6.1.1. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

Exercise 1

1.      I can’t advise him if he doesn’t tell me more about the situation.

I can’t advise him unless_____________________________________________________________

2.      Paola’s father made her sing.

Paola was____________________________________________________________________________

3.      “You broke my vase, John”, said his mother angrily.

John’s mother accused_________________________________________________________________

4.      These trousers are too small for Kate.

These trousers are not__________________________________________________________________

5.      Harry, please don’t smoke here.

Harry, would you mind________________________________________________________________?

6.      Let’s have a walk in the woods this afternoon.

How about__________________________________________________________________________?

7.      You must listen carefully to the teacher’s instruction.

You must pay________________________________________________________________________

8.      I don’t want to go to the football match tomorrow.

I’d rather____________________________________________________________________________

9.      Please ring us on your arrival at the airport.

Please ring us as soon as________________________________________________________________

10.  I am sorry I don’t have time to come and help you with your homework.

I wish I______________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2

1.      Eating is not allowed in the classroom.

Students are not_______________________________________________________________________

2.      Tania will probably turn down the job in London.

Tania is not likely_____________________________________________________________________

3.      The Smiths moved to Cambridge six years ago.

The Smiths have______________________________________________________________________

4.      Jack couldn’t manage to persuade his father to let him borrow the car.

Jack didn’t succeed____________________________________________________________________

5.      His parents think that being a doctor would be a good career for him.

His parents want______________________________________________________________________

6.      You mustn’t enter that room without permission.

You are not__________________________________________________________________________

7.      I don’t have enough money for them, but I like to buy expensive shoes.

Although I don’t______________________________________________________________________

8.      There is more rain in the north of the country than in the south.

The north of the country________________________________________________________________

9.      Can you give me any reason for her success in her career?

Can you explain why__________________________________________________________________?

10.  I missed the bus because I overslept.

If I hadn’t____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3

1.      Hannah would love to know how to surf properly.

Hannah wishes________________________________________________________________________

2.      I decided not to shop in that supermarket anymore when I read about its unhygienic practices in the newspaper.

I stopped____________________________________________________________________________

3.      Did you enjoy the party last night?

Did you have________________________________________________________________________?

4.      “Could I borrow $5, mum?”, asked William.

William asked his mother_______________________________________________________________

5.      How long was your flight to Rio?

How long did it______________________________________________________________________?

6.      Antonio, I think you are wrong about Sonia.

Antonia, I don’t agree__________________________________________________________________

7.      I admire Pedro because he is a very honest person, I think.

What I admire about Pedro is____________________________________________________________

8.      Joshua’s grandmother looks after him while his mother is at work.

Joshua is taken________________________________________________________________________

9.      The teacher has no objections if the children use dictionaries during their tests.

The teacher does not___________________________________________________________________

10.  I don’t mean to move to Madrid.

I have no____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4

1.      “Let’s go to see a film tomorrow”, said Naomi.

Naomi suggested______________________________________________________________________

2.      Both my brother and I were rather bored by the play last night.

My brother and I thought_______________________________________________________________

3.      Pete, would you like to go to the gym this afternoon?

Pete, do you feel_____________________________________________________________________?

4.      It was too wet for the cricket match to take place.

The cricket match was called____________________________________________________________

5.      “Is this your first time in New York, Luigi?”, asked Karen.

Karen asked Luigi_____________________________________________________________________

6.      This is the most wonderful book I’ve ever read.

I’ve never____________________________________________________________________________

7.      I wasn’t allowed to play by the canal when I was a child.

My parents didn’t let___________________________________________________________________

8.      I can’t afford to spend my holiday abroad.

A holiday abroad is so__________________________________________________________________

9.      Whose handbag is this?

Whom does_________________________________________________________________________?

10.  We weren’t in the habit of having holidays abroad when I was a child.

We didn’t____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 5

1.      That was the funniest book I’ve ever read!

I’ve never read________________________________________________________________________

2.      The farmer often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field every day.

It often takes_________________________________________________________________________

3.      My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.

My French friend isn’t used_____________________________________________________________

4.      It’s not my responsibility to clean this room.

I am not_____________________________________________________________________________

5.      My mother would prefer you to smoke in the garden.

My mother would rather you_____________________________________________________________

6.      When I was in Athens, my Greek pen friend showed me the sights.

When I was in Athens, I was_____________________________________________________________

7.      Henry regrets being so rude to his boss.

Henry wishes_________________________________________________________________________

8.      You will receive full information about the course on payments of your fees.

As soon as___________________________________________________________________________

9.      In the middle of our lunch there was a knock at the door.

When we____________________________________________________________________________

10.  Mary would like to do a course in archaeology.

Mary is interested_____________________________________________________________________

6.1.2. Rewrite these sentences so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

Exercise 1

1.      The teacher forced the students to do their homework. (MADE)

The teacher__________________________________________________________________________

2.      I did it because it was good for my health. (DONE)

I wouldn’t___________________________________________________________________________

3.      They have cancelled tomorrow’s meeting. (CALLED)

They have___________________________________________________________________________

4.      You can’t expect to pass your exam if you don’t study. (HARDLY)

You can_____________________________________________________________________________

5.      The beer was so good that I had to order another one. (SUCH)


6.      The exam wasn’t as difficult as we had thought before. (WAS)

The exam____________________________________________________________________________

7.      It was a shame you didn’t pass the exam. (WISH)


8.      I was on my way to get my son from school. (UP)

I was_______________________________________________________________________________

9.      We ought to go home now. (TIME)

It is_________________________________________________________________________________

10.  They have postponed the class until next Tuesday. (OFF)

The class____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2

1.      I met my sister at the party by chance. (CAME)


2.      He said he didn’t steal the car. (DENIED)


3.      I would like to buy a brand-new car, but I need to win the lottery. (WOULD)

If I_________________________________________________________________________________

4.      She said she was the one who had made the mistake. (ADMITTED)


5.      I like to play football at the weekend. (ENJOY)


6.      I find it difficult not to laugh every time I remember what happened. (HELP)


7.      A mechanic checked my car for me before I set off on my holiday. (HAD)

Before I_____________________________________________________________________________

8.      I didn’t feel like drinking out of such a dirty gkass. (FANCY)


9.      With more money, I would have been able to buy a better laptop. (HAD)

I would______________________________________________________________________________

10.  We were so annoyed by the mosquitoes that we decided to buy a repellent. (THAT)

The mosquitoes_______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3

1.      When I was little, I would play football every weekend. (USED)


2.      I have to take care of my little brother while my parents are away. (AFTER)

I have to_____________________________________________________________________________

3.      Psychology was very interesting to me. (IN)


4.      Many teenagers like social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. (POPULAR)

Facebook and Twitter__________________________________________________________________

5.      Jane went to bed early so that she would be fresh in the  morning. (ORDER)

Jane went____________________________________________________________________________

6.      I think she found your story very amusing. (AMUSED)

I think______________________________________________________________________________

7.      It’s a pity I can’t stay two days  more. (ONLY)


8.      This is the nicest car I’ve ever seen. (HAVE)


9.      It will be better if you get up at 7a.m tomorrow. (SOONER)


10.  If you heard him speak, you’d think he is an expert. (IF)

He spoke____________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4

1.      I’d prefer you not to smoke in my home. (RATHER)


2.      I think I need to drink less coffee and take tea instead. (CUT)

I think I need to_______________________________________________________________________

3.      We had an argument and I decided not to call her any more. (STOPPED)

We had______________________________________________________________________________

4.      I suggest that you finish your test within the time allowed. (SHOULD)


5.      He said that he would help me with my project. (PROMISED)


6.      There is no point in waiting any longer because he is not going to come. (USE)


7.      In order for you to pass the exam, you will need to achieve a score of 160. (SO)

You will_____________________________________________________________________________

8.      There is no way I’m helping you after what you did to me. (INTENTION)

I have no____________________________________________________________________________

9.      This summer is being much hotter than last year. (HOT)

Last summer_________________________________________________________________________

10.  A technician fixed my laptop for me. (HAD)


Exercise 5

1.      Carlos studied medicine because he wanted to become a doctor. (VIEW)

Carlos studied________________________________________________________________________

2.      The teacher told the students to keep silent, but they didn’t take any notice. (PAY)

The students__________________________________________________________________________

3.      I’d like to know what time the party starts. (WISH)


4.      Did you manage to persuade your boss to give you a rise? (SUCCEED)

Did you____________________________________________________________________________?

5.      If you want to go home, you should wait until the rain stops. (HAD)


6.      The boss won’t tolerate you being late any longer. (PUT)

The boss won’t_______________________________________________________________________

7.      I think you should ask the boss for a pay rise. (WERE)

If I________________________________________________________________________________

8.      I can help you with your kids. (MIND)


9.      I will go to the meeting tomorrow if you come with me. (LONG)

I will go_____________________________________________________________________________

10.  I was about to leave when you call me on the phone. (POINT)

I was_______________________________________________________________________________


Combine the two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways.

Exercise 1

1.      We bought some trees. Our neighbour told us they were on sale. (THAT)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

2.      Hurry up! You will miss the bus. (UNLESS)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

3.      We all respect him. He is an honest man. (BECAUSE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

4.      Jane is quite warm and friendly. Her sister is quite warm and friendly. (BOTH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

5.      He had gone. I didn’t have a chance to thank him. (BEFORE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

6.      The exam was long and difficult. I was completely exhausted at the end. (SUCH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

7.      I’ll post the CD today. You will get it by the weekend. (SO THAT)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

8.      I’m going to buy a camera with the money. Otherwise, I’m going to buy a DVD player. (EITHER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2

1.      The water was too cold. We couldn’t swim in it. (TOO)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

2.      That’s the book. Everyone is reading it. (WHICH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

3.      They didn’t have more people working on the job. They couldn’t get the job done quicker. (IF)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

4.      Her husband hated holidays so much. She decided to go on her own. (SINCE

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

5.      She gave everyone a present. Then she left. (BEFORE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

6.      We left a message with his neighbour. He would know we’d called. (SO THAT)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

7.      No one caught any fish. Everyone enjoyed the fishing trip. (THOUGH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

8.      My grandfather gets older. He is more forgetful. (THE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

9.      You haven’t finished your homework. You can’t go out. (UNTIL)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

10.  Martin is not tall. His father is not tall. (NEITHER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3

1.      The hotel has been demolished. We spent our honeymoon in that hotel. (WHERE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

2.      The couple posted a Christmas present to their daughter. Their daughter lives in South Africa. (WHO)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

3.      We will have to cancel the show. We are trying to sell more tickets. (UNLESS)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

4.      I know what really happened. You do, too. (BOTH….AND

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

5.      I felt he was wrong. I didn’t say so at the time. (ALTHOUGH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

6.      Mrs. Weaver had to work full-time. She had to earn a living for herself and her family of five children. (SO AS TO)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

7.      He is a bad-tempered person. No one can work with him for long. (SUCH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

8.      Jill has been invited to the party. Kate has been invited to the party. (WELL)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

9.      The teacher came into the room. Everyone stops talking. (WHEN)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

10.  We have seen a lot of changes. The changes are good for business. (WHICH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4

1.      They gave her the best treatment. They could not save her. (THOUGH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

2.      You promise to pay me back. I will lend you some money. (AS LONG AS)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

3.      He has already delivered a good performance. Nobody can question his ability. (SINCE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

4.      The car has a bad engine. I bought it last month. (WHICH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

5.      They had always been in the London area. They moved here in 2009. (UNTIL)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

6.      The tornado was extremely powerful. It hit Minnesota. (THAT)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

7.      I am too old. I can’t play that kind of sport. (IF)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

8.      Over 200 people attended the ceremony. Many of them had known Harry as their teacher. (WHOM)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

9.      Lisa hasn’t been to Italy before. Helena hasn’t been to Italy before, either. (NEITHER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

10.  The building is too high. I can’t go to the top without an elevator. (TOO)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 5

1.      You need to print the form out and sign it. You can send it to apply for the job. (ORDER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

2.      The sun was shining. It wasn’t very warm. (THOUGH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

3.      She had graduated from university. She volunteered to work in a hospital. (AFTER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

4.      I lived in an apartment building. It had a very slow elevator. (WHICH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

5.      Shirley has a 17-year-old daughter. The daughter’s ambition is to be a photographer. (WHOSE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

6.      They couldn’t deliver the parcel. No one was there to answer the door. (SINCE)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

7.      The second race was easy. The first one was easier. (AS)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

8.      Brian didn’t mention anything about moving house. His wife didn’t, either. (NEITHER)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

9.      It was so hot. We didn’t leave the air-conditioned room all day. (THAT)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________

10.  I don’t have a car. I really need one to travel around. (WISH)

-> _________________________________________________________________________________


Make complete sentences using the given words/ phrases. You may need to make any changes if necessary except the order of the words/ phrases.

Exercise 1

1.      Vietnamese people/ life/ be/ significantly/ improve/ recent years/.


2.      Have/ students/ work/ groups,/ she/ hope/ they/ learn/ be/ cooperative/.


3.      It/ reported/ many/ our man-made/ wonder/ be/ damage/.


4.      Classrooms/ make/ mud and straw/ trenches/ all around/ used/ common/ Vietnam/ during/ war/.


5.      Van Phuc village/ Hanoi/ produce/ different type/ silk product/ such/ cloth/ scarves/ ties/ dresses/.


6.      Every year,/ Economist Intelligence Unit/ conduct/ fascinating/ survey/ determine/ which/ city/ around/ world/ provide/ best/ worst/ living conditions/.


7.      I/ find/ about/ fabulous/ place/ where/ we/ go/ picnic/ weekend/.


8.      I/ suggest/ we/ limit/ number/ tourists/ visit/ man-made wonders/ every day/.


9.      If/ we/ not/ try/ bring back/ customs and traditions/ they/ soon/ die out/.


10.  More/ tourist/ choose/ visit/ Ha Long Bay/ since/ UNESCO’s/ recognition/ natural beauty/.


Exercise 2

1.      If/ you/ go/ Hoi An/ 15th/ each lunar month,/ you/ enjoy/ lights/ beautiful lanterns/.


2.      I/ wish/ everybody/ aware/ importance/ preserve/ culture/.


3.      It/ most likely/ students/ twenty years ago/ not/ able/ enjoy/ Internet/ in/ studies/.


4.      Children/ play/ game/ park/ while/ parents/ sit/ talk/ each other/.


5.      They/ be/ going/ bring/ guidebook/ different beauty spots/ Vietnam/.


6.      Father’s school/ be/ other side/ river,/ and/ he/ have to/ cross/ river/ boat/ twice a day/ school/.


7.      It/ expected/ government/ have/ measures/ protect/ preserve/ man-made/ wonder/.


8.      It/ said/ complex of monuments/ one/ of/ wonder/ Vietnam/.


9.      Traditionally,/ weddings/ funerals/ be/ consider/ important/ village event/ Vietnam/.


10.  Foreign tourists/ like/ market/ because/ they/ experience/ culture/ Vietnamese people/ well/ as/ buy/

handicrafts/ souvenirs/.


Exercise 3

1.      Linh/ feel/ bit/ depressed/ study/ because/ she/ fail/ exam/ once/.


2.      Healthy lifestyle/ keep/ us/ shape/ so/ not/ have/ worry/ get fat/ and/ go/ diet/.


3.      Tom/ say/ Kate/ can/ keep calm/ even/ she/ have/ lots/ pressure/.


4.      Noise pollution/ come/ traffic/ and/ construction sites/ negatively/ affect/ people’s life/.


5.      In/ last check-up/ doctor/ ask/ if/ he/ sleep/ least/ eight hours/ day/.


6.      In/ town./ park/ attraction/ because/ people/ love/ spend/ time/ there/.


7.      This year/ mother/ want/ bring/ traditions/ by/ make/ candied fruits/ Tet/.


8.      We/ must/ face/ reality/ that/ our handicrafts/ be/ competition/ those/ other villages/.


9.      Everyone/ aware/ it/ much/ safe/ have/ elevated walkways/ underpass systems/ pedestrians/.


10.  Although/ museums/ small,/ it/ have/ unique artefacts/.


Exercise 4

1.      Craft/ basket weaving/ be/ usually/ pass down/ generation/ generation/.


2.      London’s population/ a lot/ small/ than/ Tokyo’s/ Shanghai’s,/ but/ it/ by far/ most popular/ tourist



3.      When/ you/ tired/ under/ stress,/ it/ important/ look/ after/ yourself/ and/ find/ way/ deal/ it/.


4.      Physical changes/ different/ everyone,/ so/ you/ not/ need/ feel/ embarrassed/ frustrated/.


5.      Now/ people/ have/ car,/ and/ there/ not/ enough/ road/ city/.


6.      If/ I/ you,/ I/ not/ set/ expectations/ too high/.


7.      Kids/ past/ spend/ lot/ time/ play/ talk/ face to face/ each other/.


8.      Teenagers/ need/ adult/ support/ guidance/ make/ good decision/ overcome/ stress/.


9.      Give/ lucky money/ young/ and/ old/ Tet/ be/ common practice/ many Asian countries/.


10.  Vietnamese works/ literature, both/ old/ modern,/ make/ Perfume Pagoda/ focus/.


Exercise 5

1.      Women/ no longer/ content/ stay/ home, in/ sole role/ housewife/.


2.      In/ changing/ world/ work,/ nowadays/ people/ have/ keep/ learn/ be/ responsible/ build/ future/.


3.      You/ opt/ vocational/ training/ where/ learn/ skills/ can/ apply/ directly/ a/ job/.


4.      It/ advisable/ get/ advice/ you/ decide/ future/ job/.


5.      Astronauts/ require/ complete/ special/ training/ program/ they/ allow/ fly/ space/.


6.      Astronauts/ consult/ Earth-based/ scientists/ how/ deal/ challenges/ space/ research/.


7.      Men/ use/ breadwinners/ our/ country,/ but/ now/ women/ go/ work/ many/ them/ make/ bundle/.


8.      Breakfast/ first/ meal/ day,/ it/ very/ important/ eat/ nutrious/ things/.


9.      Before/ I/ ten,/ already/ collect/ lots/ books/ universe/.


10.  Before/ choose/ career,/ you/ have/ get/ all/ necessary/ education/ training/.




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