unit 3 music getting started

Unit 3. MUSIC


Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. banned               B. cleared                    C. kissed                     D. raised

2. A. recognised          B. stringed                  C. conquered               D. watched

3. A. liked                   B. backed                    C. encouraged             D. reversed

4. A. enjoyed              B. finished                  C. suffered                  D. agreed

5. A. performed          B. released                  C. received                  D. adored

6. A. artists                  B. singers                    C. listeners                  D. drums

7. A. poets                   B. flutes                      C. organs                     D. instruments

8. A. melodies             B. festivals                  C. guitars                     D. contests

9. A. clips                    B. recordings               C. views                      D. manners

10. A. writers              B. laughs                     C. loves                       D. awards


Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

11. We’re best friends as we have a ____ interest in music.

            A. passion                   B. passionately            C. passionless              D. passionate

12. My teacher assigned us a writing task about ____ of our favorite singers.

            A. biology                   B. biography               C. biodiversity            D. biochemist

13. We find out that beat box has ____ very popular recently.

            A. came                       B. turned                     C. become                   D. became

14. Lina, the ____ album of the new music band in our city, will be uploaded on the website next week. I’m looking forward to listening to it.

            A. debut                      B. only                        C. best-selling             D. individual

15. The ____ cheered loudly when the singers came out on the stage.

            A. audience                 B. spectator                 C. public                      D. watcher

16. Our performance was ____ to be the best one in this competition last night.

            A. cheered                   B. appeared                 C. judged                    D. seen

17. The local celebrities joined hands to ____ a fund-raising campaign for charity.

            A. solve                       B. conserve                 C. come up                  D. launch

18. He practically ____ a comic style called stand-up comedy in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience.

            A. realised                   B. invented                 C. distributed              D. thought

19. No longer did Pokémon Go become the widespread ____ in Viet Nam.

            A. effect                      B. phenomenon           C. invention                D. news

20. That the young talented pianist won the Pulitzer Prizes has attracted ____ attention.

            A. worldwide              B. scientific                 C. undue                     D. careful

21. I like the cover ____ of these songs more than the originals.

            A. songs                      B. lyrics                       C. rhythm                    D. versions

22. Vietnamese ____ music is extremely diverse, including Quan Ho, Dan Ca, Ca Tru, Chau Van and others.

            A. country                   B. folk                         C. traditional               D. gospel

23. After many weeks, his solo album ____ a profound influence on the youth all over the country.

            A. remains                   B. maintains                C. becomes                  D. persuades

24. They had a global ____ hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”.

            A. top                          B. song                        C. smash                      D. popular

25. I passionately love the show “Familiar Faces” and this is the 4th ____ I’ve seen.

            A. show                       B. chapter                    C. season                     D. episode

26. The “Marching song” was adopted as the national ____ of Viet Nam in 1945.

            A. anthem                   B. song                        C. flag                         D. identity

27. Chopin was considered to be one of the greatest Romantic piano ____ of the 19th century.

            A. singers                    B. writers                    C. composers               D. poets

28. This concert marks nine years since the death of Trinh Cong Son, a prominent ____ of modern Vietnamese music.

            A. comedian                B. actor                       C. contributor              D. figure

29. Our band needs to ____ our nerves to perform in this music competition.

            A. control                    B. conquer                   C. calm                        D. lose

30. The best singer ____ went to Alan Walker for “Faded”.

            A. rank                                    B. prize                        C. reward                    D. award

Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

31. Becoming a super star performing on stage was my burning desire when I was a teenager.

            A. well-known painter            B. famous singer         C. good writer             D. famous composer

32. We were surprised to know that over 150000 fans packed into the stadium to support Vietnamese football team.

            A. people                     B. admirers                  C. visitors                    D. watchers

33. But for your support, our band couldn’t have won the Grand Music competition.

            A. show                       B. quiz                         C. contest                    D. tour

34. If you want to become a well-known singer, you need to have a unique selling point, a way to differentiate yourself from the crowd.

            A. genius                     B. infamous                 C. renowned               D. new

35. He’s planning to release his new solo single album about New Year.

            A. put out                    B. set free                    C. imprison                  D. come out

36. This game show has attracted many participants since it was aired in 2015.

            A. breathed                 B. impacted                 C. introduced              D. broadcasted

37. In the last quarter of this year, our entertainment company had a big success in signing a lot of contracts with celebrities.

            A. bargains                  B. agreements             C. arrangements          D. profits

38. “Cindy”, which originated in North California, is a popular American folk song.

            A. came from              B. finished                  C. made                       D. recognized

39. Mozart was a child prodigy that he composed music at the age of four.

            A. dunce                     B. brain                       C. genius                     D. intelligence

40. We’re seeking for the talented musician to join our entertainment company.

            A. good                       B. famous                    C. great                       D. gifted

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

41. It’s incredible that his new song leads the Billboard hot 100 chart only in 3 days.

            A. beyond belief         B. believable               C. implausible             D. unbelievable

42. She was given a prize for her achievement in classical and traditional music.

            A. success                   B. feat                         C. failure                     D. accomplishment

43. To have chance to enter the final round, you have to eliminate lots of competitors.

            A. retain                      B. remove                    C. restrict                    D. reject

44. It is undeniable that instrument innovations hit the right note in 2013 with the 3D-printed guitar, the AT-200 guitar, the seaboard grand and the wheel harp.

            A. growth                    B. modernnisation       C. revolution               D. stagnation

45. Hector Berlioz was one of the most prominent composers of the Romantic period.

            A. classical                  B. unknown                C. prolific                    D. modern

46. After a very short time, this kind of music becomes wildly popular among the youth.

            A. appealing                B. attractive                C. unknown                D. common

47. Luu Huu Phuoc is extremely well-known for his patriotic wartime songs.

            A. fight time                B. peacetime               C. battle time               D. tranquil time

48. The new star always appears with a lovely affected smile on her lips, but no one realizes it.

            A. natural                    B. artificial                  C. dishonest                D. charming

49. We absolutely adore his music because of sweet melodies and meaningful lyrics.

            A. favour                     B. hate                         C. love                         D. prefer

50. She finds herself more confident after standing on stage many times.

            A. independent           B. assured                   C. brave                       D. fearful


Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

51. Tom said that he could ­­­____ me with this assignment.

            A. helped                    B. helping                    C. to help                     D. help

52. John made me ____ a lot with his hilarious jokes.

            A. laughing                 B. to laugh                   C. laugh                       D. laughed

53. I’d like ____ all of you to enjoy my party on this Friday.

            A. to invite                  B. inviting                   C. invite                      D. not invite

54. We expect Linh ____ to the airport late as the plane will take off in 15 minutes.

            A. to come                   B. not to come             C. not coming              D. coming

55. I’m happy ____ that you’ve passed your driving test. Congratulations!

            A. not hearing             B. hear                         C. hearing                    D. to hear

56. My mother said that she would rather ____ to Hoi An than Nha Trang.

            A. to travel                  B. travelling                C. not to travel                        D. travel

57. I allow my little daughter ____ with her friends in the flower garden.

            A. not to play              B. to play                     C. playing                    D. play

58. You’d better ____ out with your friends as it is very dangerous in the evening.

            A. went                       B. go                           C. going                      D. to go

59. My parents let my sister ____ camping with her friends in the mountain.

            A. not go                     B. going                      C. go                           D. to go

60. We intend ____ him the truth for fear that he’ll fly into a fit of madness.

            A. to tell                      B. telling                     C. not tell                    D. not to tell

61. My family really loves Japanese food, ____ we order it twice a week.

            A. yet                          B. so                            C. but                          D. nor

62. These games are challenging, ____ it’s not easy to spend little time playing them.

            A. so                            B. and                         C. for                           D. or

63. Smoking is extremely detrimental to health, ____ many people continue to smoke anyway.

            A. nor                          B. so                            C. yet                          D. then

64. We were lost in the forest, ____ luckily my friend had a map in his backpack.

            A. and                         B. so                            C. for                           D. but

65. Would you like a cup of milk tea ____ a cup of hot chocolate after dinner?

            A. and                         B. or                            C. yet                          D. so

66. Minh had his teeth decayed, ____ he refused to see the dentist.

            A. and                         B. so                            C. or                            D. but

67. Anna thinks she ought to go to the university, ____ she wants to get qualifications for her dream job.

            A. and                         B. yet                          C. for                           D. so

68. He invested a lot of money in this business, ____ it went bankrupt in a very short time.

            A. but                          B. and                         C. for                           D. nor

69. The students didn’t revise for their exams, ____ did they realise how important the exams were.

            A. nor                          B. but                          C. so                            D. for

70. Peter wonders he should stay home and watch TV, ____ he should go out and have dinner with his friends.

            A. so                            B. or                            C. and                          D. nor

Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

71. Sue plans study abroad next year according to her parents advice.

                A       B                                       C                                 D

72. Don't forget calling me as soon as you arrive here.

         A        B                                            D

73. Lan should seriously consider to become a singer. She’s a great talent.

                 A                                        B                                 C            D

74. The teacher doesn’t let her students not use their mobile phones in class.

       A                          B                             C                                     D

75. We hope having a chance to study together at the same university in the future.

                        A                          B                     C    D

76. This story with tragic ending made me crying.

                         A                 B         C             D

77. After a two-hour discussion, we decided to expanding the car market in America.

                        A                                    B             C                            D

78. Everyone in this company would like to promoted to a higher position.

            A                                        B         C       D

79. You’d better spend too much money on shopping or you won’t have any left.

                              A                                 B                               C                      D

80. I used to learn fixing electrical devices around my house when I was at high school.

             A                 B                                                                 C              D

81. The doctors looked at the test result, but they decided to operate on the patient.

                                                                   A              B            C         D

82. Hoa flew to Paris to visit her grandma, so to see Eiffel Tower.

                  A                 B                               D

83. Lan studied hard for the final test, but she passed with flying colours.

                            A                                B            C       D

84. She’s counting her calories, so she really wants to eat dessert after meals

                        A                         B                               C         D

85. There was no food in the fridge, nor they didn’t have money to go to the market.

                        A         B                                C                                 D

86. Dogs are loyal pets, for they will never make you feeling betrayed.

         A                            B                             C               D

87. We went to the Korean restaurant, so we found out it was closed early.

                A                                           B            C                       D

88. Don’t forget your passport, and you’ll have trouble checking in.

         A         B                              C                                        D

89. We also have to do our assignment, and we’ll be punished.

              A             B                                 C            D

90. John picked me up at my house, but we went out for a walk.

                        A           B                   C                        D


Exercise 7. Mark the letter A. B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.

91. When will the conference finish?” - “____”

A. No, it won't.                                   B. Maybe 10:00 a.m.

C. It finished at 9:30 a.m.                   D. Yes, it’s very interesting.

92. “What was your major at university?” - “ ____”

A. Economics.                                     B. University of Cambridge.

C. It’s up to my decision.                    D. I'll choose Physics.

93. “Pardon me, where can I find the restroom?” - “____”

A. I want to find the restroom.            B. Here you are.

C. It has only one.                               D. One flight up, to the left of the shoe department.

94. “Excuse me, I would like to book two double rooms.” - “____”

A. You need to fill out this application form.

B. Thank you for booking.

C. Sorry, we only have one double room left.

D. The rooms have been cleaned already.

95. “Thank you for your birthday gift, I really like it.” - “____”

A. I’m happy you like it.                    B. Of course, it's valuable.

C. Not at all.                                        D. It’s nice of you.

96. “My print machine's run out of paper.’ - “____”

A. You used too much.

B. Wait a minute.

C. I’ll give you a bottle of ink.

D. I’ll go and get some from the office supply store.

97. “Why don’t you go shopping with me this Sunday?” – “____”

A. OK. I’ll call you soon.                   B. It's none of your business.

C. Sorry, I have to work overtime.     D. Not bad.

98. "You've already finished the project, havent you?” – “____”

A. Yes, this projeet is mine.                B. Sorry, but I need more time.

C. I'll arrive here in 5 minutes.           D. We've been given a new project.

99. "What a lovely cat you have!” – “____”

A. That's a nice cat.                            B. Thanks. My mom gave it to me last week.

C. Thanks, it's my pet.                        D. It’s very naughty.

100. "How frequently do you go to the supermarket?” – “____”                 

A. At least once a week.                     B. Yes, it's important to do it every day.

C. I want to buy some fruits.              D. It takes me 5 minutes.

101. "What are you arguing about?” – “____”

A. Nothing.                                         B. Well, I think she’s right.

C. That doesn't matter.                        D. Yes, we are.

102. "Hi, you look happy. What's going on?” – “____”                  

A. Well, I loved running.                    B. I have passed the exam.

C. Take yourself at home.                   D. Oh yes, I enjoyed it very much.

103. “How have you been?” – “____”

A. Take care. Bye bye.                       B. Well, talk to you later.

C. Nice talking to you.                        D. Pretty good. Thanks.

104. "Would you mind turning down the TV please?” – “____”

A. Sure. Here you are.                        B. Sorry. I didnt know I was disturbing you.

C. What! You must be kidding!         D. No, I don’t like it very mueh.

105. "Do you like playing football?” – “____”

A. That's interesting.                           B. He’s OK.

C. Yes, I love it.                                  D. Yes, I’d love to.


Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Rock began in the USA in the early 1950s. At that time 'rhythm and blues’ music was very (106) ____ with black Americans. R&B’ was a mixture (107) _____ black religious music and jazz. It had strong rhythms that you could dance to and simple, fast music.

(108) ____ the success of R&B music, white musicians started to copy the same style. By the mid 1950s, (109) _____ new while R&B music, called 'rock ‘n’ roll’ had become very popular. Singers like Elvis Presley and Bill Haley (110) ____ millions of teenage fans. Their music was fast and loud. Many older people thought that rock ‘n’ roll was very (111) ____.

By the early 1960s, even rock ‘n’ roll had become old-fashioned. Many of the songs had begun to sound the (112) ____. It was at that time that a new eroup from England became popular: The Beatles.

The Beatles first started (113 ) ____  singing American style songs, but they soon developed their own style, with more (114) ____ melodies. They also introduced different instruments, (115) ____ as the Indian sitar. Groups like The Beatles had a very important influence (116) ____ the style of popular music. By the (117) ____ 1970s, rock n’ roll had developed into a new form of music. Electronics had (118) ____ the amplified guitars and drums of rock ‘n’ roll. Rock had arrived.

106. A. accepted                     B. popular                   C. common                  D. famous

107. A. to                                B. with                        C. of                            D. by

108. A. Noticing                     B. Detecting                C. Warning                  D. Perceiving

109. A. those                           B. its                            C. their                                    D. this

110. A. attached                     B. attacked                  C. attracted                 D. attained

111. A. dangerous                   B. endangered             C. dangerously            D. in danger

112. A. equal                           B. same                       C. corresponding         D. twin

113. A. to                                B. at                            C. with                        D. by

114. A. complicated                B. complicate              C. complicating           D. complication

115. A. same                           B. such                        C. like                          D. so

116. A. in                                B. for                           C. to                            D. on

117. A. early                           B. opening                   C. first                         D. advance

118. A. switched                     B. returned                  C. replaced                  D. changed

Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s was the only-surviving son of Leopold and Maria Pertl Mozart. Leopold was a successful composer, violinist, and assistant concert master at the Salzburg court. Wolfgang's mother, a constantly ill housewife, was born to a middle class family of local community leaders. His only sister was Maria Anna. With their father’s encouragement and guidance, they both were introduced to music at an early age. Leopold started Anna on keyboard when she was seven, as three-year old Wolfgang looked on.           Mimicking her playing, Wolfgang quickly began to show a strong understanding of chords, tonality, and tempo. Soon, he too was being tutored by his father.

Leopold was a devoted and task-oriented teacher to both his children. He made the lessons fun, but also insisted on a strong work ethic and perfection. Fortunately, both children excelled well in these areas. Recognising their special talents, Leopold devoted much of his time to their education in music as well as other subjects. Wolfgang soon showed signs of excelling beyond his father's teachings with an early composition at age five and demonstrating outstanding ability on harpsichord and the violin. He would soon go on to play the piano, organ and viola.

119. Which of the following is true about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

A. He was the only child in his family.

B. His father played many roles in music community in Salzburg.

C. He started to expose himself to music at the age of seven.

D. His mother was a local community leader.

120. W hen looking Anna playing piano, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ____.          

A. composed music                             B. imitated her

C. introduced music to her                  D. played violin

121. The word “devoted" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.

A. inconstant               B. strict                       C. committed                          D. only

122. Mozart’s father ____.

A. created lessons which were not fun                       B. required only perfection

C. did not ask for work morality                                 D. was his early tutor

123. The word “outstanding" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.

A. ordinary                  B. normal                    C. average                               D. impressive

Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

In the 1960s, it took pop and rock groups one or two days to record other their songs. Nowadays, it can take months and months. Many rock groups begin by recording only one instrument, for example, the voice. Then they record other instruments – electric piano, synthesiser, guitars, drums and so on.

Next, they might use a computer to add special effects. Finally, they ‘mix’ all the instruments until they get the sound that they want. This means that a CD or cassette will always sound very different from a live concert.

Music engineers have developed a new eomputer programme that will change the future of music. A computer can analyse a singer's voice. Then if you give the computer the lyrics and music of a song, the computer can 'sing' it in that voice. This means that a singer only needs to record one song and the computer can then sing other songs in the singer's own voice. Singers can sing new songs many years after they have died.

Most of us listen to music for pleasure, but for the record companies, music is a product, the same as soap powder. When a record company finds a new group (or 'band'), they first try to develop the band's 'profile'. They will try to create an 'image' for the band that they think will attract young people. Instead of allowing the band’s full artistic freedom, they will often tell the band what they should wear, what they should say and how they should sing and play.

In recent year, many rock groups have started their own record companies because they say that the big companies are too commercial.

124. Today, to record songs, it takes ____.

A. longer than it used to do                B. shorter than it used to do

C. only one or two days                      D. the same amount of time as the 1960s

125. Today’s record procedure results in ____.

A. different sounds of recorded songs and Iivc-performed songs

B. the mixture between CDs and live concert

C. some special effects on songs

D. differences in voices and instruments played

126. Which of the following is NOT true about the new computer programme?

A. It is predicted to change the music future.

B. It can imitate singers' voices.

C. It can sing only one recorded song of the singer.

D. The singer does not necessarily present to really sing.

127. The word "it" in the passage refers to ____.

            A. music                      B. a lyric                      C. a singer                   D. a song

128. Record companies don't always ____.

A. suggest the outfits of the band                   B. tell the band what to say

C. give the band freedom to do things            D. decide the songs the band will play

129. The word "that in the passage refers to ____.

A. soap powder           B. an image                 C. the band                  D. a eompany

130. The word "commercial in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.

A. famous                   B. popular                   C. useful                      D. money-oriented


Exercise 11. Mark the letter A, B. C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

131. There has never been a more successful entertainment programme than Pop Idol.

A. Pop Idol is the most successful entertainment programme ever.

B. Pop Idol can be a more successful entertainment programme.

C. Pop Idol is one of the most successful entertainment programmes.

D. Pop Idol had never been more successful than it is now.

132.     He couldn't stand being eliminated from the contest.

A. Because he stood, he was eliminated from the contest.

B. He was eliminated from the contest because he was unable to stand.

C. He was unable to accept the failure in the contest.

D. He didn't believe that he was thrown out from the contest.

133. A lot of people came to the concert in spite of the rain.

A. Because it rained, a lot of people came to the concert.

B. Even though it rained, a lot of people came to the concert.

C. It rained and then a lot of people came to the concert.

D. While being in the concert, it suddenly started to rain.

134. Settling in Paris, he then took up piano as the first instrument ever learnt.

A. Before moving to Paris, he took up piano as the first instrument ever learnt.

B. Living in Paris encouraged him to take up piano as the first instrument ever learnt.

C. He had never learnt any instrument before although he lived in Paris.

D. Piano was the first instrument he learnt after moving to Paris.

135. “Why don’t you go to the cinema with me?” asked Jonnie.

A. Jonnie required me to go to the cinema with him.

B. Jonnie urged me to go to the cinema with him.

C. Jonnie was worried about me going to the cinema with him.

D. Jonnie suggested me going to the cinema with him.

Exercise 12.  Mark the letter A, B. C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

136. I was so busy. I couldn't come to her birthday party.

A. I came to her birthday party so I was too busy.

B. I was too busy to come to her birthday party.

C . I was busy enough to come to her birthday party.

D. Her birthday party made me really busy.

137. She intended to study music in New Jersey. Accidentally she left and studied music in New York.

A. She left her hometown in New Jersey in order to study music in New York.

B. After studying music in New Jersey, she studied music in New York.

C. She left New Jersey with the intention to study music in New’ York.

D. She was going to study music in New Jersey but then studied in New York.

138. He died in I960. He received the bravery award in 1970.

A. After his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.

B. Because he died in I960, he received the bravery award in 1970.

C. He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970.

D. Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.

139. His mother wanted him to be a doctor. He wanted to become a music composer.

A. His mother wanted him to be a doctor because he wanted to become a music composer.

B. His mother wanted him to be a doctor so he wanted to become a music composer.

C. His mother wanted him to be a doctor but he wanted to become a music composer.

D. If his mother wanted him to be a doctor, he wanted to become a music composer.

140. He sang very badly. Everyone left the room.

A. Everyone left the room so he sang badly.

B. He sang very badly so everyone left the room.

C. He sang badly as a result of everyone leaving the room.

           D. He sang so badly but everyone left the room.
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