chuyên đề kĩ năng giao tiếp tiếng anh conversation english



          Bài tập về chức năng giao tiếp bao gồm những mẩu đối thoại ngắn, thường là dạng hỏi và trả lời giữa hai đối tượng A và B. Mục đích của dạng bài tập này là chọn đúng phần khuyết để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại ngắn.

1.  Các dạng câu hỏi và cách trả lời

          Câu hỏi: bắt đầu bằng các trợ động từ: am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, will, would, have, may. might, can, could...

          Câu trả lời: bắt đầu bằng “Yes” hoặc “No” và đưa thêm thông tin.

          Ta cũng có thể trả lời bằng:

          - I think/ believe/ hope/ expect/ guess so. (Tôi nghĩ/ tin/ hy vọng/ mong/ đoán thế.)

          - Sure/ Actually/ Of course/ Right... (Dĩ nhiên/ Chắc chắn rồi.)

          - I don’t think/ believe/ expect/ guess so. (Tôi không nghĩ/ tin/ mong/ cho rằng thế.)

          - I hope/ believe/ guess/ suppose not. (Tôi hy vọng/ tin/ đoán/ cho là không.)

          - I’m afraid not. (Tôi e rằng không.)

Ví dụ: A: Is he going with us next weekend?

            B: (No), I’m afraid not.

1.2. Câu hỏi chọn lựa (Or questions)

          Câu hỏi: thường chứa các từ “or” và yêu cầu phải lựa chọn một phương án.

          Câu trả lời: là câu chọn một trong hai sự lựa chọn được đưa ra trong câu hỏi. Ta không dùng từ “Yes” hoặc “No” để trả lời câu hỏi này.

Ví dụ 1: A: Are they Chinese or Japanese?

              B: They’re Japanese.

Ví dụ 2: A: Pork or beef?

              B: Beef, please/ I’d prefer beef.

1.3. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi (Wh-questions)

          Câu hỏi: bắt đầu bằng các từ để hỏi như what, which, who, whose, where, when, why, how...để thu thập thông tin.

          Câu trả lời: cần cung cấp thông tin nêu trong câu hỏi.

Ví dụ: What did he talk about? - His familly.

            What was the party like? - Oh, we had a good time.

            Which of these pens is your? - The red one.

            How often do you go to the cinema? - Every Sunday.

            Why did he fail the exam? - Because he didn’t prepare well for it.

1.4. Câu hỏi đuôi (Tag questions)

          Câu hỏi: thường dùng để xác nhận thông tin với ngữ điệu xuống ở cuối câu hỏi.

          Câu trả lời: cũng giống như câu hỏi Có-Không.

Ví dụ: Jane left early for the first train, didn’t she?- Yes, she did.

            Peter made a lot of mistakes again, didn’t he?- Right, he did.



1.5. Hỏi đường (asking for directions)

Lời hỏi đường

Lời đáp

- Could you show me the way to...?

- Could you be so kind to show me how to get to...? (Anh có thể vui lòng chỉ đường đến...)

- Is there a bank near here?/ Where’s the nearest bank? (Ở đây có ngân hàng không?/ Ngân hàng gần nhất ở đâu vậy?)

- Please tell me the way to …?

- (Do / Would) you happen to know...?

- (Got / Have you) any idea...?

- I don't suppose you (would) know...?

- I wonder if you could tell me...?


- Turn left/ right. (Rẽ trái/ phải.)

- Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left. (Đi thẳng qua hai dãy nhà rồi rẽ trái.)

- Keep walking until you reach/ see... (Cứ đi thẳng đến khi anh đến/ thấy...)

- It’s just around the corner. (Nó ở ngay ở góc đường.)

- It’s a long way. You should take a taxi. (Một quãng đường dài đấy. Anh nên đón taxi.)

- Sorry, I’m new here/ I’m a stranger here myself. (Xin lỗi, tôi mới đến vùng này.)

- Sorry, I don’t know this area very well. (Xin lỗi, tôi không rành khu vực này lắm.)

          Ví dụ 1. A: Can you help me? Is there a bank near here?

              B: Yes, beside the movie theater.

Ví dụ 2. A: Pardon me. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest post office?

              B: Go two blocks west and turn left. It's opposite the supermarket.

1.6. Hỏi xin chỉ dẫn (asking for instructions)

Lời xin được chỉ dẫn

Lời đáp

- Could you show me how to operate this machine? (Anh làm ơn chỉ cho tôi cách vận hành chiếc máy này.)

- Could you tell me how to...? (Anh hãy chỉ cho tôi làm thể nào để.....)

- How does this machine work? Do you know? (Cái máy này hoạt động thế nào? Anh có biết không?)

- How do I go about researching this topic?

- What do you suggest?

- What is the first step?

- What is the best way to…?

- How do I…?

- Do you know how to…?

- First,...Second,...Then,...Finally,... (Trước hết...Kế đến...Tiếp theo...Cuối cùng...)

- The first step is..., then... (Bước đầu tiên là...., rồi...)

- Remember to... (Hãy nhớ là...)

- Well, It’s very simple. (À, đơn giản lắm.)

- The best place to begin is…

- Once you’ve done that, then…

- The last step/ The last thing you do is…

- In the end,…


2. Quan hệ xã giao

2.1.  Chào hỏi và giới thiệu (greeting and introducing)

Giới thiệu

Lời đáp câu giới thiệu

- I would like to introduce you to.../...to you. (Tôi muốn giới thiệu anh với.../...với anh.)

- It's my pleasure to introduce Mr. ….

- I would like you to meet ... (Tôi muốn anh được gặp gỡ với...)

- This is ...(Đây là ...)

- Have you two met before? (Trước đây hai anh đã gặp nhau chưa?)

- May I introduce myself? I'm ….

- I don't think we've met. I'm ….

- How do you do? (Hân hạnh được gặp anh)

- Nice/ Pleased/ Glad/ Great to meet you. (Hân hạnh/ Rất vui được gặp anh.)

- It's a pleasure to meet you.

Ví dụ 1. A: I'd like you to meet Barbara.

              B: Glad to meet you, Barbara. I've heard so much about you.

Ví dụ 2. A: I don't think we've met. I'm Pat.

               B: It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lisa.

2.2. Lời mời (invitations)

Lời mời

Đồng ý

Từ chối

- Would you like to ... (Anh có muốn .......?)

- I would like to invite you to ... (Tôi muốn mời anh...)

- Do you feel like/ fancy having...?

- Let me .... (Để tôi...)

- What/How about V-ing?

- I was wondering if you'd like to ….

- Would you like/care to …?

- Let's go to our place for dinner.

- Why not come round for a drink?


- It is a great idea. (Ý kiến quá tuyệt.)

- That sounds great/ fantastic/ wonderful/ cool/ fun. (Nghe có vẻ hay đấy.)

- Yes, I’d love to. (Vâng, tôi rất thích.)

- Why not? (Tại sao không nhỉ?)

- OK, let’s do that. (Được, cứ như thế đi.)

- That’s very kind of you.

- Thank you for inviting me. I’d like that very much.

- I’d be delighted to come.

- Thank you. That’d be very nice. I’ll look forward to it.

- Yes, please. Thanks.

- That’s/ What a good idea.


- No, thanks.

- I’m afraid I can’t.

- Sory, but I have another plan. (Xin lỗi, nhưng tôi có kế hoạch khác rồi.)

- I’d love to but...(Tôi muốn lắm nhưng...)

- Some other time, perhaps. (Lần khác vậy nhé.)

- That’s very kind of you, unfortunately I have arranged something else.

- Thanks, but I won’t be able to make it then.

- I'm awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.

- Thanks for asking, but I'm afraid I'm busy.

- I can't. I've got a lot of work to do.

- Sorry. I'm already tied up.

Ví dụ 1. A: I was wondering if you'd like to come to my party on Wednesday evening.

              B: Thanks for your invitation. I'd be delighted to.

Ví dụ 2. A: What/How about dinner tonight?

              B: Thanks for asking, but I'm afraid I'm busy.

2.3. Ra về và chào tạm biệt (leaving and saying goodbye)

Báo hiệu sự ra về và chào tạm biệt

Lời đáp

- I’m afraid I have to be going now/ I have to leave now. (E rằng bây giời tôi phải đi.)

- It’s getting late so quickly. (Trời mau tối quá.)

- I had a great time/ evening. (Tôi rất vui/ có một buổi tối rất tuyệt vời.)

- I really enjoyed the party and the talk with you. (Tôi thật sự thích buổi tiệc và trò chuyện với anh.)

- Thank you very much for a lovely evening. (Cảm ơn về buổi tối tuyệt vời.)

-  I've got to go/run. It's getting late.

- I’m glad you had a good time. (Tôi rất vui là anh đã có thời gian vui vẻ.)

- I’m glad you like it. (Tôi rất vui là anh thích nó.)

- Thanks for coming. (Cảm ơn anh đã đến.)

- Let’s meet again soon. (Hẹn sớm gặp lại nhé.)

- See you later/around.

- So long.

- Take care. (Hãy bảo trọng.)

- All right. Take care of yourself.

Ví dụ 1. A: I've got to go/run. It's getting late.

              B: All right. Take care of yourself.

Ví dụ 2. A: Drop by and see me sometime.

              B: Sure thing.

2.4. Khen ngợi và chúc mừng (complimenting and congratulating)

Lời khen ngợi

Lời đáp


- You did a good job! /Good job! /Well done! (Anh làm tốt lắm.)

- What you did was wonderful/ desirable/ amazing. (Những gì anh làm được thật tuyệt vời/ đáng ngưỡng mộ/ kinh ngạc.)

- You played the game so well. (Anh chơi trận đấu rất hay.)

- Congratulations! (Xin chúc mừng.)

- You look great/ fantastic in your new suit. (Anh trông thật tuyệt trong bộ đồ mới.)

- Your dress is very lovely. (Chiếc áo đầm của chị thật đáng yêu.)

- You (really) have a great hairstyle! (Kiểu tóc của bạn thật tuyệt!)

- What a fashionable jacket you’ve got! (Bạn có chiếc áo khoác thật thời trang!)

- How lovely your garden is! (Khu vườn của bạn trông dễ thương quá!)

- I wish I had such a nice house. (Ước gì tôi có ngôi nhà xinh xắn như thế này.)

- Thank you. I’m glad/happy you like it. (Cảm ơn. Rất vui là anh thích nó.)

- It’s very nice of you to say so.

- It’s very encouraging to hear that.

- That’s a nice compliment.

- You did so well, too. (Anh cũng làm rất tốt.)

- Your garden is fantastic too. (Ngôi vườn của anh cũng tuyệt vậy.)

- Thank you. I like yours too. (Cảm ơn. Tôi cũng thích...)

- You’ve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.


Ví dụ 1. A: I've never heard any singer perform that song so beautifully.
              B: Thank you. It's really nice to hear that from someone with your experience.

Ví dụ 2. A: I would like to compliment you on your recent achievement.

              B: Thank you for saying so, but it was the work of the whole team.

2.5. Cảm ơn (thanking)

Lời cảm ơn

Lời đáp

-  Thank you very much for... (Cảm ơn rất nhiều về...)

- Thank you/ Thanks/ Many thanks. (Cảm ơn rất nhiều.)

- It was so kind/ nice/ good of you to invite us... (Anh thật tử tế/ tốt đã mời chúng tôi...)

- I am thankful/ grateful to you for... (Tôi rất biết ơn anh vì....)

- I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me.

- I cannot thank you enough for helping me.

- We are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and commitment to all of us.

- We would like to express our gratitude.

- I am most grateful for your support.

- How kind you are to help me. Thank you very much.

- Many thanks for your letter/email.

- Thank you for taking the trouble to help me. I do appreciate it.

- You’re welcome. (Anh luôn được chào mừng.)

- Never mind/ Not at all. (Không có chi.)

- Don’t mention it./ Forget it. (Có gì đâu. Đừng nhắc nữa.)

- It’s my pleasure (to help you). (Tôi rất vui được giúp anh.)

- I’m glad I could help. (Tôi rất vui là có thể giúp được anh.)

- It was the least we could do for you. (Đó là điều nhỏ nhất chúng tôi có thể làm cho anh.)

- That’s all right.

- You’re (very) welcome.

- It wasn’t a problem at all.

- It’s nothing.

- (It’s) my pleasure.

- The pleasure is all mine.

Ví dụ 1. A: Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I hope it wasn't too much of a bother.

              B: Not at all. It was the least I could do.

Ví dụ 2. A: Thanks for doing the washing-up.

              B: It was nothing. I enjoyed helping you.

2.6. Xin lỗi (apologizing)

Lời xin lỗi

Lời đáp


- I’m terribly/ awfully sorry about that. (Tôi hết sức xin lỗi về điều đó.)

- I apoligize to you for... (Tôi xin lỗi anh về...)

- It’s all/ totally my fault. (Đó hoàn toàn là lỗi của tôi.)

- I didn’t mean that. Please accept my apology. (Tôi không cố ý làm thế. Xin hãy chấp nhận lời xin lỗi của tôi.)

- It will not happen again. I promise. (Tôi hứa là điều đó sẽ không xảy ra nữa.)

- I shouldn’t have done that. (Lẽ ra tôi đã không làm thế.)

- Please let me know if there is anything I can do to compensate for it. (Hãy nói cho tôi biết là tôi có thể làm gì để bù đắp lại điều đó.)

- I'm ashamed of...

- Please, forgive me for...

- Excuse me for ...

- I'm terribly sorry for...

- Pardon me for this...

- Please, accept my apologies for...

- It doesn’t matter. (Không sao đâu.)

- Don’t worry about that. (Đừng lo.)

- Forget it/ No problem/ No big thing/ Never mind/ That’s all right/ OK (Không sao.)

- You really don’t have to apologize. (Thật ra anh không cần phải xin lỗi đâu.)

- OK. It’s not your fault. (Được rồi. Đó không phải lỗi của anh.)

- It doesn't matter.

- Don't mention it.

- I quite understand. You couldn't help it.

- Forget about it. No harm done.

Ví dụ 1. Mai: I hope you’ll forgive me for being late. I had a flat tyre.

              Boss: That’s quite all right/ I understand completely. It can happen to anyone.

Ví dụ 2. John: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to keep your book so long.

              Peter: No problem/No big thing. I won’t need it until next semester.

2.7. Sự cảm thông (sympathy)

Lời diễn đạt sự thông cảm

Lời đáp

- I’m sorry to hear that...(Tôi lấy làm tiếc khi biết rằng...)

- I feel sorry for you. (Tôi lấy làm tiếc cho anh.)

- I think I understand how you feel. (Tôi nghĩ tôi có thể hiểu được cảm giác của anh thế nào.)

- You have to learn to accept it. (Anh phải học cách chấp nhận điều đó thôi.)

- I know your life has been difficult lately. I hope things get better soon.

- That's so sad that you lost your job.

 - How shocking/awful to hear about….

- Too bad you didn't get….

- Thank you very much. (Cảm ơn rất nhiều.)

- It was very kind/ nice/ thoughtful/ caring/ considerate of you. (Anh thật là tốt/ tử tế/ sâu sắc/ chu đáo.)

- I'm deeply moved/ touched.

- I appreciate your sympathy/kindness.

- Thanks for your support.

Ví dụ 1. A: I am/was deeply/truly sorry to hear about your grandmother. I understand what you're going through right now.

     B: Thank you very much. I'm deeply moved/ touched.

Ví dụ 2. A: I was sorry/shocked/upset to hear you didn't win the scholarship. I know how disappointed you must feel.

     B: I appreciate your sympathy/kindness. I hope I'll do better next year.

3. Yêu cầu và xin phép.

3.1. Yêu cầu (making requests)

Lời yêu cầu

Đồng ý

Từ chối

- Can/ Could/ Will/ Would you please...? (Anh làm ơn...)

- Would you mind+ V-ing...? (Anh có phiền không nếu...?)

- Would it be possible...? (Liệu có thể...)

- I wonder if...(Tôi tự hỏi không biết...có được không.)

- Could you possibly help me?

- Could I ask you to… ?

- Could I trouble/bother you to… ?

- I'd like you to…

- Can I ask a favour?

- Could you spare a moment?

- Lend me a hand with this, will you?

- Sure/ Certainly/ Of course. (Dĩ nhiên là được.)

- No problem. (Không vấn đề gì.)

- I’m happy to. (Tôi sãn lòng.)

- Of course, it's no problem/trouble (at all).

- Sure. I'll be glad to.

- No, not at all.

- I’m afraid I can’t. I’m busy now/ I’m using it. (Tôi e rằng không thể. Bây giờ tôi đang bận/ tôi đang dùng nó.)

- I don’t think it’s possible. (Tôi cho là không thể được.)

- It’s OK if I do it later? (Lát nữa có được không?)

- I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.

- It's impossible for me because …

- I wish I could, but …

Ví dụ 1. A: Could I trouble/bother you to lend me $200?
              B: Of course, it's no problem/trouble (at all).

Ví dụ 2. A: Could you please take me to the airport tomorrow morning?
              B: I wish I could, but I've got an appointment at 8:30.

3.2. Xin phép (asking for permission)

Lời xin phép

Đồng ý

Từ chối

- May/ Might/ Can/ Could I...? (Xin phép cho tôi...?)

 - Is it all right/OK if I ...? (Liệu có ổn không nếu...?)

- (Does) Anyone mind if... (Có ai phiền không nếu...)

- Do you think I can/ could...? (Anh có nghĩ là tôi có thể...?)

- Could I possibly …?

- Do you happen to have a …I could borrow?

- Would it be all right if I left five minutes early?

- Is there any chance that we could … ?

- Would you mind if I + QKĐ

  Would you mind if I smoked ?

- Do you mind if I + HTĐ.

  Do you mind if I smoke?


-  Sure/ Certainly/ Of course/ Ok. (Tất nhiên rồi.)

- Go ahead/ You can. (Cứ tự nhiên.)

- Do it! Don’t ask. (Cứ làm đi! Đừng hỏi.)

- That's fine.

- Yes, please do.

- No problem.

- Please feel free.

- Not at all.

- Please go ahead

- Yes, by all means


- I’m afraid you can’t. (Tôi e rằng không được.)

- I don’t think you can. (Tôi cho rằng không được.)

- No, you can’t/ No, not now. (Không. Bây giờ thì không.)

- No, please don’t.

- I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind.

- I'd prefer it if you asked somebody else.

- If there's someone else you can ask, I'd be grateful.

- I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.

- I'm sorry, but you can't.

- No, of course not.


Ví dụ 1. A: Would it be all right if I used your computer to check email?

              B: Yes, of course, go right ahead.

Ví dụ 2. A: Please mum, can I use the computer?

              B: No, dear you can't. It's time to go to bed.

4. Than phiền hoặc chỉ trích.

Lời than phiền hoăc chỉ trích

Lời đáp

- You should have asked for permission first. (Lẽ ra anh phải xin phép trước.)

- You shouldn’t have done that. (Lẽ ra anh không nên làm điều đó.)

- Why didn’t you listen to me? (Sao anh lại không chịu nghe tôi nhỉ?)

- You’re late again. (Anh lại đi trễ.)

- You damaged my mobile phone! (Anh lại làm hỏng chiếc điện thoại di động của tôi rồi!)

- No one but you did it. (Anh chứ không ai khác làm điều đó.)

- I have a complaint to make ...

- Sorry to bother you but ...

- I'm sorry to say this but ...

- I'm afraid I've got a complaint about ...

- I'm afraid there is a slight problem with ...

- Excuse me but there is a problem about ...

- I want to complain about ...

- I'm angry about …

- I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean that. (Tôi thành thật xin lỗi. Tôi không cố ý làm vậy.)

- I’m sorry but I had no choice. (Xin lỗi nhưng tôi không còn sự lựa chọn nào khác.)

- I’m sorry but the thing is ... (Tôi xin lỗi nhưng chuyện là thế này ...)

- Not me! (Không phải tôi!)

- I'm so sorry, but this will never occur/ happen again.

- I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again.

- I'm really sorry; we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same mistake again.

- Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.

- I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about it.


Ví dụ 1. A: I'm afraid I've got a complaint about your child. He’s too noisy.

              B: I'm so sorry, this will never occur/ happen again.

Ví dụ 2. A: I want to complain about the noise you are making.

              B: Sorry, but there is nothing we can do about it.

5. Bày tỏ quan điểm của người nói.

5.1. Hỏi và đưa ra ý kiến (asking for and expressing opinions.)

Lời hỏi ý kiến

Lời đưa ra ý kiến

- What do you think about ...?

- Tell me what you think about ...

- What is your opinion about/ on/ of ...?

- How do you feel about ...?

- I'd be interested to know your thoughts on/what you think about ...

- What's your point of view on ...?

- My feeling is that (S+V) …. Do you agree with that?

- What would you say if ….?

- What about you? Do you ….?

- The traffic is …, isn't it/ right/ don't you think?

- Would you say that (S+V)…?


- I think/believe/feel that ...

- In my opinion, / Personally, … (Theo tôi thì...)

- In my (point of) view, ... (Theo quan điểm của tôi, ...)

- It seems to me that... (Đối với tôi có vẻ là...)

- As far as I can say/ am concerned... (Theo tôi được biết thì ...)

- I strongly/ firmly think/ believe/ feel that ... (Tôi hoàn toàn nghĩ/ tin/ cảm thấy là ...)

- I must say that ... (Tôi phải nói rằng ...)

- I'm of the opinion that ...

- As I see it/ For me, ...

- If you ask me ...

- To be (quite) honest/ (Quite) honestly, ...

VD 1. A: What is your opinion about those new high-speed trains?

           B: It seems to me that  they're great, but they're so expensive!

VD 2. A:  So Dave, what do you think makes a good friend?

           B:  Well for me, a friend is someone who is good fun to be with.

5.2. Đồng ý hoặc không đồng ý (agreeing or disagreeing)

Đồng ý

Không đồng ý hoặc đồng ý một phần


- I (totally/ completely/ absolutely) agree with you. (Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với anh.)

- Absolutely/ definitely. (Dĩ nhiên rồi.)

- Exactly! (Chính xác!)

- That’s true./ That’s it. (Đúng vậy.)

- You are right. There is no doubt about it. (Anh nói đúng. Chẳng còn nghi ngờ gì về điều đó nữa.)

- I can’t agree with you more. (Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với anh.)

- That's just/exactly what I think/believe. (Tôi cũng nghĩ thế.)

- That’s what I was going to say. (Tôi cũng định nói vậy.) 

- In my opinion, you are right/ correct.

- That's my opinion, too.

- You can say that again!

- You bet!

- That's for sure.

- Me too!

- I see exactly what you mean!

- What a great/ good idea!


- It’s not true. (Điều đó không đúng.)

- That’s wrong! (Điều đó là sai.)

- You could be right but I think... (Có thể anh đúng nhưng tôi nghĩ...)

- I may be wrong but... (Có thể tôi sai nhưng...)

- I see what you mean but I think... (Tôi hiểu ý anh nhưng tôi nghĩ...)

- I just don’t think it’s right that... (Tôi không cho điều đó là đúng...)

- I don’t quite agree because... (Tôi không hẳn đồng ý bởi vì...)

- You’re wrong there. (Anh sai rồi.)

- Personally, I think that... (Cá nhân tôi thì cho rằng...) - I disagree with what you're saying.

- I don't agree with you/think so/see it that way.

- I couldn't agree less.

- I couldn't disagree more.

- You've got to be joking/ kidding!

- You can't really be serious!

- Come off it!

- I respect your opinion/You have a right to your opinion, but I think...

- I’m not sure it’s/ that’s true.

- I'm not sure I can agree with what you say about...

- I understand what you're saying but...

- You could be right, but...

- That's not always the case.


Ví dụ 1. A: I think we should sell the app at a low cost to maximize sales.

              B: Well, actually, I'm not sure that's true. If it's cheap, people will think it's poor quality.

Ví dụ 2. A: I think that the company retreat should be in the mountains this year.

              B: What a great idea!

5.3. Lời khuyên hoặc đề nghị (advising)

Lời khuyên hoặc đề nghị

Đồng ý

Không đồng ý

- If I were you/ in your situation/ in your shoes, I would ... (Nếu tôi là anh thì tôi sẽ...)

- It’s a good idea to ... (...là một ý hay đấy.)

- You should/ had better ... (Anh nên ...)

- It is advisable/ recommendable to ... (Anh nên ...)

- I would recommend that ... (Tôi khuyên là...)

- Why don’t you ...? (Sao anh không ...?)

- If you want my advice/ to know what I think, I'd say ....

- I'd advise you to ….

- One thing you could/should/have to do is ...

- The best/most important thing (to do) is to ...

- If that happened to me/In that case/If I had that problem, I'd ...

- My (main/personal) recommendation is/would be ...

- Be careful!

- You'd better ...

- In this (kind of) situation, I (would) always recommend/advise ...

- You're right.

- I guess you're right.

- OK, I will.

- OK, I'll do that.

- Do you really think so?

- Ok/ Yes, let's.

- Yes, I'd like/ love to.

- What a good idea!

- Why not?

- Yes, with pleasure.

- Yes, I feel like …

- That sounds like a good idea. 

- No, let's not.

- No, I'd rather not.

- I don't feel like it.

- I dislike going for a walk.

- What an awful / bad idea!


Ví dụ 1. A: I think you should make an appointment to see him about it as soon as possible.

              B: OK, I will.

Ví dụ 2. A: It might be a good idea to brush your teeth on a regular basis.

              B: I guess you're right


5.4. Lời đề nghị giúp đỡ (offering)

Lời đề nghị giúp đỡ

Chấp nhận

Từ chối

- Can/ May I help you? (Để tôi giúp anh.)

- Let me help you. (Để tôi giúp anh.)

- How can I help you? (Tôi có thể giúp gì cho anh?)

- Would you like some help?/ Do you need some help? (Anh có cần giúp không?)

- Shall I ...?

- Would you like me to ...?

- Do you want me to ...?

- What can I do for you ?

- Can I help you with that?

- Can I offer you something to drink/eat?

- If you'd like to use the bathroom, it's on the second floor.

- If you need to use a computer, there's one in my office.

- Feel free to …

- Yes, please. (Vâng)

- That is great. (Thật tuyệt.)

- That would be great/ fantastic. (Thật tuyệt.)

- It would be nice/ helpful/ fantastic/ wonderful if you could. (Rất tuyệt nếu anh có thể làm vậy.)

- Thanks. That would be a great help. (Cảm ơn. Được anh giúp thì tôt quá.)

- As long as you don’t mind. (Được chứ nếu anh không phiền.)

- That's very kind of you.

- Oh, would you really?     

- That would be nice. I'd like a …, please.

- If you're sure it's no trouble, I'd love a ….

- No, please. (Không, cảm ơn.)

- No. That’s OK. (Không sao đâu.)

- Thanks, but I can manage. (Cảm ơn, nhưng tôi làm được.)

- No, there's no need. But thanks all the same.

- Well, that's very kind of you, but I think I can manage, thanks

- That's all right, thank you.

- No thanks, I'm fine.

- No I'm OK, thanks anyway.

Ví dụ 1. A: Can I help you with that?

              B: No, that's all right. It's very kind of you to offer, though!

Ví dụ 2. A: Can I get you a coffee or something else to drink before we start?

              B: Yes, a coffee would be nice, thank you.


5.5. Các mẫu câu rủ, gợi ý làm gì (making suggestions)

Câu gợi ý

Đồng ý

Không đồng ý

- Shall I / we... (Vbare)?

- Let's ... (Vbare).

- Why don't I/ we... (Vbare)?

- How about... (V-ing)?

- What about... (V-ing)?

- I think we should... (Vbare).

- I suggest that we... (Vbare).

- It might be a good idea if we / you... (Vbare).

- I think the best way of dealing with this situation would be to... (Vbare).

- If you ask me, I think we / you should/ could...(Vbare)

- What do you think of the idea of..?

- Why not just …?

- Yes, I think that's a good idea.

- That's probably the best option.

- Sure, why not?

- Yes, definitely.

- By all means.

- Good idea

- No, let's not.

- No, I'd rather not.

- I don't feel like it.

- I dislike going for a walk.

- What an awful / bad idea!

Ví dụ 1. A: You know Alan, why don't we go to the cinema to watch Titanic?

              B: No, let's not. We've seen the film many times before.

Ví dụ 2. A: What about going to the library? We have to finish our school project!

              B: That sounds like a good idea.

6. Ví dụ minh họa

Ví dụ minh họa 1: Chọn một phương án thích hợp tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu sau:

- Mike: “Our living standards have been improved greatly.”  - Susan: “..........................”

A. Thank you for saying so.                                                  B. Sure. I couldn’t agree more.

C. No, it’s nice to say so                                                         D. Yes, it’s nice of you to say so.

Hướng dẫn:

B: Đáp án đúng. Mike đưa ra ý kiến của minh (expressing opinion) về mức sống hiện tại (living standards) và Susan đưa ra lời tán thành với Mike. (expressing degrees of agreement)


Sure. I couldn’t agree more. (=I agree with you completely!) (Chắc chắn thế. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với anh.)

A: “Thank you for saying so.” được dùng để cảm ơn một lời khen.

C: “No” có nghĩa phủ định không dùng được với ” it’s nice to say so” (Bạn thật tốt khi nói như thế.)

D: “Yes, it’s nice of you to say so” được dùng để đáp lại một lời khen.

Ví dụ minh họa 2: Chọn một phương án thích hợp tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu sau:

- “Do you feel like going to the stadium this afternoon?”  - “..............................”

A. I don’t agree. I’m afraid.                                                                B. I feel very bored.

C. You’re welcome.                                                                D. That would be great.

Hướng dẫn: “Do you feel like going to the stadium this afternoon?” (Anh có muốn đi đến sân vận động chiều nay không?) (Đây là câu đề nghị.)

D: Đáp án đúng. “That would be great.” (Điều đó thật tuyệt.). Đây là lời đáp trước câu đề nghị.

A: Phương án sai. “I don’t agree. I’m afraid.” (Tôi e rằng tôi không đồng ý.). Câu này nêu sự không đồng ý, nhưng nếu người thứ hai không đồng ý với lời đề nghị thì người đó từ chối và nêu lý do.

B: Phương án sai. “I feel very bored.” (Tôi cảm thấy chán nản.). Câu này không liên hệ chặt chẽ với câu đề nghị.

C: Phương án sai. “You’re welcome.” (Rất vui được tiếp anh.)

Ví dụ minh họa 3: Chọn một phương án thích hợp tương ứng với A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu sau:

- Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!”  - Mary: “.......................”

A. Yes, all right.                                              B. Thanks, Cindy. I had it done yesterday.

C. Never mention it.                                       D. Thanks, but I’m afraid.

Hướng dẫn: Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” Cindy: “Mary, kiểu tóc của chị tuyệt qua.”. Đây là lời khen ngợi và Mary đáp lại lời khen ngợi bằng cách cảm ơn.

B: Đáp án đúng. “Thanks, Cindy. I had it done yesterday.” (Cảm ơn Cindy. Hôm qua tôi nhờ người làm đầu lại.)

A: “Yes, all right.” (Vâng, được rồi.). Đây là lời cho phép ai làm gì.

C: “Never mention it.” (Không có chi.). Câu này dùng để đáp lại lời cảm ơn,

D: “Thanks, but I’m afraid.” (Cảm ơn, nhưng tôi e không thể được.). Đây là lời từ chối một yêu cầu.



1. Mức độ nhận biết

1. Peter: “How do you do?” – Mary: “___________”

A. Yeah, OK                 B. Not too bad.           C. How do you do?     D. I’m well. Thank you

2. Lam: “Bye!” - Lan “_________.”

A. See you lately         B. See you later          C. Thank you              D. Meet you again

3. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “____________”

          A. Good lock.                                                     B. It’s nice of you to say so.

          C. That’s a good idea.                                       D. Congratulation!

4. A: “Are you hungry?” – B: “____________”

          A. Yes, I do                    B. Soon                       C. Right now               D. Yes, a little

5. David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “________.”

          A. I do                            B. Thanks for your compliment   

          C. You, too                     D. Okay

6. Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing.”- Julia: “_________.”

          A. That’s nice                B. I like it                   

          C. That’s all right          D. I’m glad you like it

7. A: “________?” - B: “Once a week.”

           A. How often do you go shopping                 B. How much do you want

           C. Are you sure                                                D. When will you get there

8. Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “____________.”

          A. Thank you                B. Same to me            C. Good luck               D. See you

9. A: “Would you like some more tea?” – B: “____________”

          A. Yes, please                B. Here you are          C. It doesn’t matter    D. I’m OK

10. Customer: “Waiter! I’d like the menu, please.” – “……………………………”

          A. But I don’t like           B. Here are you, sir               

          C. Here you are, sir        D. Yes, thank you

11. ____________? He’s OK now.

          A. What is he                B. How is he               C. How tall is he         D. What’s he like

12. Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift.” – Mary: “____________”

          A. You are welcome     B. Thank you              C. Cheers                    D. Have a good day

13. Dona: “What’s your name?” – Helen: “____________”

          A. Really?                      B. Pardon?                 C. OK                           D. Forgive me

14. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” – “____________”

          A. Yes, thanks a lot                                           B. No, thanks you      

         C. Yes, please                                                      D. No, you are welcome

15. A: Is Monday possible for you? – B: ………………………….

          A. I hope so, too             B. Yes, that’s fine                  

          C. Thank you                  D. I really enjoy meeting you


16. Customer: Excuse me? Shopkeeper: Yes, …………………………….?

          A. Can you help me      B. How can I help you           C. what happens        D. help me

17.  A:………………………………………- B: By bus.

          A. What do you go to school?                                      B. Do you go to school by bus ?      

          C. Who are you taken to school by ?                          D. How do you come to school?

18. I’m Charles, from Continental Computers. How do you do? - ……………………?
          A. How are you?                                                          B. How do you do?                

          C. Pleased to meet you                                               D. B and C are correct

19.  “Thank you for coming to meet us” – “………………………”

          A. Thank you       B. Same to you     C. Thank you too     D. Not at all


20. A: “……………………?” B: “Yes, I’d like some information about trains, please.”

          A: Can I help you?                                                       B. May I help you?                 

          C. What can I do for you?                                           D. All are correct

21. Helen: “May I introduce you to Mary, Peter?” – Peter: “………………………?”

          A. How are you, Mary?                                               B. How do you do, Mary?   

          C. Pleased to meet you, Mary                                     D. B and C are correct

22. A: “How about a biscuit?” – B: …………………………. I’m on a diet.

          A. Yes, please             B. Yes, thank you                     C. No, thanks    D. It’s OK

23. A: When do you want them? – B: ………………………

          A. Last week            B. Yes, of course        C. Good afternoon      D. As soon as possible

24. “I need some ice. Can you get some from the fridge for me?” – “ ………………”

          A. No, thanks           B. Yes, please              C. Certainly         D. Yes, thank you

25. “Thank you very much for the wonderful gift.” – “ …………………………”

          A. Good luck                   B. Don’t mention it               

          C. Congratulations        D. You are welcome

26. “The room is too hot. ………………if I turn the fan on?” – “No”

          A. Do you mind             B. Would you like                

          C. Do you like                D. Could you please

27. A: May I borrow your pen for a minute, please? – B:…………………………….

          A. Yes, certainly        B. Yes, thank you           C. No, thanks    D. No, of course

28. “Sorry, I’m late.”  -  “ ……………………………  . We haven’t started yet.”

          A. Don’t worry          B. Thank you          C. You are welcome        D. Why                           

29.  “________” - I'm sorry. I don't know.' 

      A. Excuse me. Are you from here?                     

     B. Excuse me. Are you Tim Brown?

     C.    Excuse me. You're Australian, aren't you? 

     D. Excuse me. Where's the nearest bank, please?

30. “____________?” – “I am very well thanks.”

          A. How do you do         B. How are you        C. Are you well      D. What are you like

31. “How do you do?” – “ ________________”

          A. I’m fine, thanks        B. I’m very well         C. Please to meet you       D. How do you do

32. “Oh, no, I’m late for my appointment. ___________. ”

          A. Catch you now         B. Catch you later   C. Nice to see you again   D. Pleased to meet you

33. A: “I’m sorry about that!”                       B: “____________________”

            A. It’s OK                     B. That’s right            C. Of course                D. You’re welcome

34. Tom: “How did you go to this city?” – John: “_______________.”

          A. I came here by the coach                  B. I came here by train

          C. I came here last night                      D. I came here by foot

35. Hung: “You have a good voice. You sang so beautifully!” – Lan: “__________.”

          A. The same to you                                                       B. You, too     

          C. Thanks for your compliment                                  D. Thank a lot

36.    “...........................” “Yes, about ten cigarettes a day.”

          A. Do you smoke?                                                        B. What’s the mater?

          C.  Anything else?                                                         D. Well, you should stop smoking.

37.    “Could I speak to Ann?” “...........................”

          A. This is Daisy speaking.                                            B. Can I take a message?

          C.  Just a moment. I’m coming.                                    D. I’m sorry, Ann’s not in.

38.    “I hear The Golden Bride is a very good film.” “...........................”

          A. Yes, it’s very exciting.                                              B. No, I don’t hear that.

          C. Yes, it’s boring.                                                         D. No, I hear it, too.

39. “Does she look like her sister?''-            “________”

            A. No, they are very different.                                               B. Yes, both like mathematics.

       C. No, she doesn't like swimming.                            D. No, she likes green.

40. “Where should I wait for the bus?''         -  “________”'

           A. I think it takes about half an hour.                       B. I'm sorry I don't know how to get there

      C. There's nothing to discuss.                                   D. There's a bus stop over there.

41. “Have they sent you some money?' “No, I'm afraid ______.”    

      A. so                            B. too                          C.  not                          D. none

42. “Do you know where Paul is?” “...........................”

          A. Pardon, I don’t know.                                              B. I’m afraid I don’t.

          C.  Why not?                                                                  D. It’s no use.

43.    “I wonder if you could help me.” “...........................”

          A. Don’t mention it.                                                      B. Really? How nice.

          C. I’ll do my best. What’s up?                                      D. No, what is it?

44.    “You won the first prize, Jane.” “...........................”

          A. You are very welcome.                                            B. Congratulations!

          C.  You are kidding.                                                      D. Well done.

45.    “It is very kind of you to invite us to your party.” “...........................”

          A. No, thanks.                                                                B. Good idea, thanks.

          C. OK. That’s great.                                                       D. It’s my pleasure.

46. “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?”

       – “Yes. …………… . Where can we meet?”

          A. I would          B. I will               C. I’d love to              D. I like

47. “How about having a drive to the countryside this weekend?” – “ ______________ ”


          A. Not at all         B. You are welcome       C. No, thanks          D. That’s a good idea

48. What do you think of these stories?  - ______________ .

          A. They are OK             B. Yes I do       C. I don’t think           D. I think of them

49. “_________ eating out tonight?” _ “That’s a good idea.”

          A. Would you    B. How about             C. How are you           D. Are they

50. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” – “ ____________ .”

          A. Yes, I do        B. Yes, I like                C. Yes, I would            D. Yes, please


2. Mức độ thông hiểu

1. A: “Is it going to rain tonight?” – B:” _____________ .”

          A. I don’t hope so         B. I hope not               C. I think not               D. Yes, I am

2. Bob: “James is a very brave man.”- David: “Yes, I wish I _________ his courage.”

          A. had                B. will have                C. have had                 D. have

3. Sue: “I love pop music.” – Alice: “____________.”

          A. I do, too        B. No, I won’t              C. Yes, I like it     D. Neither do I

4. “________” - 'Yes, good idea!'

            A. Do we have a picnic?                                 B. We haven't had a picnic for a long time

      C. We want to have a picnic, don't we?        D. Why don't we have a picnic?

5. David: “Happy Christmas!”- Jason: “____________”

A. You are the same!             B. Same for you!       

C. The same to you!               D. Happy Christmas with you!

6. A: “Sorry I’m late.” – B: “____________.”

          A. OK                 B. Don’t worry             C. Hold the line, please        D. Go ahead

7. A: “Excuse me, what’s the time?” – B: “Sorry. I ___________.”

           A. don’t see                  B. do not have a watch          C. won’t know                       D. know

8. A: “____________” – B: “Certainly”

          A. Welcome back!                                B. What are you doing there?    

          C. I’m sorry I am late                            D. May I borrow a pencil, please?

9. “It was extremely good of you to send us all these useful materials.” -  “________”'

A.   Yes, that's right.                                             B. Yes, please.

C.   Oh, I did that.                                                 D. Oh, it was the least I could do

10. “Could you give me a receipt, please?'' -  “________”'

A. Yes, of course              B. Yes, I could.            C. Not at all.                D. Ok, I could.

11. A: “I hope to see you again.” – B: “____________”


          A. I hope so, too                                   B. Good enough        

          C. Thank you                            D. I really enjoy meeting you, too.

12. Charles: “Excuse me …. Mr. Ward?” – Mr. Ward: “____________?”

          A. Eh! What                   B. Yes                          C. No               D. Thank you

13. A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight.” – B: “____________”

          A. I hope not     B. I’m afraid I can      C. Yes, let’s      D. Yes, thank you

14. A: “____________?” – B: “Yes. I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy”

          A. Do you like flowers     B. What do you like   C. Can you help me    D. Can I help you

15. “________”  -  “It goes down to about 10° Celsius.'

A.   It's great weather, isn't it?                             B.  How cold is it in the winter?

C.    Do you like it here?                                        D. Are you going downtown?

16. “Would you pay $ 200, 000 for a sports car?'' - “________”

A. I doubt it.                      B. No way!                  C. Sure, why not?       D. A, B, & C

17. “I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!” – “……………………………”

          A. What a shame!          B. What a pity!       C. Me too.  D. What’s happened?

18. Alice: “What shall we do this evening?” – Carol: “……………………………”

          A. Let’s go out for dinner.                                          B. Oh, that’s good!    

          C. No problem                                                             D. I went out for dinner

19. A: “Are you free this coming Sunday?” – B: “____________”

          A. Yes, I will       B. No, thank you        C. Yes, I can    D. I think so. Why?

20. “Thanks for your help.” – “……………………………”

          A. My pleasure       B. Don’t worry     C. Thank you, too   D. The same to you

21. A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: ………………………….

          A. Yes. I do            B. I think not               C. I don’t think so          D. She thinks so

22. “Let’s eat out tonight!” – “………………………”

          A. Ok. Why not?            B. Congratulations      C. Good luck!     D. Yes, I will

23. How………………was your holiday? – One week.

          A. long                 B. big                 C. soon                 D. well

24. “……………………………is Mr. Brown going to retire?”

      – “Soon, I think. He has been working for this company for nearly 30 years.”

          A. When                   B. How long                C. Why                  D. What

25. “Have you ever met the girl over there?” – “No. ……………………?”

          A. I don’t             B. I have                     C. Why not              D. Who is she

26. Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “Oh! ……………………………”

          A. I don’t hope             B. I hope not                             C. I don’t hope so     D. It’s hopeless

27. A: “……………………………” - B: “I’ve got no idea.”

          A. It’s your turn              B. Are you tired?             C. Let’s go   D. What about you ?

28. I got mark 4 for my English test.

          A. How interesting       B. Poor you.   C. Thanks a lot           D. It’s a good new


29. - You look great in this new dress.  “___________”.

A. With pleasure                                                             B. Not at all

 C. I am glad you like it                                        D. Do not say anything about it

30. “What are you doing, Hung?” – “……………………………… .Why?”

          A. No               B. Not             C. None                              D. Nothing

31. “Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy. ” – “ ____________ . I can manage.”

    A. No, thanks     B. Yes, please        C. Sorry                    D. You are welcome

32. “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.” – “ __________ .”

    A. Yes, please      B. I hope so           C. I hope not            D. That is a good idea

33. Trung: “You’re certainly a smart student.” – Phong: “______________.”

          A. Congratulations       B. I don’t think so      C. I don’t hope so       D. Good luck

34. “How well you are playing!” “___________”.

A. Say it again. I like to hear your words                      B. I think so. I am proud of myself

C. Thank you too much                                        D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment

35. Pete: “Hi, Michael. What’s going on?” – Michael: “Nothing special, Pete. ________ with you?”

          A. What’s up     B. Have you got          C. Nothing new          D. Not much

36. “Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “Goodbye. ……………………… .”

          A. Me too           B. You’re welcome           C. Not at all         D. The same to you

37. “Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!” “___________”.

       A. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it.        B. Welcome! It’s very nice of you.

       C. All right. Do you know how much it cost?     D. Not at all. Don’t mention it.         

38. “Would you like a drink?” “___________”.

            A. I don’t like coffee                                      B. I prefer tea

            C. Coffee, please                                              D. I’m very thirsty

39. “How long does it take to get to Dave's place from your flat?” “___________”.

A. It's a long way.                                                                 B. About one kilometer.      

C. Thirty five minutes.                                                          D. No. It’s faster if you fly there.

40. “How often do the buses run?”  “___________”.

     A. From that bus stop over there.                                      B. Much often.

     C. Twice or three times.                                                        D. Every hour.          

41. “What time is there a bus?” “___________”.

     A. Twice a day.                                                   B. An hour and a half.      

     C. Seven thirty                                                   D. The sooner the better

42. “I’d like to try on these shoes, please?”  “___________”.

    A. By all means, sir.                                                B. That’s right, sir.

    C. Why not?                                                            D. I’d love to.


43. “I have some lucky money for you. Happy new year”       “………………………”

          A. Great. Thanks           B. Have a nice day     C. Good luck   D. What a pity!

44. How much time do you spend reading books? ………………………………….

          A. Twice a week           B. It’s 2 o’clock           C. Two hours a day        D. Once upon a time

45. “I have a terrible headache.” “...........................”

          A. Maybe I’m not going to the doctor’s.                     B. Not very well. Thanks.

          C. Maybe you should take a rest.                                D. Not bad. I’m going to the doctor’s.

46.    “Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?” “...........................”

          A. Of course, not for me.                                              B. No, I can’t help you now.

          C. No, those aren’t mine.                                              D. No, I can manage them myself.

47.    “What does it cost to get to Manchester?” “...........................”

          A. It’s interesting to travel to Manchester.                B. It depends on how you go.

          C. I always go by train.                                                 D. I don’t like to go by train.

48.    “...........................” “Yes. Do you have any shirts?”

          A. Could you do me a favour?                                     B. Oh, dear. What a nice shirt!

          C. May I help you?                                                        D. White, please.

49.    “What’s the best place to eat lunch?” “...........................”

          A. I’ll have soup, please.                                             

          B. There’s a great restaurant at the corner of the street.

          C. I usually eat lunch at twelve.

          D. Twelve would be convenient.

50.    “How have you been recently?” “...........................”

          A. It’s too late now.                                                      B. Pretty busy, I think.

          C. By bus, I think.                                                          D. No, I’ll not be busy.

51.    “You’re so patient with us.” “...........................”

          A. Thanks, that’s nice of you to say so.                       B. Thanks. Have a nice trip.

          C. I’m fine, thanks.                                D. I know. I have trouble controlling my temper.

52.    “Can I try your new camera?” “...........................”

          A. I’m sorry I can’t. Let’s go now.                                B. Sure. I’d love to.

          C. Sure. But please be careful with it.             D. I’m sorry. I’m home late.

53.    “What was the last present that you received?” “...........................”

          A. A fashion hat.                                                           B. It depends on the situation.

          C. Several times.                                                           D. I think it’s OK.

54.    “There’s a baseball game tonight.” “...........................”

          A. Great. Let’s go.                                                         B. I’m not a real fan of hers.

          C. Don’t mention it.                                                      D. Thanks, I’d love to.

55.    “...........................” Yes. I do. I like them a lot.”

          A. What do you think of tennis?                                  B. Do you like sports?

          C. Do you prefer tennis or badminton?                     D. How often you play tennis?

56.    “...........................” “No, I’m not. I feel awful.”

          A. How are you?                                                           B. Are you feeling OK?

          C. Is there anything wrong?                                        D. What’s the matter?

57.    “Where will you go on vacation?” “...........................”

          A. Probably to the beach.                                            B. The beach is nice, isn’t it?

          C. Probably I won’t think of.                                       D. I have a four-day vacation.

58.    “...........................” “I think the vase is broken.”

          A. Can I help you?                                                        B. Why is it so expensive?

          C. What is that noise?                                                  D. What’s wrong with it?

59.    “Have you noticed that the manager wears something green every day?” “...........................”

          A. I know. He’s a good manager.                                B. Sure. He will do that.

          C. I know. He must like green.                                    D. He’d rather do that.

60.    “...........................” “No, I don’t play the piano.”

          A. What kind of music do you like?                            B. Do you play the piano?

          C. Do you earn a lot by playing the piano?                D. What kind of music do you like?

61.    “Can you come over after the show?” “...........................”

          A. That would be nice.                                                 B. No, I didn’t.

          C. Please, go ahead.                                                      D. Why don’t we go to the show?

62.    “I think the pants are a little big.” “...........................”

          A. Are they big enough?                                              B. You should get a bigger pair.

          C. Yes, maybe a little.                                                    D. Yes, they are not big at all.

63.    “How late will the bank be open?” “...........................”

          A. Its services are very good indeed.                         B. It is two blocks away.

          C. It is not very far.                                                       D. Until 6 p.m.

64.    “...........................” “Yes, I have a date.”


          A. Do you have a plans for tonight?

          B. Can I have an appointment with Dr. Adams?

          C. What’s the time, please?

          D. Do you have any plans tonight?

65.    “...........................” “Oh, but it’s boring?”

          A. Don’t you like the news?                             B. Would you prefer news to films?

          C. I think you should watch the news.                        D. You often watch the news, don’t you?

66. Joan: “Our friends are coming._______, Mike?”

 Mike: “I’m sorry, I can’t do it now.”

A. Why don’t we cook some coffee                      B. Shall I make you like some coffee

C. Shall you make some coffee, please                D. Would you mind making some coffee

67. “Would you like to order now?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, I like beef steak.                                   B. Yes, I’d like beef steak.

          C. It’s excellent.                                                 D. Yes, a table for five.

68.    “I think golf is really great.” “...........................”

          A. Do you? I think it’s boring.                          B. Don’t you believe so?

          C. Neither do I.                                                  D. Almost every day.

69.    “So how are things at school, Tom?” “...........................”

          A. Well, I can’t agree with you.                       B. It was not good at it.

          C. Oh, pretty good, actually.                            D. It’s my pleasure.

70.    “Do you fancy going to a movie this evening?” “...........................”

          A. I’m sorry. I don’t know that,                                   B. Not at all, go ahead.

          C. Not so bad. And you?                                   D. That would be nice.

71.    “We’ve been here before.” “...........................”

          A. Oh, have we?                                    B. How nice!

          C. How lovely!                                                  D. No, we didn’t.

72.    “Well, it’s been nice talking to you.” “...........................”

          A. Yes, nice to have met you too.                    B. Oh, yes. I’m afraid so.

          C. Nice to meet you, too.                                  D. Have you been here long?

73.    “It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul.” “...........................”

          A. I’m glad you like it.                                       B. Thanks a million.

          C. That was the least I could do.                     D. You can say that again.

74. A: “______________”              B: “Yes. I’d love to”
            A. How do you do?                                        B. What about going shopping?
            C. How about something to drink?              D. What you like doing?

75.    Mr. Simon: “What shall I do when I want to call you?”

         Nurse: “...........................”

          A. Stay here and enjoy yourself.                     B. You shall find the red button on the left.

          C. Press the red button on the left.                 D. I’d come every ten minutes.

76.    “Do you need any help?” “...........................”

          A. No, thanks. I’m too weak to lift this box.

          B. No, thanks. I’m strong enough to lift this box.

          C. Yes, thanks. I’m too strong to lift this box.

          D. Yes, thanks. I’m weak enough to lift this box.

77.    “How does this machine work exactly?” “...........................”

          A. What have you done to it?                          B. It’s my pleasure.

          C. Certainly.                                                      D. It’s very simple. I’ll show you.

78.    “Sorry, I’m late, Peter.” “...........................”

          A. No, I wouldn’t mind at all.                           B. Not on my account.

          C. That’s all right.                                             D. Well, it’s worth a try.

79.    “Why don’t you come over and see the new film with me?” “...........................”

          A. I’m afraid not.                                               B. Great, I’d love to.

          C. Sure. Please do.                                            D. Wow! I didn’t realize that.

3. Mức độ vận dụng

1. Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.”- Maria: “_________.”

          A. I’m, too         B. I don’t                     C. Neither do I                        D. So am I

2. Jack: “I’ve got to go, Sarah. So long.” – Sarah: “So long, Jack. And _____.”

          A. be careful                 B. don’t hurry            C. take care    D. don’t take it seriously

3. “___________”.                        - Never mind!

    A. Thank you for being honest to me      

    B. Would you mind going out for dinner next Saturday?

    C. Congratulations! How wonderful!      

    D. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.

4. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “____________.”

           A. I know so                 B. Well, I hope so       C. I think not               D. Yes, that’s right

5. A: “How’s life?” – B: “____________.”

          A. Sure                                                               B. Not too bad, but very busy                     

          C. Very well, thank you                                                 D. Pleased to meet you

6. “What does this thing do?” “...........................”

          A. I think it’s a waste of money.                      B. It sure does.

          C. It peels potatoes.                                          D. I can use it well.

7. “Is she coming to the party tonight?” – “___________ ” . I can’t stand seeing her behaviour.”

          A. I don’t think so     B. I hope so      C. I don’t hope so     D. I hope not

8. John: “What kind of job would you like?” – Mike: “__________________”

          A. Is there a good chance of promotion?            B. I’m good at computing

          C. Anytime after next week                               D. Anything to do with computers

9.       “Where’s the view? The advertisement said this place has a great view of the sea.”           “...........................”

          A. It has good facilities.                                                            B. It’s convenient to see it.

          C. You can find it very convenient.                             D. You can see it from the back.

10. Anne: “Make yourself at home.” _ John: “___________”

          A. Yes, Can I help you?                                               B. Not at all. Don’t mention it

          C. Thanks! Same to you                                             D. That’s very kind. Thank you

11. Trung: “Why do you think most people learn English?” – Phong: “_____________.”

          A. All of them are                                                          B. I heard it was very good

          C. Very often it’s to get a better job                            D. Because I like it

12. Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” – Susan: “_________.”

          A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid                   B. You are welcome

          C. That would be great                                     D. I feel very boring

13. John: “Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris?”

      Mary: “____________.”

          A. Sorry, I don’t B. Yes, it was              C. I don’t think that                D. Not yet

14. A: “Excuse me. It’s a bit stuffy in here. __________ ?”

      B: “No, I don’t mind at all. I feel like some fresh air, too.”

          A. Do you mind if I open the window                         B. Do you mind opening the window

          C. Can you open the window for me               D. Could you open the window

15. “Do you mean he was fired?''     -  “________”


            A. How should I know?                                  B. Why should I care?

       C. He's not very mean, I think.                       D. That's what Miriam told me.

16. Harry: “Are you ready, Kate? There’s not much time left.” - Kate: “Yes, just a minute. _____!”     

            A. No longer               B. I’m coming C. I’d be OK           D. I won’t finish

17. “Maybe you can take a vacation next month.” “...........................”

          A. Nothing special.                                           B. You’re welcome.

          C. It’s very expensive.                                      D. I don’t think so. I’m teaching all summer.

18. “What do you think of your new DVD player?” “...........................”

          A. I love it.                                                         B. My brother gave it to me.

          C. It was a gift from my brother.                    D. I always put it there.

19. “Do you need a knife and a fork?” “...........................”

          A. No, I’ll just use a frying pan.                       B. No, I’ll just use chopsticks.

          C. No, I’ll just use a can opener.                      D. No, I’ll use a cooker.

20. “Be careful!” “___________”.

            A. Thank you              B. That’s nice              C. You’re very kind         D. I will

21. “Didn’t you go to the conference?” “...........................”

          A. No, I went there with my friends.              B. That sounds nice, but I can’t.

          C. Don’t worry. I’ll go there.                            D. I did, but I didn’t stay long.

22.    “...........................” “No, thank you. That’ll be all.”

          A. What would you like?                                  B. It’s very kind of you to help me.

          C. Would you like anything else?                    D. What kind of food do you like?

23.    “Let me drive you home.” “...........................”

          A. No problem.                                                 B. Don’t worry. I’m all right.

          C. I usually drive home at five.                                    D. Don’t mention it.

24.    “May I leave a message for Ms. David ?” “...........................”

          A. I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment.

          B. No, she’s not here now.

          C. She’s leaving a message to you now.

          D. Yes, I’ll make sure she gets it.

25.    “Did you play tennis last weekend?” “...........................”

          A. It’s my favourite sport.                                           B. I worked.

          C. Do you like it?                                                           D. Would you like to come with me?

26.    “May I speak to the manager?” “...........................”

          A. He always comes late. He is not very well.                        B. Thank you. Good bye.

          C. I’m afraid he’s not in. Can I take a message?         D. I’m afraid not. He works very hard.

27.    “Why did you turn the air conditioner on?” “...........................”

          A. I think it’s bad condition.                                        B. I can’t see anything.

          C. It’s a little hot in here.                                             D. It’s a good idea.

28.    “What do you do for a living?” “...........................”

          A. I get a high salary, you know.                                 B. I want to be a doctor, I guess.

          C. I work in a bank.                                                      D. It’s hard work, you know.

29.    “Haven’t you put an advertisement in the paper yet?” “...........................”

          A. I’m not sure. Really?                                                B. I will, the first thing in the afternoon.

          C. I’m with you there                                                   D. I can get a paper for you right now.

30.    “Excuse me. I’m your new neighbor. I just moved in.” “...........................”

          A. Sorry, I don’t know.                                                 B. Oh, I don’t think so.

          C. I’m afraid not.                                                           D. Where to, sir?

31. “$500 is too expensive.“___________”.

            A. Not many                  B. Why not?             C. What’s the matter?   D. I agree

32.    “Will the Maths teacher give us a test this week?” “...........................”

          A. I doubt whether it’s easy.                                        B. Yes, the test was difficult.

          C. I don’t think he will come.                                       D. No, he probably won’t.

33. “Anything else?” “___________”.

            A. No, it isn’t                                                                B. Not at all        

C. Yes, that’s more than enough                   D. Not today, thanks   

34.    “I think the new resort will ruin the environment.” “...........................”

          A. I’m afraid so.                                                B. Don’t you think so?

          C. I agree. It cost a lot of money.                                             D. Let’s go there.

35.    “Would you mind sending those flowers to Mr. Brown?” “...........................”

          A. No problem, I’ll do it now.                          B. I would if I were you.

          C. He wouldn’t like it.                                       D. No, I can handle it myself.

36.    “I’ve got two tickets for the show.” “...........................”

          A. Oh, anything else?                                       B. Thanks. I can afford the tickets.

          C. That’s great. When is it?                              D. Oh, let’s go and get the tickets.

37.    “...........................” “Oh, really? Why?”

          A. What do I do next?

          B. When do you have class again?

          C. You have a doctor’s appointment at ten.

          D. Our tomorrow’s class has been canceled.

38.    “Hi, I’d like some information about driving lessons.” “...........................”

          A. I’m afraid I can’t drive.                                B. Sure, could I have your name and address?

          C. From 9 a.m to 5 p.m.                                                D. Sure, please do.

39. “Let’s walk to the park! “___________”.

            A. All right                                                      B. I think so               

C. I’m sorry                                                    D. OK. How can we go there?

40.    Guess what! I have just been invited to the manager’s house for dinner.” “...........................”

          A. What’s that?                                                 B. Oh, how nice.

          C. Well done.                                                    D. Really? I don’t think so.

41.    “Did you hear the robbery the other day?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, it was great.                                          B. No, what happened?

          C. Oh, no.                                                           D. Oh, sure. Thanks.

42. “I have got a letter from Paul this morning. “___________”.

            A. I’m afraid not            B. That’s nice               C. He’s fine              D. Congratulations!

43. A: “Help yourself with some fruit”         B: “____________________”
            A. Thank you              B. Never mind                        C. No, I don’t like        D. Yes, I will

44.    A: “Would you mind if I came late?”   B: “____________________”

          A. Yes, of course                                               B. No, of course not              

          C. All right, you can                                          D. No, I wouldn’t mind

45.    “I don’t think we should exercise late at night.” “...........................”

          A. Neither do I.                                                 B. So do I.

          C. I think so, too.                                               D. I don’t neither.

46.    “Sorry, the manager is not here.” “...........................”

          A. Can I take a message then?                         B. Can I speak to the manager, please?

          C. Can I leave a message then?                                    D. Would you like to leave a message?

47.  “The printer is out of ink.''         -  “________”

      A. Is it? Get someone to fix it.                   B. Try shaking the cartridge. There might be a little left.

      C. Paper is expensive those days.            D. A or C

48.    “Would you like to meet Mrs. Gale?” “...........................”

          A. I don’t know where she is living.                B. I’d love to.

          C. I find it very interesting.                              D. I can make an appointment with her.

49.    “Excuse me, can you tell me where I can catch a bus to London, please?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, please.                                                   B. Sorry, I’m new here myself.

          C. Sure, go ahead.                                             D. OK. Here’s your ticket.

50.    “...........................” “That’s all right. I can mend it.”


          A. I’m sorry about the dirt.                              B. I’m sorry I broke the cup.

          C. I do apologize for her rudeness.                D. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have said that.


4. Mức độ vận dụng cao

1. A: “Good morning. My name is Turner. I have a reservation.” – B: “____________.”

          A. What do you want?                                      B. Yes, a single room for two nights.

          C. I haven’t decided yet. What about you?     D. What do you like?

2. “Could I speak to Susie May, please?”  “___________________”
            A. Speaking                B. Talking                   C. Saying                     D. Answering

3. “Are you American?”  “______________”
            A. Sorry                      B. Yes?                        C. Excuse me?            D. Pardon?

4. A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?” – B: “ ____________ .”

          A. Yes, let’s        B. Yes. Here it is                     C. Great           D. Not at all

5. “Peter had an accident. He’s been in hospital for 5 days.”         “__________________”
            A. Poor it                    B. Poor him                C. How terrific                        D. Oh, is he?

6.       “Your boss looks like the aggressive type.” “...........................”

          A. Yes, he really wants to get ahead.              B. Yes, he’s quite gentle.

          C. Really? I’ve never seen him lie.                   D. Right. He’s so quiet.

7.       “How can this dress be so expensive?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, it’s the most expensive.                       B. What an expensive dress!

          C. You’re paying for the brand.                                   D. That’s a good idea.

8.       “I get impatient when the teacher doesn’t tell us the answers.” “...........................”

          A. Yes, it’s hard to think of the answers.        B. Yes, I wish she’d hurry up.

          C. Yes, she should know the answers.            D. Yes, she speaks too quickly.

9. “Is there a lot of traffic where you live?'' “________”

            A. I could try.                                                  B. Almost every day.

       C. Yes, it's pretty heavy.                                 D. Sure, no problem.

10.    “I wonder if you could do something for me.” “...........................”

          A. It depends on what it is.                              B. What’s it like?

          C. No, thanks.                                                    D. I’m afraid I won’t come.

11.    “How about an evening riverboat tour?” “...........................”

          A. No, it’s good to do so.

          B. Actually I’ve never gone on an evening riverboat tour.

          C. No, I’ve never gone an evening riverboat tour.

          D. Actually I’ve gone twice this week.

12.    Ann: “Do you need any help?”       Kate: “______.”

          A. No, thanks. I can manage                            B. I haven’t got a clue

          C. That’s all for now                                         D. That’s fine by me

13.    “Do you support the proposal to build a new airport?” “...........................”

          A. No, not really.                                               B. No, I like it.

          C. No, I don’t think you’re right.                     D. Yes, I’m against it.

14.    “Your job is pretty routine, then?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, sometimes it’s a little boring.             B. Yes, it’s really exciting.

          C. Yes, I love exciting work                 .           D. Yes, it’s different every day.

15.    “Go two blocks and then you’re there.” “...........................”

          A. Excuse me. How can I get there?                B. OK, thanks.

          C. No, thanks.                                                    D. I’m sorry I don’t know.

16.    “Do you like that advanced course you’re taking, John?” “...........................”

          A. No, thanks.                                                    B. By and large, yes.

          C. Not me. I’m still waiting.                              D. No, not everyone.

17.    “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” “...........................”

          A. No thanks. I’d better do it myself.

          B. Thanks for asking. I just need an early night.

          C. Why not? Staying at home is always what I want.

          D. Are there any good programmes on TV tonight?

18.    “How long will it take to finish that report?” “...........................”

          A. It’s about 10 pages long.                             B. It’s very long.

          B. I’ll report it to the manager.                       D. I’ll have it finished by next week.

19.    “Would you like me to get you a taxi?” “...........................”

          A. Well. Let’s see.                                             B. Yes, please, if it’s no bother.

          C. Yes, I see.                                                      D. That would be delightful. Thanks.

20.    “Didn’t you go to the cinema last night?” “...........................”

          A. Yes, I lost the ticket.                                     B. Yes, I stayed at home.

          C. No, it was too cold to go out.                       D. OK. That’s a good idea.



1. Mức độ nhận biết





















































2. Mức độ thông hiểu


















































































3. Mức độ vận dụng




















































4. Mức độ vận dụng cao





















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