• adequate /ˈædɪkwət/ (a): thỏa đáng, phù hợp

• e-learning /ˈiː lɜːnɪŋ/ (n): hình thức học trực tuyến

• employable /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ (a): có thể được thuê làm việc

• facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ (v): tạo điều kiện thuận lợi

• flexibility /ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/ (n): tính linh động

• genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n): thiên tài

• hospitality /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ (n): lòng mến khách

• initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ (n): sáng kiến, tính chủ động trong công việc

• institution /ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ (n): cơ quan, tổ chức

• interaction /ˌɪntərˈækʃn/ (n): sự tương tác

• lifelong /ˈlaɪflɒŋ/ (a): suốt đời

• opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n): cơ hội

• overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/ (a): vượt trội

• pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/ (n): sự theo đuổi

• self-directed /sef-dəˈrektɪd/ (a): theo định hướng cá nhân

• self-motivated /ˌself ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ (a): có động lực cá nhân

• temptation /tempˈteɪʃn/ (n): sự lôi cuốn

• ultimate /ˈʌltɪmət/ (a): sau cùng, quan trọng nhất

• voluntarily /ˈvɒləntrəli/ (adv): một cách tự nguyện




Câu điều kiện loại 3 là loại câu điều kiện không có thực trong quá khứ, trái với thực tế trong quá khứ


If clause

Main clause

If + S + had + PP (past perfect)

S + would / could/ might + have + PP


- If I had studied hard, I could have passed the exam last month. (I didn't study hard)

- If he had come there yesterday, he would have met her. (He didn't come there yesterday)


Có 2 loại câu điều kiện hỗn hợp thường gặp nhất là loại 3 + loại 2 và loại 2 + loại 3.

1. Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp "3-2"

Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp dạng này diễn tả một giả thiết trái với quá khứ nhưng kết quả trái với hiện tại.


If clause

Main clause

If + S + had + PP (past perfect)

S + would / could/ might + V (bare-inf)

E.g: If she hadn't stayed up late last night, she wouldn't be so tired now. (Nếu tối qua cô ấy không thức khuya thì bây giờ cô ấy không bị mệt.)

     Lưu ý: Những trạng từ thời gian đi kèm có thể giúp chúng ta xác định loại câu điều kiện phù hợp.

2. Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp "2-3"

Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp dạng này diễn tả một giả thiết trái với hiện tại nhưng kết quả thì trái với quá khứ.


If clause

Main clause

If + S + past simple

S + would / could/ might + have + PP

E.g: lf I were you, I would have learned English earlier. (Nếu tôi là bạn thì tôi đã học Tiếng Anh sớm hơn.)

3. Một số cách khác để diễn đạt câu điều kiện

a. Unless = If....not (Trừ phi, nếu...không)

E.g: If you don't study hard, you can't pass the exam. = Unless you work hard, you can't pass the exam.

b. Suppose / Supposing (giả sử như), in case (trong trường hợp), even if (ngay cả khi, cho dù), as long as, so long as, provided (that), on condition (that) (miễn là, với điều kiện là) có thể thay cho if trong câu điều kiện

E.g: Supposing (that) you are wrong, what will you do then?

c. Without: không có

E.g: Without water, life wouldn't exist. = If there were no water, life wouldn't exist.



Bài 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, using Conditional sentences type III.

1.  If it__________(to be) warmer, we__________(to go) swimming.

2.  My parents__________(to buy) this house if the man__________(not/to sell) it to someone else.

3.  If he__________(not/to fail) his driving test, his parents__________(to lend) him their car.

4.  If my uncle__________(to tell) me the way to his office, I__________  (not/to arrive) so late.

5.  She__________(to be) at the airport if she__________(to read) the message carefully.

6.  Sarah__________(not/to hurt) her foot if she__________(not/to drop) the old box on it.

7.  If you__________  (to use) a sharp knife, you__________(not/to cut) yourself.

8.  If Jenny__________(to celebrate) her birthday at home, I__________(to bring) her some flowers.

9.  We__________(to take) the train to Edinburgh if it__________ (to run) on time.

10. If Tim__________(not/to forget) his schoolbag, he__________ (to give) you your USB flash drive.


Bài 2: Match the two halves to make a conditional sentence.

1.  If we'd left the house earlier,

A. I wouldn't be married to her now

2.  If I'd gone to bed at my normal time,

B. my eyes wouldn't be so red and tired today

3.  If I had more money,

C. we wouldn't be so late

4.  If Hoa studied more,

D. my sister might have been able to go to that party

5.  If the pitch was in better condition,

E. I would have considered coming to visit you

6.  If my parents weren't so strict,

F. I wouldn't have asked the bank for a loan

7.  If the plane tickets were a little cheaper,

G. she could've gone to a better college

8. If I hadn't gone into Celia's store to buy a coat,

H. the match could have taken place last night


Bài 3: Rewrite the following sentences.

1.  The weather was bad so we didn't go out yesterday.


2.  You didn't phone us so we didn't get there in time.

 We ______________________________.

3.  I wasn't able to help you because you didn't explain the problem to me.

 I might______________________________.

4.  They weren't listening carefully so they didn't understand what she was saying.

 They might______________________________.

5.  You took me to your friend's party and I met Hung.



Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. Would you know what to do if you__________a heart attack?

A. would be having                             B. would have                         C. were having

2. If it hadn't been for you, I__________here now.

A. wouldn't be                                    B. hadn't been             C. wouldn't have been

3. As long as she__________me, I'll be there for her.

A. will need                                        B. needed                                C. needs

4. I wouldn't be living here if I__________the choice.

A. were having                                    B. would have                         C. had

5. If there hadn't been a fire extinguisher, the house__________down.

A. had burned                                     B. would have burned             C. would burn

6. Immigrants__________claim benefits, unless they have paid taxes here.

A. cannot                                            B. wouldn't be able to             C. hadn't been able to

7. __________happier if you had never met her?

A. Will you be                                    B. Had you been                     C. Would you have been

8. If I__________her, now I would be happier.

A. had never met                                 B. did never met                     C. would never meet

9. I__________the exam even if I have to cheat.

A. pass                                                B. would pass                          C. ‘m going to pass

10. They might have spent the whole week at the campsite, provided they__________enough food and water.

A. would have bought                         B. would buy                          C. had bought


Bài 5: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, using a conditional sentence (type I, II, III)

1. If we meet at 9:30, we__________ (to have) plenty of time.

2. Lisa would find the milk if she__________(to look) in the fridge.

3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she__________   (to feed) the animals.

4. If you spoke louder, your classmates__________  (to understand) you.

5. David__________(to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.

6. You__________(to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

7. If you__________(to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.

8. The door will unlock if you__________(to press) the green button.

9. If Mel__________(to ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.

10. I__________(to call) the office if I was/were you.



Bài 6: Fill in each blank with one word from the box.












1. You should vote__________if you don't know who to vote for.

2. You can go on__________ you come back before 10.

3. __________it not been for him, I would have drowned.

4. It's my money, so I'm going to buy a new car__________            or not you agree with me.

5. __________I told you the truth, would you ever tell anyone?

6. It doesn't matter how slowly you go as__________as you do not stop.

7. You can print as many copies as you want __________that they are intended for personal use.

8. __________you see her, will you tell her to call me?

9. The concert will be cancelled__________ we sell more tickets.

10. I'll take some snacks in__________we get hungry along.


Bài 7: Choose the correct answer in brackets.

1. If I__________(didn't have/ don't have) this homework to do, I would have gone out with

my friends.

2. She__________(won't come/ wouldn't have come) by train if she could drive.

3. They__________(would/ would have) gone for a walk if it wasn't raining.

4. If I__________(am/ were) him, I wouldn't have quit my job until I'd found another.

5. If they__________(hadn't eaten/wouldn't eaten) so much, they wouldn't feel ill now.

6. You__________(are/ wouldn't be) so tired if you'd gone to bed earlier.

7. David__________(would be moving/ would moved) to Germany next month if he'd got the job.

8. If we__________(won/'d won) the lottery last night, we'd be rich.


Bài 8: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

     Dialogue 1

Ann: How was your Spanish exam, Lisa?

Lisa: Fine, I guess. I got a B. I could have got a better mark provided I (1) __________(work) harder

on the verbs. And you?

Ann: I didn't study and I failed, but I (2) __________(fail) even if I had studied, that's why I decided not to do it.

Lisa: That's not true. Nobody fails an exam as long as they (3) __________(study).

Ann: That's easy for you to say. If you (4) __________(be) in my shoes, you would think differently. Sometimes people work hard but they don't get the results they want. It's different for you; for you it's easy to succeed in whatever you want to succeed.

Lisa: That's unfair. I wouldn't be where I am today if I (5) __________(work) very hard all these past years.

     Dialogue 2

Mother: You can't go out. That's out of question.

Son: Please, mum. Can I go out on condition I (6) __________(do) all my homework before leaving.

Mother: Well, if you (7) __________ (do) your homework when I asked you, you would be allowed to go out now. 

Son: But I didn't hear you. If I had heard you, I (8) __________(do) it.

Mother: That's the problem; you never listen. It (9) __________(not hurt) if you listened to me

once in a while. If you (10) __________(do) it more often, your life would be much easier.


Bài 9: Write one word in each space in the following mixed conditional sentences. The word may be a negative contraction.

1. The children wouldn't have gotten into trouble if they had__________more supervision.

2. The cake__________have turned out better if we had followed the recipe.

3. If the train__________been late, we wouldn't have missed our connection.

4. The dog__________have run away if the people had kept him in the yard.

5. The bear wouldn't have attacked if the man__________come so close to her cubs.

6. If only it__________stop raining!

7. I wish I__________eaten so much!

8. If you__________helped me, I couldn't have finished this project.

9. If the garden were bigger, we__________plant more vegetables.

10. I think you__________do better if you really tried.


Bài 10: Choose the best answer.

1. __________about that incident, I__________in trouble but, fortunately, nobody told him.

A. Did he find out... would be                                    B. Had he found out... would have been

C. Did he find out... would have been            D. Had he found out... would be

2. __________the yesterday's storm, we... there now.

A. Hadn't it been for... would have been             B. Had it not been for... might be

C. Hadn't it been for... would be                     D. Had it not been for... could have been

3. If only I__________so much, I__________much better now.

A. didn't eat... would feel                               B. hadn't eaten ... would have felt

C. didn't eat... would have felt                        D. hadn't eaten ... would feel

4. If the weather__________  bad, we__________at home.

A. is... will always stay                                   B. was... always stayed

C. was... would always stay                           D. had been ... would stay

5. If you__________him, he__________left out.

A. hadn't invited ... would feel                       B. didn't invite... would have felt

C. hadn't invited ... might have felt                D. don't invite... might have felt

6. It__________very nice of you if you__________me with the washing-up.

A. would be... help                                          B. will be... help

C. would be... would help                               D. is... help

7. I__________it for you__________help me.

A. will do... if you don't                                 B. will do... unless you

C. will do... provided you                               D. won't do... only if you

8. If you__________your exam, you__________learn now.

A. passed ... wouldn't have to                         B. had passed ... wouldn't have had to

C. passed ... wouldn't have had to                  D. had passed ... wouldn't have to

9. If it__________Pau I, we__________that game.

A. wasn't... would have lost                            B. hadn't been for... would have lost

C. wasn't for... would lost                               D. hadn't been for... would lost

10. We__________lots of trouble__________.        

A. would have... but for you                           B. would have... if you had helped us

C. would have had ... but for your help          D. would have had ... if you had helped us

11. If my mum__________us yesterday, we__________hurry now.

A. had packed ... wouldn't have to                 B. had packed ... won't have to

C. packed ... wouldn't have to                        D. had packed ... wouldn't have had to

12. If I__________a little stronger, I__________that competition last month.

A. was... would win                                        B. had been ... would have won

C. were... would have won                             D. had been ... would won


Bài 11: Choose the correct answer.

Dear Anna,

It was nice to hear from you, and I'd love to come and visit you in New York! (1) __________ I can save enough money before summer holidays start, I (2) __________at the end of June. (3) __________, I'll see you in the autumn because I'm sure that I (4) __________enough money by October - if I (5) __________my job by then! Unfortunately, a lot of people in our company are being made redundant. If I (6) __________any sense, I (7) __________         this job a long time ago. By the way, congratulations on your promotion. If you keep on like this, you (8) __________           the school soon!

It sounds (9) __________the weather has been really good over there. It has been terrible here. If it (10) __________at the weekend, I (11) __________soon beemigrating to somewhere with a better climate! Seriously, I'm wondering if it's time (12) __________about going abroad again.

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Say hello to your family for me.



1. A. If only                            B. In case                                C. Unless                    D. Provided

2. A. come                               B. 'll come                               C. 'd come                   D. came

3. A. If                                    B. When                                  C. Unless                    D. Otherwise

4. A. ‘ll save                            B. 'll be saving                        C. might save              D. 'll have saved

5. A. didn't lose                       B. don't lose                            C. haven't lost             D. won't lose

6. A. have                                B. had                                     C. 've had                    D. 'll have

7. A. 'll leave                           B. 'd leave                               C. 'd be leaving           D. 'd have left

8. A. would run                       B. 'll be running                      C. 'll have run             D. should run

9. A. as if                                B. as                                        C. if                             D. only

10. A. still rains                       B. rains still                             C. 's still raining          D. still rained

11. A. should                          B. can                                      C. could                      D. have

12. A. for me to think             B. I'm thinking                        C. I've thought            D. I think


Bài 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, using Conditional sentences type III.

1. had been/would have gone

2. would have bought/had not sold

3. had not failed I would have lent

4. had told I would not have arrived

5. would have been /had read

6. would not have hurt / had not dropped

7. had used / would not have cut

8. had celebrated I would have brought

9. would have taken / had run

10. had not forgotten / would have given


Bài 2: Match the two halves to make a conditional sentence.

1. C

5. H

2. B

6. D

3. F

7. E

4. G

8. A


Bài 3: Rewrite the following sentences.

1. If the weather hadn't been bad, we would have gone out yesterday.

2. We would have got there in time if you had phoned US.

3. I might have been able to help you if you had explained the problem to me.

4. They might have understood what she was saying if they had been listening carefully.

5. If you hadn't taken me to your friend's party, I wouldn't have met Hung.


Bài 4: Choose the best answer.

1. C

6. A

2. A

7. C

3. C

8. A

4. C

9. C

5. B

10. C


Bài 5: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, using a conditional sentence (type I, 11,111)

1. will have

6. would have had

2. looked

7. swim

3. had fed

8. press

4. would understand

9. had asked

5. would arrive

10. would call


Bài 6: Fill in each blank with one word from the box.

1. even

6. long

2. condition

7. provided

3. Had

8. Should

4. whether

9. unless

5. Supposing

10. case


Bài 7: Choose the correct answer in brackets.

1. didn't have

5. hadn't eaten

2. wouldn't have come

6. wouldn't be

3. would have

7. would be moving

4. were

8. 'd won


Bài 8: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. had worked

6. do

2. would have failed

7. had done

3. study

8. would have done

4. were

9. wouldn't hurt

5. hadn't worked

10. did


Bài 9: Write one word in each space in the following mixed conditional sentences. The word may be a negative contraction.

1. had

6. would

2. would

7. hadn't

3. hadn't

8. hadn't

4. wouldn't

9. could

5. hadn't

10. could


Bài 10: Choose the best answer.

1. B

7. C

2. B

8. D

3. D

9. B

4. B

10. C

5. C

11. A

6. C

12. C


Bài 11: Choose the correct answer.

1. D

7. D (mixed conditional: kết quả trái với thực tế quá khứ)

2. B

8. B

3. D (nếu không thì)

9. A

4. D (tương lai hoàn thành -by October)

10. C

5. C

11. C

6. B (mixed conditional)

12. A

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