unit 4 the mass media



Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. distributed          B. used                        C. emailed                   D. copied

2. A. invented             B. contributed             C. attributed                D. welcomed

3. A. coughed              B. developed               C. introduced              D. downloaded

4. A. wicked                B. reduced                  C. influenced               D. expressed

5. A. accessed             B. searched                 C. surfed                     D. recorded

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

6. A. tablet                  B. media                      C. social                      D. subscribe

7. A. newspaper          B. smartphone             C. access                     D. device

8. A. computer            B. technology              C. magazine                D. connection

9. A. networking         B. television                C. socialize                 D. communication

10. A. digital               B. entertain                 C. Internet                   D. cyberspace


Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

11. The mass media are ____ of communication, such as books, newspapers, recordings, radio, movies, television, mobile phones and the Internet.

A. models.                   B. means                     C. parts                        D. types

12. TV companies ____ their programmes across the country or even across the world.

A. broadcast                B. refresh                    C. connect                   D. publish

13. While a sports match has spectators and radio has listeners, television has ____.

A. audience                 B. witnesses                C. viewers                   D. commentators

14. I hate ____ newspapers; they're just full of gossip, scandal and lies!

A. online                     B. daily                       C. tabloid                    D. rubbish

15. There's a great ____ show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through a supermarket as quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go.

A. talk                         B. game                       C. quiz                         D. live

16. On some TV channels, a(n) ____ tells you what the next programme is going to be.

A. journalist                B. commentator                      C. announcer               D. producer

17. The ____ involves TV, radio and even electronic forms of communication such as the Internet.

A. media                     B. press                       C. network                  D. telecommunication

18. There's a(n) ____ in the paper about the Reality Television in Viet Nam.

A. feature                    B. article                     C. essay                       D. announcement

19. I always get the news from my local radio ____.

A. place                       B. site                          C. studio                     D. station

20. Johnny Depp rarely ____ invitations to do interviews.

A. agrees                     B. accepts                    C. denies                     D. approves

21. How many means of ____ do you use on a regular basis?

A. communication                   B. communicating                   C. communicator         D. communicative

22. New digital media forms are more personal and social as they allow people to connect each other and ____ their experiences.

A. personal                  B. persona                   C. personalize                         D. personify

23. Are you thinking of a career in ____?

A. journal                    B. journalism             C. journalist                            D. journalistic

24. You don't actually get a lot of ____ from a news report on radio or TV.

A. informed                 B. informations                       C. informative                         D. information

25. I joined an ____ online course taught by an experienced tutor.

A. interactive             B. active                      C. interaction                         D. interact

26. Students use the library's computers to get access ____ the Internet.

A. for                           B. to                            C. with                        D. by

27. Video and computer games have also developed into a ____ media form.

A. mess                       B. big                          C. mass                        D. global

28. It is not always easy to ____ the difference between fact and opinion.

A. make                       B. say                          C. do                           D. tell

29. In my ____, freedom of the press must be maintained.

A. mind                       B. sight                        C. view                        D. thought

30. Media mogul Ronald Morduck has ____ control of another tabloid.

A. made                       B. given                       C. found                      D. taken

31. The issue ____ question is more complex than you think.

A. in                            B. from                        C . on                          D. at

32. Watch ____ for words like "so-called” in articles as they express the writer's bias.

A. about                      B. out                          C. around                    D. over

33. Most people ____ the mass media as their main source of information.

A. rely on                    B. try on                      C. put on                     D. hold on

34. The pie chart shows the preferred forms of communication recorded in a survey ____ in Intel Secondary School in August 2014.

A. carried out             B. carried on               C. carried away                       D. carried up

35. Her latest bestseller ____ last month.

A. came out                 B. went out                  C. pulled out               D. broke out

36. I saw the interview while I was ____ through a magazine at the hairdresser's.

A. clicking                  B. picking                   C. flicking                   D. ticking

37. The tabloids completely ____ that story about Bruce Willis. It's not true at all.

A. stood out                B. filed in                    C. made up                  D. turned over

38. In the early 21st century, with the ____ of mobile communication technology, the mobile phone has emerged as a new and unique channel.

A. explosion                B. explosive                C. exploitation                        D. exploration

39. I'm amazed that the tabloids which are full of rubbish have such big ____.

A. headlines                B. articles                    C. supplements                       D. circulations

40. A(n) ____ sends reports from a particular part of the world or on a particular subject.

A. editor                      B. correspondent                     C. columnist                            D. proprietor

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

41. Each form of mass media has an important impact on society.

A. influence                B. pressure                  C. affection                             D. role

42. The programme invited viewers to write in with their ideas.

A. people who watch the programme                         B. people who sponsor the programme

C. people who produce the programme                      D. people who edit the programme

43. Journalists can make mistakes, so don't believe everything you read in the press.

A. publications                                                B. news bulletins

C. reference books                                          D. newspapers and magazines

44. Face-to-face socializing is not as preferred as virtual socializing among the youth.

A. Direct                     B. Facial                      C. Available                            D. Instant

45. She thinks that unfortunately they may not understand the benefits of online information.

A. advantages             B. points                      C. features                               D. amounts

Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

46. The library reduced the number of print newspapers and magazines that they used to

subscribe to.

A. increased                B. decreased                C. rose                         D. fell

47. Using social networks helps you keep in touch with friends and family any time.

A. put up with             B. keep track of                       C. lose touch with                   D. catch up with

48. They had the volume turned down, so I couldn't make out what they were talking about.

A. reduced the noise                                       B. increased the noise

C. limited the noise                                         D. controlled the noise

49. Teenagers can become addicted to social networking if they can't control they spend online.

A. dependent on          B. hooked on               C. indifferent to                      D. exhausted by

50. New electronic devices have been developed to cater to users' ever-changing needs.

A. changeable             B. unstable                  C. constant                              D. predictable


Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

51. Linda only ____ the film after she ____ the book.

A. understood – read                                                  B. understood - had read

C. had understood – read                                            D. understood - was reading

52. ____ you ever ____ on TV before you ____ in this reality show?

A. Had ... appeared - took part                                   B. Have ... appeared - took part

C. Did ... appear - had taken part                                D. Would ... appear - took part

53. I wasn't sure how Belinda would react because I ____ her long.

A. didn't know            B. wasn't knowing                  C. hadn't been knowing          D. hadn't known

54. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he ____.

A. was already left                                                      B. already left

C. had already been leaving                                        D. had already left

55. When we ____ to the airport, I realized that I ____ my passport at home.

A. got - had left           B. got - was left                      C. got - left                  D. had got - had left

56. He ____ the umbrella in his right hand trying to keep his balance.

A. hold                        B. held                         C. has been holding                            D. has held

57. When I met Walters about two years before his death he didn't seem satisfied. He ____ no major book since he settled in Uganda.

A. has published         B. could have published         C. published                D. had published

58. Throughout the campaign we ____ our candidate's photographs on the walls of public buildings, hoping to attract women's votes.

A. have been hanging             B. hanged                    C. hung                       D. have hung

59. Many of the people who attended Major Gordon's funeral ____ him for many years.

A. didn't see                B. wouldn't see                        C. haven't seen                        D. hadn't seen

60. Seeing Peter's handwriting on the envelope, she ____ the letter without reading it. She has not mentioned it ever since.

A. was tearing                         B. tore                         C. had torn                              D. has torn

61. We were both very excited about the visit, as we ____ each other for ages.

A. never saw               B. didn't see                C. hadn't seen                          D. haven't seen

62. What made you think he ____ in the Royal Air Force?

A. must have to be                  B. had been                 C. was being                           D. had had to be

63. Without turning my head in the direction of the gate I ____ a small object just under the fence.

A. spotted                   B. had spotted                                     C. have spotted                       D. was spotted

64. With just one exception, the report says, each of the trees that was cut down ____ very expensive treatment for periods of up to ten years.

A. had to be under                  B. was under               C. has undergone                    D. had undergone

65. They ____ married for two years or so when Roy enployed a very attractive Indian secretary in his Glasgow office.

A. only have been                   B. were only                C. have only been                   D. had only been

66. I know too little Dutch to have understood what they were talking about. What I ____ was that their boss would be there the next morning.

A. did understand                                                       B. didn't understand

C. have understood                                                     D. could have understood

67. The driver ____ violently and managed to stop the car just inches from the body lying on the road.

A. was braking                        B. has braked                          C. braked                    D. had braked

68. A columnist ____ in writing a newspaper or a magazine.

A. believes                  B. concentrates                       C. responds                             D. specializes

69. A lot of residents had to ____ from the unexpected hurricane last month.

A. protect                    B. recover                   C. suffer                                  D. save

70. The society tries to deal ____ young offenders ____ a variety of ways.

A. to - by                     B. about - to                C. with - in                              D. around - from

71. After some debate the Moors have agreed to exclude abstract art ____ their daughter's wedding list.

A. out of                      B. from                        C. off                          D. beyond

72. The aircraft, which originally headed ____ Heathrow, had to make an emergency landing at Orly.

A. for                           B. on                           C. at                             D. into

73. Her negligence resulted ____ the loss of a major contract ____ the company.

A. to - from                 B. for- over                 C. in – for                    D. into - about

74. The windows of the class were covered ____ so much dirt that we couldn't see ____ them.

A. in – about               B. with - through                     C. of – with                             D. up-across

75. ____ such an educated woman, she has very little common sense. Don't you agree ____ me?

A. Of - about               B. From - to                C. Through - upon                  D. For - with

76. She's longing ____ the day when they can move out ____ the city.

A. with-of                   B. for- of                     C. by – for                               D. for- from

77. You can never rely ____ Anna to provide you ____ information.

A. of - with                 B. for - to                    C. on - with                             D. on - by

78. I don't need a car; we live ____ easy reach of the shops.

A. upon                       B. within                     C. at                            D. towards

79. We couldn't figure ____ why the editor-in-chief had changed his mind about the article.

A. out                         B. up                           C. down                      D. through

80. In the hospital, the case was diagnosed as pneumonia. Before that, she had been treated ____ hay fever.

A. for                           B. on                           C. against                                D. from

Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

81. The red lights go on outside the studio door to let people know that you are in the air.

                                A                                                                  B                   C      D

82. The alarm was raised too late because when the emergency crew arrived, no less than 10,000 gallons of oil

                                  A                                                                              B              C

has gusted into the stream.


83. One of the sad moments of the cruise was saying goodbye to Mel, who had sailed with us since we had set

                                                                         A                                                   B                                        C

sail but whose health problems forced him to leave us at Lagos.


84. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise, he had found another way out.

                           A                                                      B                                        C             D

85. The lung cancer mortality rate rose six-fold in males when mass media started covering the health risks of

                                          A            B                                                                               C                 D


86. Although the first printed books appeared long before in China, the term “mass media" we use today       

            A                                                  B                           

was coined with the creation of printed media.

        C                                                 D

87. I had also seen most of the episodes, but I still like watching them in class with no subtitles when I was a

                                    A                            B            C                                               D


88. The crime rate in this city has increased from ten per cent last year to thirty per cent by the end of 2009   

                                                            A                                                   B

due to the influx of the gang element.

    C            D

89. The instructor advised the students what the procedures to follow in writing the term paper.

                                    A                           B                                 C                              D

90. Her father did not want her to make friends with Pete and Sally because they influenced on her badly, to his

                                                            A                                                   B                           C                          D



Exercise 8. Mark the letter A. B. Cor D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

91. A: What are you doing later?

      B: ____ There's a program on that I really want to watch.

A. I'm staying in tonight.                                            B. I'm going to the cinema with Tom.

C. I'll go out for a drink.                                             D. I'm going to go to bed early.

92. A: Is there anything worth watching on the telly tonight?

      B: ____

A. Yes, that's a good idea.                                                      B. No, it's all repeats again.

C. Yes, there's an action film shown at the cinema.               D. No, there's just an article on love stories.

93. A: I really don't like chat shows very much.

      B: ____

A. Yes, me too.           B. Yes, so do I.           C. No, nor do I.           D. I do, either.

94. A: Have you seen they've made Oliver Twist into a TV series?

      B: ____

A. Yes, there's a novel like that.                     B. Thanks, I'll see it.

C. No, I don't like watching reality TV.         D. Yes, it's on every Sunday for the next twelve weeks.

95. A: I want to record the MTV awards tonight. Could you set the video for me before we go out?

      B: ____

A. Yes, of course. Which channel is it on?                B. Yes, let's go to see it tonight.

C. No, I prefer live concerts.                                      D. No, I'm not into TV series.

96. A: Do you think the match will be on TV later?

      B: ____

A. I can't agree with you. It's so dull.

B. Yes, I'm a big fan of soap operas.

C. Yes, of course. It's being shown live on BBC1.

D. No, I don't mind watching it.

97. A: Thanks a lot for fixing the computer for me!

      B: ____

A. You will be welcome!                                B. It's my pleasure to help you!

C. Safe and sound!                                          D. You must say again!

98. A: Your new smartphone looks so nice!

      B: ____

A. I'm glad you like it.            B. Don't mention it.    C. It doesn't matter.    D. Don't worry about it.

99. A: Would you like to come with me to the newsagent's?

      B: ____

A. No, I wouldn't.                                           B. No, sorry. I don't like movies.

C. Yes, I'd love to.                                          D. I would like it.

100. A: Have you finished the presentation on mass media?

        B: ____

A. I'll go for it.            B. I'm on my last page.           C. It's going to end.                 D. It's very long.

101. A: How many hours a day do you spend on the net?

        B: ____

A. Er... Most of my day.         B. Twice a week.        C. As soon as possible.           D. So far, so good!

102. A: Do you find it interesting to go to the cinema on your own?

        B: ____

A. No, not at all.                      B. What a pity!                       C. Never mind.           D. You're welcome.

103. A: I think people nowadays prefer instant messaging and social networking to emails.

        B: ____

A. I don't like emails.              B. That's true!             C. I'd prefer text messaging.               D. That's OK!

104. A: Do you like e-books?

        B: ____

A. No, I prefer them printed.                                      B. They're expensive.

C. No, e-books are good.                                            D. I like them both.

105. A: What's your favourite TV programme?

        B: ____

A. Sports news.           B. It's time-consuming.           C. It's costly.               D. Daily newspapers.


Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Millions of people are using cellphones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cellphones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professional worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about. As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often.

106. The most suitable title for the passage could be ____.

A. Technological Innovations and Their Price

B. The Importance of Mobile Phones

C. Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time

D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

107. According to the passage, cellphones are especially popular with the youth because ____.

A. they keep the users in alert all the time

B. they are integral in daily communication

C. they are the only effective means of communication

D. they make them look more stylish

108. According to the passage, the changes possibly caused by the cellphones are mainly concerned with ____.

A. the smallest units of the brain                                B. the central unit of the brain

C. the structure of the brain                                        D. the long-term memory

109. The words negative publicity in paragraph 2 most likely means ____.

A. information on the lethal effects of cellphones

B. the negative public use of cellphones

C. widespread opinion about bad effects of cellphones

D. constructive ideas about the effects of cellphones

110. The word their in the last paragraph refers to ____.

A. mobile phone companies                B. mobile phones        C. high-tech machines             D. radiations

Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


Reality, television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humourous situations, documents actual events and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early year of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from games to quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no Tsukai), to surveillance - or voyeurism - focused production such as Big Brother.

Critics say that the term "reality television” is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coach to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.

Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description of several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like the Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality” to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama."

111. In the first line, the writer says “it is claimed” because ____.

A. he wants to distance himself from the statement

B. he totally disagrees with the statement

C. everybody except the writer agrees with the statement

D. he wants to emphasize that it is his own claim

112. The word demeaning in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. valueless                 B. humiliating                         C. despising                D. diminishing

113. According to the passage, Reality TV appeals to some because ____.

A. it uses exotic locations

B. it shows eligible men dating women

C. it can turn ordinary people into celebrities

D. it shows average people in exceptional circumstances

114. According to the passage, the program “Pop Idol” ____.

A. is more likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother

B. turns all participants into celebrities

C. is a dating show

D. is less likely to turn participants into celebrities than Big Brother

115. Producers choose the participants ____.

A. to make an imaginary world                                  B. on the ground of talent

C. to create conflict among other things                     D. only for special-living-environment shows

116. The term “reality television” is inaccurate ____.

A. for talent and performance programs                     B. for special-living-environment program

C. for all programs                                                      D. for Big Brother and Survivor

117. The word fabricated in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. real                         B. imaginative                         C . imaginary                          D. isolated

118. Which of the following in NOT true according to the passage?

A. Shows like Survivor have good narratives.

B. Mark Burnett thinks the term "reality television” is inaccurate.

C. Reality television has been popular since well before 2000.

D. Japan has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere.

Exercise 11. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


There can be no doubt (119) ____ that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly (120) ____ doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are (121) ____ to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time (122) ____ their computers?

Obviously, if children are bent over their computers for hours, (123) ____ in some game, instead of doing their homework, then soothing is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should (124) ____ of the Internet, and the child should give his or her (125) ____ that it won't interfere with homework. If the child is not (126) ____ to this arrangement, the parents can take more drastic steps. (127) ____ with a child's use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behavior.

Any parent who is seriously alarmed about a child's behavior should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not (128) ____ affect a child's performance at school. Even if a child is (129) ____ crazy about using the Internet, he or she is probably just (130) ____ through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!

119. A. at least            B. at all                        C. at length                  D. at most

120. A. ever                B. rarely                      C. never                       D. always

121. A. reluctant         B. concerned               C. curious                    D. hopeful

122. A. watching         B. glancing at              C. glimpsing at            D. staring at

123. A. puzzled           B. absorbed                 C. interested                D. occupied

124. A. cause              B. take                         C. make                       D. create

125. A. word               B. promise                   C. vow                        D. claim

126. A. holding           B. seeing                     C. following                D. accepting

127. A. Agreeing        B. Dealing                   C. Talking                   D. Complaining

128. A. possibly          B. unlikely                   C. probably                 D. necessarily

129. A. absolutely       B. more                       C. enough                    D. a lot

130. A. going             B. experiencing           C. travelling                D. walking


Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

131. Stephanie was the last person to hand in the essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social networks.

A. The last thing Stephanie handed in was her essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social networks.

B. Everyone had submitted the essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social networks before Stephanie did.

C. Among the last people who submitted the essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social networks was Stephanie.

D. Everyone had heard about the essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social networks before Stephanie did.

132. My eldest sister started working as a freelance journalist as soon as she graduated from university.

A. No sooner had my eldest sister started working as a freelance journalist than she graduated from university.

B. Hardly had my eldest started working as a freelance journalist when she graduated from university.

C. No sooner had my eldest sister graduated from university than she started working as a freelance journalist.

D. After my eldest sister graduated from university, she had started working as a freelance journalist.

133. Nancy failed to understand what the story was about until she saw the film based on it.

A. Nancy doesn't understand what the story is about.

B. Not until she saw the film based on it did Nancy understand what the story was about.

C. It was until she saw the film based on it that Nancy understood what the story was about.

D. Nancy went to see the film before she read the story.

134. He was so addicted to social networks that he quitted all other outdoor activities.

A. He was not addicted enough to quit all other outdoor activities.

B. He was such an addict to social networks that he quitted all other outdoor activities.

C. The social networks are too addictive for him to quit all other outdoor activities.

D. He had quitted all other outdoor activities before he became addicted to social networks.

135. As long as you stay calm, you have nothing to fear from the talk show.

A. You have remained calm for a long time in spite of your fear of the talk show.

B. Talk shows are only intimidating for people who are not extremely calm.

C. Provided you do not get nervous, the talk show won't go badly for you.

D. Even if you are afraid of the talk show, it is important not to express it.

136. Had she read the reference books, she would have been able to finish the test.

A. If she had read the reference books, she could finish the test.

B. Not having read the reference books, she couldn't finish the test.

C. Although she didn't read the reference books, she was able to finish the test.

D. Because she read the reference books, she was able to finish the test.

137. “Jim, why don't you open a new account on Facebook or Twitter?” said Jane.

A. Jane suggested Jim opened a new account on Facebook or Twitter.

B. Jane suggested Jim opens a new account on Facebook or Twitter.

C. Jane suggested Jim should open a new account on Facebook or Twitter.

D. Jane suggested Jim to open a new account on Facebook or Twitter.

138. This music concert wouldn't have been possible without your sponsorship.

A. If you didn't sponsor, this music concert wouldn't have been possible.

B. Your sponsorship made it possible for this music concert to take place.

C. If it had been for your sponsorship, this music concert wouldn't have been possible.

D. It's possible that your sponsorship made this music concert impossible.

139. The New York Times reports that Brad was awarded the first prize.

A. It's reported that Brad wins the first prize.

B. It's reported that Brad to be awarded the first prize.

C. Brad is reported to have been awarded the first prize.

D. The first prize is reported to award to Brad.

140. If I had known about their wedding plan earlier, I would have been able to make time to attend the reception party.

A. I knew their wedding would be planned earlier so I made some time to attend the reception party.

B. I wish I had known their wedding plan sooner so that I could arrange time to attend the reception party.

C. I don't know their wedding plan earlier so I can't make time to attend the reception party.

D. When I knew their wedding party, it was too late to attend the reception party.

141. The horror film didn't come up to our expectations.

A. The horror film fell short of our expectations.

B. We expected the horror film to end more abruptly.

C. We expected the horror film to be more boring.

D. The horror film was as good as we expected.

142. No sooner had I turned on my new PC than there was a strange noise.

A. As soon as there was a strange noise, I turned on my new PC.

B. Scarcely had I turned on my new PC when there was a strange noise.

C. Hardly I had turned on my new PC, there was a strange noise.

D. I had hardly turned on my new PC than there was a strange noise.

143. By the time Pete telephoned me, I had already finished updating my social networking profile.

A. Pete telephoned me while I was updating my social networking profile.

B. Pete telephoned me after I had already finished updating my social networking profile.

C. Hardly I had finished updating my social networking profile when Pete telephoned me.

D. When Pete telephoned me, I finished updating my social networking profile.

144. It was the first time she had ever seen such a moving documentary,

A. She had never seen a moving documentary before.

B. She had seen such a moving documentary for a long time.

C. She had never seen a more moving documentary than this before.

D. The first time she saw such a moving documentary was a long time ago

145. I was not in the mood for taking part in a chatting forum.

A. I didn't want to join in a chatting forum.

B. I was not in a good mood then to chat to you.

C. Having a serious conversation made me moody.

D. I was in a bad mood because of taking part in a chatting forum.
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