107. The word "it" in the first paragraph refers to ____.

A. company                 B. machinery               C. knowledge                          D. organisation

108. Which of the following statements best describes the dual vocational training programmes?

A. These programmes consist of an intensive theoretical course of two and a half years at a vocational school.

B. These programmes require you to have only practical working time at a certain company.

C. These programmes offer you some necessary technical skills to do your future job.

D. These programmes provide you with both theoretical knowledge and practical working experience.

109. The word "hands-on” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.

A. theoretical              B. practical                  C. technical                 D. integral

110. How many German school leavers choose this vocational training programme?

A. well over 75%                                            B. around one out of five

C. less than a third                                          D. about 70%

Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Do you think education is better now than it was in your grandparents' time? Many older people in the UK believe the opposite. “Schools were better in our day,” they complain. “There isn't enough discipline these days. Kids don't work as hard as we did, either. The syllabus isn't as challenging, so clever students aren't being stretched enough. They need to study things in greater depth. Exams are much, much easier now as well.”

Were schools better years ago? Some British teenagers travelled back in time to a 1950s boarding school. They got a big surprise! The first shock came when the teenagers met their new teachers. Dressed in traditional black gowns, they look so frosty and uncaring! They were really authoritarian, too, so anyone caught breaking the rules - talking in classes, mucking about in the playground or playing truant – was in big trouble! Punishments included writing 'lines' or staying after class to do detention. The naughtiest kids were expelled.

Things were just as bad after class. At meal times the students had to endure a diet of plain, no-nonsense, healthy food. Homework was obligatory and it took ages! Copying essays off the Internet wasn't an option, as personal computers didn't exist in the 1950s!

At the end of 'term' everyone sat 1950s-style exams. The old exams were much longer than their twenty-first century equivalents and involved learning huge amounts of facts by heart. History papers were all dates and battles. Maths papers were trickier, too; calculators weren't around in the 1950s, so the students had to memorise multiplication tables and master long division. Our candidates found this really difficult.

The exam results surprised a lot of people. Students predicted to do well in their real-life, twenty-first century exams often got low grades in the 1950s exams. Does this prove modern exams are too easy? Do twenty-first century kids rely too much on modern technology, like calculators and computers?

The TV series of That 'll teach 'em! focused on a 1960s vocational school. UK school-kids study a range of academic subjects these days. But in the 1960s, children judged to be less able' went to vocational schools. These helped them learn job skills. Boys studied subjects like metalwork, woodwork or gardening. In some classes, they even learned how to milk goats! The girls' timetables included secretarial skills. They also learned to cook, clean and sew - probably not much fun for most girls.

111. What criticism is sometimes made about modern education in the first paragraph?

A. Teachers aren't strict enough.

B. The syllabus is out of date.

C. There's too much stress on exams.

D. The teaching methods are not good enough.

112. The word "authoritarian” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.

A. inexperienced                     B. impolite                  C. unreasonable                       D. strict

113. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the food the students ate at school?

A. It wasn't cooked properly.                          B. It wasn't delicious.

C. It wasn't nutritious.                                     D. There wasn't much of it.

114. The word "obligatory” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.

A. compulsory            B. difficult                  C. long                        D. complicated

115. According to the passage, how did exams in the 1950s differ from those in the twenty-first century?

A They covered more subjects.                                  B. It took students less time to do them.

C. There was more to remember.                               D. They were less difficult.

116. What was surprising about the students' results after taking the 1950s-style exams?

A. All the students found the exams difficult.

B. Students didn't do as well as expected.

C. Students who were predicted to fail did rather well.

D. Students did better than twenty-first century exams.

117. The word “these” in the last paragraph refers to ____.

A. school-kids                         B. subjects                   C. series                      D. vocational schools

118. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Vocational schools provided poorer children with equipment.

B. Vocational schools took children who were good at studying.

C. Vocational schools prepared students for employment.

D. Vocational schools were a complete waste of time.

Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


In the professional or career world, a gap year is a year before going to college or university and after finishing high school or (119) ____ a year off before going into graduate school after completing a bachelor as an undergraduate. (120) ____ this time, students may engage in advanced academic courses, extra-academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college math courses, language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more. Gap years are sometimes considered a way for students to become independent and learn a great deal of (121) ____ prior to engaging in university life.

Australians and New Zealanders have a tradition of travelling overseas independently (122) ____ a young age. In New Zealand, this is known as “doing an OE” (Overseas Experience). Sometimes, an OE is (123) ____ to one year, but often Australians and New Zealanders will remain overseas for three to five years, with many working short-term in service industry jobs to fund their continuing travels. Europe and Asia are popular destinations for doing an OE. In Australia, through exchange programmes and benefits for youth, there are so many opportunities for a young person to broaden their (124) ____ through travel in a gap year.

119. A. calling                        B. going                      C. taking                     D. turning

120. A. During                        B. When                      C. While                      D. By

121. A. responsible                 B. responsibility          C. irresponsible           D. irresponsibility

122. A. at                                B. on                           C. in                            D. for

123. A. distributed                  B. used                        C. spent                       D. limited

124. A. head                           B. mind                       C. brain                       D. memory

Exercise 12. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


How do you feel when you sit an exam? Do you always succeed in getting all your ideas down on paper, or do you sometimes feel that you're (125) ____ a mess of it? (126) ____ from those lucky few who sail through exams, most secondary school pupils find them very stressful. Many teachers are (127) ____ of the problems their students face and use a different method for measuring their progress: continuous. With continuous assessment, students are given (128) ____ tasks to do throughout the year. All their marks are added together to produce a total mark (129) ____ the end of the year. Students have to (130) ____ more responsibility for their education because they can't rely on doing well on just one day. Also, they have more time to think over their work, meaning that they are able to do their best.

125. A. doing              B. having                     C. making                   D. taking

126. A. Apart             B. According               C. Except                    D. But

127. A. aware             B. intelligent               C. recognisable           D. knowledgeable

128. A. variety            B. various                    C. vary                        D. variably

129. A. at                    B. on                           C. in                            D. from

130. A. do                   B. get                          C. make                       D. take


Exercise 13. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

131 It's only her second time in an international conference about further education.

A. It was the second time she had been in an international conference about further education.

B. She has only been in an international conference about further education once before.

C. She has never been to any international conference about further education before.

D. She has already got used to being in an international conference about further education.

132. I started writing this essay hours ago and it's still not right.

A. I have been writing this essay for hours and it's still not right.

B. It's hours ago since I last wrote this essay correctly.

C. The last time I started writing this essay was hours ago, which is still not right.

D. I didn't stop to write this essay hours ago and it's still not right.

133. “You'd better work harder if you don't want to retake the exam!” the teacher said to Jimmy.

A. The teacher advised Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

B. The teacher ordered Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

C. The teacher reminded Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

D. The teacher warned Jimmy to work harder if he didn't want to retake the exam.

134. Lisa has never studied abroad before.

A. It's the first time Lisa has ever studied abroad.

B. It's the last time since Lisa studied abroad.

C. It was the first time Lisa had ever studied abroad.

D. Never before Lisa has studied abroad.

135. The last time my friend wrote a letter to me was in February.

A. I haven't never received a letter from my friend since February.

B. I last received a letter from my friend in February.

C. It was in February since I first received a letter from my friend.

D. My friend last wrote a letter to me when in February.

Exercise 14. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

136. Marie prepared her homework carefully. She could answer all the questions and got good marks.

A. Although she prepared her homework carefully, Marie could not answer all the questions and got good marks.

B. Having prepared her homework carefully, Marie could answer all the questions and got good marks.

C. If she had prepared her homework carefully, Marie could have answered all the questions and got good marks.

D. It was because of her careful preparation for the homework, Marie couldn't answer all the questions and got good marks.

137. We have been trying to learn English for years. We haven't succeeded yet.

A. Although we have been trying to learn English for years, we haven't succeeded yet.

B. After we've been trying to learn English for years, we have succeeded.

C. We haven't succeeded yet since we have been trying to learn English for years.

D. We have been trying to learn English for years, so we haven't succeeded yet.

138. The teacher was giving the lesson. The lights went out.

A. The lights went out as soon as the teacher started giving the lesson.

B. If the teacher had been giving the lesson, the lights wouldn't have gone out.

C. The teacher was giving the lesson, so the lights went out.

D. While the teacher was giving the lesson, the lights went out.

139. Our school started building a new canteen in June. They are still building it now.

A. Our school have started building a new canteen from June till now.

B. Our school have been building a new canteen since June.

C. Our school have built a new canteen now since starting in June.

D. Our school are building the new canteen which started in June.

140. Henry only started learning English last year. However, he can now speak it like a native.

A. If he had started learning English last year, Henry could now speak it like a native.

B. After starting learning English last year, Henry can now speak it like a native.

C. Although he only started learning English last year, Henry can now speak it like a native.

           D. Henry, who has only started learning English since last year, can now speak it like a native.

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